Friday, June 6, 2014

Taliban Fighters: Photoscape
The self-imposed regime  of the “Peace Prize laureate”  has single-handedly  pushed policies that it knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, would result in deadly weapons getting into the hands of some of the most virulent  extremists on earth. It's odd, isn't it? In order to overthrow a “repressive” regime in Syria, the “Nobel Prize Weenie—er, Winner” allies himself in clandestine gun-running and the fomenting of sectarian violence with an autocratic theocracy, the Saudis, whose repression makes Assad's Syria look like  a toga party. And while telling us that al Qaeda is such a deadly foe to all human values that our fight against it requires us to give up our own freedoms, violate our constitution, institute death squads, set up all-pervasive surveillance, and wage overt and covert wars all over the earth -- the same “Laureate” is ensuring that groups openly allied with al Qaeda are being crammed full of weapons all across the Middle East and Africa. 
Demonstration against ASSad regime in Kafranbe...
Demonstration against ASSad regime in Kafranbel, Idlib - Feb 1, 2013 (Photo credit: FreedomHouse)

As if that wasn’t enough, there is strong evidence indicating that the Turkish government worked with Syrian rebels in a "false flag" operation of the worst sort: staging the chemical weapons attack near Damascus in August 2013.  According to Sy Hersh, in an article in the “London Review of Books”: The intent was to throw blame for the attack on the Assad regime, thereby drawing the United States directly into the conflict; the use of chemical weapons against the rebels was a "red line" repeatedly laid down by Barack Obama as the trigger for an American intervention. It’s very possible, if not probable that Mr. Nobel-Peace-Prize heister, Obama, knew all about it; in the aftermath of the 21 August attack, Obama ordered the Pentagon to draw up targets for bombing. Early in the process, a former intelligence official said, ‘the White House rejected 35 target sets provided by the joint chiefs of staff as being insufficiently “painful” to the Assad regime.’
Wonder How Many They Would Fit Into a Volkswagen?

White House Demands: ‘More Civilian Targets”
The original targets included only military sites and nothing by way of civilian infrastructure.[author’s emphasis] Under White House pressure, the US attack plan evolved into ‘a monster strike’: two wings of B-52 bombers were shifted to airbases close to Syria, and navy submarines and ships equipped with Tomahawk missiles were deployed.
‘Every day the target list was getting longer,’ the former intelligence official told me. ‘The Pentagon planners said we can’t use only Tomahawks to strike at Syria’s missile sites because their warheads are buried too far below ground, so the two B-52 air wings with two-thousand pound bombs were assigned to the mission. Then we’ll need standby search-and-rescue teams to recover downed pilots and drones for target selection. It became huge.’
We know the outcome to this one; Even as France and Britain kept piling up the WMDs and ‘BS’ to equal heights of lethal insanity, even as they racked themselves and their hysterical benumbed whore press into a lather of battle-lust, the intelligence, never quite up to snuff at best, despite its multi-billion-dollar a year price tag, was unraveling at the seams. It soon became apparent that Assad attacking his own people from his position of strength in the ‘’war’ at that time made absolutely no sense; besides, how many neutral authorities had proclaimed the gas did NOT come from Assad’s armory? And how many were the Regime-Of-The-Berserkers trying desperately to discredit and ignore??
Al Nusra Arrested with Sarin in Turkey
[‘Last May, more than ten members of the al-Nusra Front were arrested in southern Turkey with what local police told the press were two kilograms of sarin. In a 130-page indictment the group was accused of attempting to purchase fuses, piping for the construction of mortars, and chemical precursors for sarin. Five of those arrested were freed after a brief detention. The others, including the ringleader, Haytham Qassab, for whom the prosecutor requested a prison sentence of 25 years, were released pending trial. In the meantime the Turkish press has been rife with speculation that the Erdoğan administration has been covering up the extent of its involvement with the rebels. In a news conference last summer, Aydin Sezgin, Turkey’s ambassador to Moscow, dismissed the arrests and claimed to reporters that the recovered ‘sarin’ was merely ‘anti-freeze’ ‘ Seymour Hersh, “The Red Line and the Rat Line” ]

The Great War Against the Evil And Horrible Brutal Dictator of Good People!” 
Fizzled embarrassingly to a standstill, and prompted yet another of The Barry’s” famous stamping, shrieking blue-faced tantrums, reportedly. It left even his staunchest defenders questioning his sanity, or at least his toilet-training.
·        It is the “World According to Barry”, the alternate reality that has been specifically created to ‘fool’ the dumb masses such as ourselves, who cannot possible discern the brilliant scheming of the “Barrium’s” lightning-fast logic and infallible reasoning’s and—“They did?  They knew it was all a set-up from the start? Uhhhh….I just saw it on TV, guys. I didn’t know a thing about it. She did it, really….”

Obama Administration Attempts to Re-ignite the ‘Cold War’

Bill Blum in an ‘Anti-Empire Report”, pointedly noted the astonishing lies and historical misrepresentations Obama made in his recent European trip to re-ignite the Cold War. It was a jaw-dropping performance, as the “Peace Laureate” defended the blatantly illegal war of aggression against Iraq, and the war crimes in Serbia of his Democratic predecessor, Bill Clinton.

·         It was Clinton, you remember, who, before launching that “splendid little war”,  rejected a Serbian peace offer that would have given him everything he demanded to "protect" Kosovo -- save for a free pass for a complete military occupation of Serbia. Clinton then proceeded to pulverize Serbia's civilian infrastructure in a vicious bombing campaign that ended with an agreement which... gave Clinton everything he asked for except, er, a free pass for a complete military occupation of Serbia. In other words, Clinton took the original offer -- but only after killing hundreds of innocent people, just to show everybody's “ who's boss”
He slaughtered hundreds of innocent people and devastated their cities and towns, in what amounted to a dick-swinging contest???  It isn’t at all surprising, considering Billy’s ravenous appetite for conquering females, willing or not. That is always a major sign of serious inadequacies in the psyche, and in the psack.( “Excuse me Mr. President—your neurosis is showing.  “ That’d make a heck of a protest sign, now wouldn’t it? Just fill in your favorite ‘brick shit-house Doc’  diagnosis, as my dear ol’ Dad used to say.)

March to support bashar al assad
March to support bashar al assad (Photo credit: Beshroffline)

Here again we see the reality of the "progressive," "liberal," "centrist," "moderate" (or whatever) side of the American imperium: behind their lofty words, their evocations of the "common good," of justice, freedom, and human rights, there is the same murderous, pointless quest for dominance, the noble, good and righteous merely buzz-words and platitudes in their repertoire of empty rhetoric, propaganda and double-speak to dull and pacify the masses as a sop to the ones still capable of knowing right from wrong, having somehow escaped from the relentless bombardment upon the stalwart bedrocks of society that it has been industriously and underhandedly launching broadsides upon in as numerous and nefarious manners as they can possibly maneuver.
Repealing the Magna Carta
Only three days after the 9/11 attacks, the joint House-Senate resolution of Sept. 14, 2001 – approved by a combined vote of 518-1 – gave President George W. Bush the most sweeping powers ever granted an American leader. Bush was authorized to use "all necessary and appropriate force" against any organization or individual that he alone declared was somehow connected to the September 11 attacks. His arbitrary will would be the sole deciding factor. The timorous resolution was, in effect, a repeal of the Magna Carta: the nobles of the land giving back hard-won rights to a harsh, incompetent despot. If we had known George Bush was a weak, drunken, compulsive liar who had never succeeded at anything he had ever done in his life, the American people would never have allowed such a resolution to be passed; but, again, the whore media kept its silence yet again, and again betrayed not only the American people but their own soul-less craven groveling to the corporate cabal and the worthless fiat that was their reward.

There was of course no basis for that trust, and it was immediately betrayed. The Bush Faction seized upon the Congressional resolution as an "Enabling Act" justifying a broad range of unconstitutional measures, including torture, kidnapping, mass roundups, secret hearings, secret prisons, arrests without charge, indefinite detention, kangaroo courts, "extrajudicial killings" and finally, aggressive war. In a series of secret "executive orders" and Justice Department memos, the Bush Faction overturned the Constitution and established a new authoritarian principle of state: the president, they said, was not bound by any domestic or international law in his prosecution of the "war on terror." And this "war" – in reality an inchoate, amorphous concept covering a multitude of sins – was founded upon the carte blanche of Sept. 14.

Let's not forget one salient point. The federal government already possessed sufficient powers to find and punish all those involved in the 9-11 attack. (Indeed, so draconian were the government's existing powers that Republican leaders spent the 1990s rightly resisting Bill Clinton's attempts to expand them.) Just a few years before, the government had tracked, arrested, tried – in open court – and convicted an international band of Islamic extremists who had bombed the World Trade Center. And for decades, U.S. presidents have launched an endless series of military incursions in the name of defending American security.
9-14 Resolution an Act of Democratic Fascist Control
Thus the 9-14 resolution was not necessary for the government to respond with "all necessary and appropriate force" to 9-11. However, it was necessary – indeed, indispensable – for an unpopular, illegitimate regime to put its radical agenda of military aggression, unrestricted corporate predation and elitist rule into practice. No doubt we'll see this Enabling Act invoked more and more as the unpopular Democratic Fascist factions faces a rising tide of public dissent and dissatisfaction. As they become more nervous with the citizen’s growing anger and resentment, the tighter they turn the screws and the more blatant the provocations of the “Enabling Act.”
Taliban Guys With RPG: Photobucket

It wasn’t necessary for them to act at all, actually. It is glaringly obvious to all but those that are still trying to maintain the fantasy of cave-dwelling fanatics armed with cell-phones and laptops succeeding in a mass act of carefully coordinated destruction and sabotage that would have required breakdowns and sheer mass lobotomies on multi-leveled tiers of  chains of fail-safes and upper command that should have gotten a major mass court-martialing and imprisonments way up and down the line. It didn’t.
·        No one was indicted or tried for 9/11, except I think, one load hapless financier. One.
·        What does that tell anyone with half a marble in their head?
·        What does it tell, also, when the borders and ports are left wide open for masses of invaders to stampede, unimpeded into free benefits and utter lack of accountability for a life of looting, pillaging, and cartel-amassing activities on a national scale?
·        Why are the TSA fondling small children and grandmothers in airports, and not stationed where they rummage through the backpacks and duffel bags these thousands and millions always seem to be hauling along with them in the videos that show a mass invasion of nothing but young, scruffy-looking men many of whom are not Mexicans at all?
·        The aid stations thoughtfully set up for them along the borders with water, food and signs in several different languages—including Russian and Chinese—seem to affirm that it’s open season on American sovereignty.

The Plot Thickens: Why This Prisoner? Why Now?

As for this tempest-in-a-teapot going on over this shit-head deserter? There’s more to this than meets the eyes. Even Obama isn’t usually this stupid. Is he trying to distract everyone from his “July 1 surprise?” Obama threw 22 highly-trained Navy Seals to the Taliban, where they were ambushed and died fighting for their lives from hundreds of howling savages. Subsequently, he allowed a pagan Imam to damn their ‘infidel souls’ to hell in a “funeral’ ceremony. He then allowed their remains to be returned to their grieving families. Remains that were nothing but ashes from the fiery crash, they were told.

English: Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2008, The S...
English: Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2008, The Script (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 “Bullshit.” Says at least one of the grieving fathers. He has a video that was smuggled out of Afghanistan where it shows his son and a few others of that brave team fighting for their lives---the families aren’t sure WHOSE remains they got back and were allowed to bury. And they had a man, posing as the commander in chief he wasn’t, look them in the eyes and solemnly promise that he would not rest until every one of those who had done this despicable crime was found and punished.  The Lord should have struck him dead where he stood for that utterly shameful and cowardly blasphemy, when there was no one but himself who could have betrayed those men so thoroughly and completely and never have to have a single repercussion fall back to ruffle the dead-snake tranquility of his gaze.

“Follow the Money’…and Rich Greedy bastards

And what about Afghanistan and the Taliban? Why are we wasting so many men’s lives and pissing away so much of our national honor and prestige over a national full of insufferable misogynistic buttwipers? Well, for one thing, the Rich Greedy Bastards, the ones that really own the politicians and thus the government, are whimpering and foaming at the mouth in their eagerness to get the $4 trillion in oil, natural gas and other resources that abounds around the Caspian Sea area in the former Soviet satellites; Afghanistan is a direct pathway to them. And, of course, there are those nice, big poppy fields the CIA and its bosses are so fond of.

Afghanis Positive U.S. is Funding Taliban

And the U.S. has been gnawing at this bone for a lot longer than people think; on 26 May 2010, on ‘’, Kurt Nimmo  posted a very illuminating article; in it , he noted that it was virtually impossible to find anyone in Afghanistan who wasn’t convinced the U.S. was funding the Taliban, and these were the highly educated Afghan professionals, the ones employed by ISAF, USAID, international media organizations and even advising U.S. diplomats that seemed to be the most convinced, this reported by ‘the Guardian’ even lately. One Afghan said, “The US has an interest in prolonging the conflict so as to stay in Afghanistan for the long term.”
·        “It does not take a lot of research to prove the Taliban—and al Qaeda—were fabricated by the CIA in league with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Intelligence.” Nimmo continues in his article, “Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari said the Taliban was created by the CIA and ISI. Naturally, the story was all but ignored by the corporate media in the U.S.”
Of course, in the Middle East and Europe, he wrote, the media had been reporting on this for some time. But, in the U.S.A., the corporate-owned media tells the official ‘fantasy-tale ad-nauseum’, and people have bought it unquestioningly, just as they bought the tale of the Lurking Terrorist in the Cave who somehow managed to strike down the WTC through his telepathic telekinetic abilities and Vulcan Mind-Meld techniques he learned from all those old reruns he had to watch on Nickelodeon while biding away his time between murdering infidels and roasting   babies.

‘Dr. No’ Admits Taliban Created by the U.S.

Even in 1998, top Rockefeller Scampering Minion, ‘Dr, No-No’ himself admitted the Taliban was created by the United States. Did he have any regrets about that? Did he ever have remorse that they had created such a monster and made the Middle East the living hell on earth it was today? What a silly question to ask a sociopathic maniac with the face of a lizard and the emotional capacity of a cryogenic chamber. “What is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet Empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” Said a testy Brzezinski when poked a bit too impolitely by Le Nouvel Observateur. 

Dummies Guide to MANPADS ...item 2.. Al Qaeda ...
Dummies Guide to MANPADS ...item 2.. Al Qaeda believed to be in possession of fearsome missile launcher (12 June 2013) ...item 3.. 400 US surface-to-air missiles were 'STOLEN' from Libya during the Benghazi attack (12 August 2013) ... (Photo credit: marsmet548)

That Ziggy! What a rapscallion! He’s always had a bit of a hard-on for the Soviet Union, hasn’t he? Positively obsessive about it…creepily so. One very considerable step towards world peace would be to gently and solicitously ease Zig  into a straitjacket and haul his maniacal ass off to the same Federal loony-bin they can set up for the rest of his fellow die-hard Global Dominist Freakazoids. “The Bosky Dell Home for the Criminally Stupid”, we’ll dub it,  giving it a ‘cover’ just like Zig’s old pals, the KGB did. You can vote for your favorite inductees; or, arrest them yourself…the time is soon coming when they will more than likely give us ample reason to make beaucoup ‘Citizens Arrests’—IF we can lure them away from their coven in D.C…..
Pentagon (Photo credit: slagheap)
Brzezinki’s Afghan Mujahedeen organized to fight the Soviets and displace the puppet ruler, Najibullah (eventually murdered by the Taliban), splintered into the Taliban. Writes Paul Gasper, a professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame de Namur University, “In 1994, a new group, the Taliban (Pashtun for ‘students’), emerged on the scene. It’s members came from madrassas set up by the Pakistani government along the border and funded by the U.S., Britain and the Saudis, where they had received theological indoctrination [presumably the ultra-orthodox, fundamentalist Wahabi sect type to a facsimile thereof] and military training.”

And, Wayne Madsen, an investigative journalist documented the special relationship between the CIA, ISI, and the Taliban. (He also documented quite interesting materials that gave quite strong evidence that Obama is actually a CIA ‘plant’, and his parents and grandparents were all ‘assets’ as well. It certainly would explain a lot, although the CIA would have made sure a ‘plant’ had much better cover, wouldn’t they?)

CIA Uses ‘Humanitarian’ fronts to train killer Mujahedeen

The CIA, like the Muslim Brotherhood and plenty of other shady organizations, used “humanitarian” front organizations such as Committee for a Free Afghanistan to fund and train the Mujahedeen and eventually the Taliban. As if that wasn ‘t diabolical and despicable enough, the CIA also spent millions of dollars developing and printing textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings—for Afghani schoolchildren! [And I suppose when those kids outgrew them, they shipped them off to the ‘Palestinian’ kiddies, because they are learning the same violent doggerel!]

syria (Photo credit: themua)
Rep. Ron Paul blasts indignantly at the perfidy and dishonesty of it all: “We should recognize that American tax dollars helped to create the very Taliban government that now wants to destroy us,” he writes, “In the late 1970’s and early 80’s, the CIA was very involved in the training and funding of various fundamentalist Islamic groups in Afghanistan, some of which became today’s brutal Taliban government. In fact, the U.S. government admits to giving the groups at least 6 billion dollars in military aid and weaponry, a staggering sum that would be even larger in today’s dollars.”

After the Taliban killed thousands and captured Kabul in 1996, the U.S. –astoundingly – said it didn’t have a problem with their psychotic-type religious fanaticism. State Department Spokesperson Davies said he saw “nothing objectionable” in the Taliban’s plans to impose strict Islamic law. (See Joel Mowbray, Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Threatens America’s Security, p. 62) Senator Hank Brown, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the near east and South Asia, actually welcomed the new regime!! “The good part of what happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan

It’s strange they can tolerate a religion that chops the limbs off blasphemers, hangs young girls for being raped and homosexuals just for existing, beheads infidels and murders their own daughters in ‘honor killings’, yet take great offense if a Christian community wants to put up a scene of a humble Jewish family at Christmastime---in fact, they want to abolish Christmas altogether, the time when all are supposed to remember and rejoice the arrival of the Prince of Peace and Hope to the world.  It is clear where the priorities of our regime lies, and it isn’t with peace, hope and righteousness.

“The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco (the consortium of oil corporations), pipelines, an emir, no parliament, and lots of sharia law. We can live with that.” Said another U.S. diplomat in 1997. ( See Timothy Mitchell, McJihad: Islam in the U.S. Global Order.)

The Government Works for Corporations: Not the American People

There it is, folks. The U.S. government doesn’t work for us. It works for the corporations, and our hard-earned money goes to fund their never-ending lusts for domination of the world’s resources and nations. Don’t expect compassion or social justice from a person that is, in effect, a legal fiction—this is what a corporation is, you know. Their owners and enablers could be described in exactly the same fashion. They care for nothing but profits, and they have ceased to consider the human factor in any of their depredations—if they ever did at all. We are prey to them, means to an end at best, and when anyone or anything no longer serves their purposes, it is either eliminated or cast aside without a second thought.

White House
White House (Photo credit: Trevor McGoldrick)

The ‘government’ they have established in these last decades is a legal fiction, also. It does not really exist, except in their fertile imaginations and ability to bluster and bluff us into thinking they are in control. It is yet another of Saul Alinsky’s little tricks, and he picked it up from the master of bullshit himself, Marx, I daresay.
They have played hell with our laws, our rights and our social mores; they have done their best to eradicate everything that has made the United States the strong and prosperous country it once was. They have failed, however No matter how hard they have tried, they have found to their chagrin they cannot indoctrinate away the human spirit with cheap tricks, nor can they eliminate God as easily as they could eliminate the true history of the world from the minds of young people.

Pentagon (Photo credit: gregwest98)

Their ideologies are based on lies, their methods on psychological hypotheses that have long been proven invalid. Their great motivation, “The New World Order” is obsolete. The world is already global, and has been for some time. There is no need for a one-world dictatorship when everyone is connected by computer and smart-devices in an instant, when more and more people are recognizing their basic commonalities and slowly accepting that they do not even need governments to screw things up,  steal, rob and murder them.


People—this whole damn government is illegal and invalid from top to bottom. They have no authority. Not Constitutional authority, and not from the majority of the people, I would bet a Yankee dollar. This poseur in chief is the biggest fraud perpetuated upon the American people since the Fed was suckered in. He is no more the president than I am Queen of the May. He, and the government itself, have invalidated their own authority and proved themselves unfit to serve in their capacity as servants of the people, and protectors of the U.S. Constitution and all that it represents. They were not elected to be the facilitators and enablers of the global cartels and their hit men.

Article 1, Sec. 2, Part 2, allows Congress and the Senate to reverse any Executive order and any Supreme Court decision from my understanding, with a simple majority vote. Why aren’t they exercising that option diligently and thoroughly to reverse some of these highly illegal ‘laws’ the poseur has foisted upon us? Executive orders are illegal, and the so-called ‘War on Terror’ simply does not exist. They themselves have invalidated it, thanks to Eric Holder and the Gang of 8’s dedication to flooding the voting booths with illegal voters and diluting American sovereignty. The very fact they are here is all the evidence needed to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ‘War on Terror’ is a complete fabrication, and the knowledge and proof that the U.S., represented by the CIA and its agents, actually empowered and armed the very terrorist organizations that supposedly perpetuated the attacks, renders the Patriot Act and all the rest of the nonsense associated with it to the realm of Utter Ridiculousness.

·        You, and I—all of us, need to tell them so. And, we need to let them know we will not cooperate with an illegal government that has no validity, or obey a poseur that is not the president and never has been.
·         Where are those who perpetrated 9/11? We demand that they be brought to justice, and their assets confiscated.
·        Why hasn’t the murderers of Benghazi been formally reprimanded?
·        What about those who betrayed and murdered Seal team Six?
·        Who murdered Mommar Gaddafi?
·        Who declared illegal wars on Libya, Syria, and Iraq without permission from Congress and without provocation or Article 5 provocation?


It is a foreign corporation registered to the City of London. It has illegally collected our taxes for 90 years, and has wrought a monstrous and fraudulent series of scams and deliberate economic manipulations upon this nation for the sole purpose of breaking down the economic health of the United States and its people. The great recession of 2008, the housing “crash” were all deliberately planned and manipulated, as was the Great Depression and every other financial disaster that has happened since the Fed’s inception. Abolish it and throw the deficit, which is fraudulent and illegal back upon its shoulders, a recompense for all it has stolen from the American People.

The CFR is a sister organization of the RIIA—a foreign organization, based in London, England. It has absolutely no business having any influence whatsoever upon the movement or its agents. It will be disbanded and its members be dismissed from government service, as well as those of the Trilateral Commission and the Skull and Bones, and all other secret society, including the Masons, for the reason that their oaths demand primary loyalty to that society; and when someone takes an oath to serve the public good, that should be his or her primary mission.
Don't underestimate the power of your opinion expressed in a fax, e-mail, phone call or letter  to each or any of your representatives in Washington, or in your home state. That's how they know the temperature of the Constituency, and which way the political winds are blowing. They are fickle creatures, and they will protect their own little nest before anyone elses. If enough people write and express extreme dis-satisfaction with the way they are voting, or how thy are sucking up to the Oligarchs, they will change their ways.
(Add another. The first one might fall off.)

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