Friday, June 27, 2014

"If America Doesn't Abolish the Fed, The Fed Will Abolish America"

"If America Doesn't Abolish the Fed, The Fed Will Abolish America"

'Come Out of Her, My Children'

by Chylene Ramsey

The Federal Reserve is, without a doubt, the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the world by the most unprincipled, scheming, cabal of moral reprobates to ever walk the face of the earth.  These pages will tell you the entire story, how it was  spawned and inveigled into existence and how only lies, chicanery, blackmail and greed has kept it functioning until now, when its own massive, corpulent corruption is bringing it dangerously close to imploding upon itself with dire consequences to ourselves and the world.

This, too, is part of these thieves and murderers schemes. They sit back like fat spiders, gloating, waiting for all the flies to tumble yet again to another web they have woven to suck the last few drops of wealth and property from us, and devastate the rest of the earth--why? To Have it All, of course. Like big, greedy stupid dogs, they must keep gobbling up everything edible until there's not a scrap left, whether it’s a single bowl of Alpo or a fifty-pound bag of rabbit chow.

Cover of "The Creature from Jekyll Island...
Cover via Amazon

These are lazy, corpulent parasites who do nothing but suck the life and joy out of humanity. The stockholders of the Fed have farted through silk and wearied of filet mignon and lobster tails while our families struggled to pay the rent and feed our children.

The poor people in third world countries have fared far worse;  allowed--even encouraged--to wither and die of malnutrition and common illnesses that could be cured with the change from the bottom of Mrs. Harriman's Louis Vuitton purse. 

If we think things are bad now, when the trillions of worthless US dollars that every nation is the world is spurning come back home to die, we will truly be SOL*.  This is what the Greedy Goatfuckers are waiting for. This is why they are tempting us all with credit cards, attractive loans, college 'grants', and anything else to get us indebted even more to them. Those useless dollars hit our shores and our banks,  and there will be hyper-ventilating-inflation. Your money will be worth less than zilch. And how will you pay your bills when the prices soar and your money isn't worth the paper it's printed on? Literally? 

Simple. You lose everything you owe money on. You end up paying out humongous payments. You are a debt-slave. You will have  nothing and owe your soul to the company store for the rest  of your mortal existence.

And the world will fare still worse. Already, there are those  idiots clamoring for bombings and troops, armies and nukes--maybe they want to call down Mothra and throw in Godzilla, perhaps.  It's about money, of course. War is good business, always has been. And it gets rid of superfluous people. Lots of them. That pleases Holdren-the-Horrible, who calls himself a "Neo-Malthusian", which is like calling yourself a "Pro-Atavist."

We cannot let this happen; the collapse of the US economy would be more than OUR personal disaster--it would cause a domino effect that would take out most of the globe; I suppose Armageddon is inevitable, but perhaps we can tone down the intensity?  Perhaps WE don't have to get sucked into it, if we can throw off the traces, so to speak and rid the world of a whole shitload of worthless rubbish. Oh. And bad money, too.

Organization of the Federal Reserve System
Organization of the Federal Reserve System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The government of the U.S. has failed us miserably. It has not kept its promises, nor has it fulfilled its duties it has sworn to do, since it was entrusted with this responsibility after the Federal Reserve was instituted.  They have allowed the U.S. and the world to become the prey of the worst gang of criminal conspirators and outright thieves, gangsters, looters and pillagers since Attila the Hun.  (When Genghis Khan had to devalue his currency from gold to lead, his armies dropped everything and went home.)

It cannot be fixed. It cannot be saved. It cannot be voted, legislated or prayed back into line. That is because these globalist Nimrods have boasted there will never be another honest election in the United States; Obama has bragged he will confiscate our gins, and he will use a pen and a telephone and do what he wants, so there! There are those idiots in the Senate clamoring for war.

There are no jobs, no careers, and there are hundreds of thousands of invaders in our land, looking to soak us dry of everything we ever worked for, and steal what we don't want to give willingly. Obama is boasting about taxing the middle class out of existence, and that people who own businesses didn't really build them. As if he would know? Has he ever done an honest days work in his life? I didn't think so.

What I believe is our only peaceful, viable alternative may sound a bit extreme. It is; it will call on a measure of fortitude and self-denial that many Americans aren't used to, and may not be capable of. But for once in your lives, you must be absolutely unselfish, and know that if we don't stop these monsters by bankrupting  them, and destroying them financially and ending their means of generating endless floods of money, not only will we be SOL, the world itself will be a giant goatfuck, in the language of the vernacular. 


It's time Americans became Americans again: "One nation, under God, indivisible." We have to put aside whatever silly quarrels  and disagreements we have. That's what the babyrapers want. They want us divided and hating one another, the last thing they want are Americans unifying and plotting mischievious frolics.

Firt, we must all urge our states to secede, to denounce all connection to the Federal government in DC. They can just declare their sovereignty. They can incorporate, which will irk the hell out of THEIR corporations.( Nevada corporations are supposed to be espeicially good, unless they have changed them or abolished them.)

Get yourself  groups together; a neighborhood, a town, even an apartment complex. You will need each other's support, and talents and abilities. Also, you all can pool your resources. Use your funds to buy food and fungible items that will be salable or exchangeable if there is a trade embargo or an energy crunch. Buy your foods and household items wholesale, and beat inflation. That's another reason to get a group together; the larger the quantities, the cheaper the prices.

Work on paying off your debts, but if you can't, think of aternatives, like having a home business and deducting your mortgage off your taxes, if that works, or renting out your house and finding someplace less expensive to live.

There are always alternatives, and every problem has a solution--the first step in finding a solution, obviously,   is admitting you have a problem. No addict ever starts on the road to recovery until he accepts, like the Big Book says, that  he is powerless over his addiction. and his life has become unmanageable. That is a surrender that many are not willing to face, or succumb to, but its the only way they eventually triumph over that which has possesed and enslaved them. 

Jesus  tells us the same thing in the Bible, that we will not be truly free until we are willing to admit and relinquish the carnal world that has enslaved us; we call it 'sin'. And has not the sinister forces that now seek to destroy us completely used our carnal appetites most effectively to weaken and control us? They have even made it seem like they are 'freeing' us, while entrapping us further into slavery.

That is why the Bible says, "Come out of her my children," and I titled this article the same. It is what we must do if we will regain the freedom, hope and nation we have lost. LEAVE  the evil world the Luciferians have tried to entrap us in, that 'Babylon' of iniquity if you will, and return to our real strengths, the ones that made this nation great in the first place; the human values that have always meant success, strength, unity and prosperity for any nation and civilization that embraces them. It is these very qualities that these rat-bastards have worked so assiduously these last decades to destroy. 

I don't expect you to just accept all that I say; you haven't done the research I have, more than likely or dedicated as much of your life to these studies as I did. I intend to write further on these subjects, and you can always do your own research.  I always appreciate comments and feedback, of a constructive nature. We do not tolerate idiots with any degree of equanimity, however, 

The next pages carry not only the history, but the diabolical and devastating effects the Federal Reserve has had upon our nation and the wealth of our citizens. It is a record of planned looting and impoverishment of an entire nation, if not the entire world if they are not stopped. They are beyond any definition of morally reprehenisible.  

English: Components in the US Money supply bas...
English: Components in the US Money supply based on Federal Reserve historical data (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sharpen your pitchforks, pile up the torches. Heat up the barrels of tar, and go pluck multitudes of chickens and other feathered creatures. Secure a few tanks of holy water, an exorcist or two, just to be on the safe side. Come to think of it, a few silver bullets and some stakes wouldn't be amiss just in case you run into Hillary, Jarret or--BWAA-HAA-HAA!!!  THE FEINkenSTEIN!!!!!

[* SOL: A military acronym, an insider-type joke on the interminable use of acronyms in the military. It means, "Shit-Out-Of-Luck". Yes, it really ought to be 'SOOL', but then it would sound like Seoul, and everybody would think they were getting R&R and run off and get drunk and rowdy  for six weeks. (I'm joking. That was a WAG.) ]

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