Friday, June 27, 2014

"If America Doesn't Abolish the Fed, The Fed Will Abolish America"

"If America Doesn't Abolish the Fed, The Fed Will Abolish America"

'Come Out of Her, My Children'

by Chylene Ramsey

The Federal Reserve is, without a doubt, the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the world by the most unprincipled, scheming, cabal of moral reprobates to ever walk the face of the earth.  These pages will tell you the entire story, how it was  spawned and inveigled into existence and how only lies, chicanery, blackmail and greed has kept it functioning until now, when its own massive, corpulent corruption is bringing it dangerously close to imploding upon itself with dire consequences to ourselves and the world.

This, too, is part of these thieves and murderers schemes. They sit back like fat spiders, gloating, waiting for all the flies to tumble yet again to another web they have woven to suck the last few drops of wealth and property from us, and devastate the rest of the earth--why? To Have it All, of course. Like big, greedy stupid dogs, they must keep gobbling up everything edible until there's not a scrap left, whether it’s a single bowl of Alpo or a fifty-pound bag of rabbit chow.

Cover of "The Creature from Jekyll Island...
Cover via Amazon

These are lazy, corpulent parasites who do nothing but suck the life and joy out of humanity. The stockholders of the Fed have farted through silk and wearied of filet mignon and lobster tails while our families struggled to pay the rent and feed our children.

The poor people in third world countries have fared far worse;  allowed--even encouraged--to wither and die of malnutrition and common illnesses that could be cured with the change from the bottom of Mrs. Harriman's Louis Vuitton purse. 

If we think things are bad now, when the trillions of worthless US dollars that every nation is the world is spurning come back home to die, we will truly be SOL*.  This is what the Greedy Goatfuckers are waiting for. This is why they are tempting us all with credit cards, attractive loans, college 'grants', and anything else to get us indebted even more to them. Those useless dollars hit our shores and our banks,  and there will be hyper-ventilating-inflation. Your money will be worth less than zilch. And how will you pay your bills when the prices soar and your money isn't worth the paper it's printed on? Literally? 

Simple. You lose everything you owe money on. You end up paying out humongous payments. You are a debt-slave. You will have  nothing and owe your soul to the company store for the rest  of your mortal existence.

And the world will fare still worse. Already, there are those  idiots clamoring for bombings and troops, armies and nukes--maybe they want to call down Mothra and throw in Godzilla, perhaps.  It's about money, of course. War is good business, always has been. And it gets rid of superfluous people. Lots of them. That pleases Holdren-the-Horrible, who calls himself a "Neo-Malthusian", which is like calling yourself a "Pro-Atavist."

We cannot let this happen; the collapse of the US economy would be more than OUR personal disaster--it would cause a domino effect that would take out most of the globe; I suppose Armageddon is inevitable, but perhaps we can tone down the intensity?  Perhaps WE don't have to get sucked into it, if we can throw off the traces, so to speak and rid the world of a whole shitload of worthless rubbish. Oh. And bad money, too.

Organization of the Federal Reserve System
Organization of the Federal Reserve System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The government of the U.S. has failed us miserably. It has not kept its promises, nor has it fulfilled its duties it has sworn to do, since it was entrusted with this responsibility after the Federal Reserve was instituted.  They have allowed the U.S. and the world to become the prey of the worst gang of criminal conspirators and outright thieves, gangsters, looters and pillagers since Attila the Hun.  (When Genghis Khan had to devalue his currency from gold to lead, his armies dropped everything and went home.)

It cannot be fixed. It cannot be saved. It cannot be voted, legislated or prayed back into line. That is because these globalist Nimrods have boasted there will never be another honest election in the United States; Obama has bragged he will confiscate our gins, and he will use a pen and a telephone and do what he wants, so there! There are those idiots in the Senate clamoring for war.

There are no jobs, no careers, and there are hundreds of thousands of invaders in our land, looking to soak us dry of everything we ever worked for, and steal what we don't want to give willingly. Obama is boasting about taxing the middle class out of existence, and that people who own businesses didn't really build them. As if he would know? Has he ever done an honest days work in his life? I didn't think so.

What I believe is our only peaceful, viable alternative may sound a bit extreme. It is; it will call on a measure of fortitude and self-denial that many Americans aren't used to, and may not be capable of. But for once in your lives, you must be absolutely unselfish, and know that if we don't stop these monsters by bankrupting  them, and destroying them financially and ending their means of generating endless floods of money, not only will we be SOL, the world itself will be a giant goatfuck, in the language of the vernacular. 


It's time Americans became Americans again: "One nation, under God, indivisible." We have to put aside whatever silly quarrels  and disagreements we have. That's what the babyrapers want. They want us divided and hating one another, the last thing they want are Americans unifying and plotting mischievious frolics.

Firt, we must all urge our states to secede, to denounce all connection to the Federal government in DC. They can just declare their sovereignty. They can incorporate, which will irk the hell out of THEIR corporations.( Nevada corporations are supposed to be espeicially good, unless they have changed them or abolished them.)

Get yourself  groups together; a neighborhood, a town, even an apartment complex. You will need each other's support, and talents and abilities. Also, you all can pool your resources. Use your funds to buy food and fungible items that will be salable or exchangeable if there is a trade embargo or an energy crunch. Buy your foods and household items wholesale, and beat inflation. That's another reason to get a group together; the larger the quantities, the cheaper the prices.

Work on paying off your debts, but if you can't, think of aternatives, like having a home business and deducting your mortgage off your taxes, if that works, or renting out your house and finding someplace less expensive to live.

There are always alternatives, and every problem has a solution--the first step in finding a solution, obviously,   is admitting you have a problem. No addict ever starts on the road to recovery until he accepts, like the Big Book says, that  he is powerless over his addiction. and his life has become unmanageable. That is a surrender that many are not willing to face, or succumb to, but its the only way they eventually triumph over that which has possesed and enslaved them. 

Jesus  tells us the same thing in the Bible, that we will not be truly free until we are willing to admit and relinquish the carnal world that has enslaved us; we call it 'sin'. And has not the sinister forces that now seek to destroy us completely used our carnal appetites most effectively to weaken and control us? They have even made it seem like they are 'freeing' us, while entrapping us further into slavery.

That is why the Bible says, "Come out of her my children," and I titled this article the same. It is what we must do if we will regain the freedom, hope and nation we have lost. LEAVE  the evil world the Luciferians have tried to entrap us in, that 'Babylon' of iniquity if you will, and return to our real strengths, the ones that made this nation great in the first place; the human values that have always meant success, strength, unity and prosperity for any nation and civilization that embraces them. It is these very qualities that these rat-bastards have worked so assiduously these last decades to destroy. 

I don't expect you to just accept all that I say; you haven't done the research I have, more than likely or dedicated as much of your life to these studies as I did. I intend to write further on these subjects, and you can always do your own research.  I always appreciate comments and feedback, of a constructive nature. We do not tolerate idiots with any degree of equanimity, however, 

The next pages carry not only the history, but the diabolical and devastating effects the Federal Reserve has had upon our nation and the wealth of our citizens. It is a record of planned looting and impoverishment of an entire nation, if not the entire world if they are not stopped. They are beyond any definition of morally reprehenisible.  

English: Components in the US Money supply bas...
English: Components in the US Money supply based on Federal Reserve historical data (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sharpen your pitchforks, pile up the torches. Heat up the barrels of tar, and go pluck multitudes of chickens and other feathered creatures. Secure a few tanks of holy water, an exorcist or two, just to be on the safe side. Come to think of it, a few silver bullets and some stakes wouldn't be amiss just in case you run into Hillary, Jarret or--BWAA-HAA-HAA!!!  THE FEINkenSTEIN!!!!!

[* SOL: A military acronym, an insider-type joke on the interminable use of acronyms in the military. It means, "Shit-Out-Of-Luck". Yes, it really ought to be 'SOOL', but then it would sound like Seoul, and everybody would think they were getting R&R and run off and get drunk and rowdy  for six weeks. (I'm joking. That was a WAG.) ]

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Moral Insanity" Psychopaths That Rule The World

   Michael Hare, one of the foremost experts on psychopathy, speaks on corporate psychopaths

"Moral Insanity" Is an archaic term, first used in the dawn of psyciatry to describe humans who did not seem to function morally as the rest of humanity did. We call them "psychopaths" these days, and they flourish and prosper in today's no-rules everything-for-profits society. They themselves have planned it that way.

I decided a long time ago that there aren't very many humans left in the government; the first time I saw Bill Clinton he gave me the heeby-jeebies.  Bush is just plan psychotic. 

I think of Hillary Clinton as a Harpy, one of those creatures from Greek myths that fly screeching from the treetops to rip men to pieces. I kind of think she's be pleased at that vision, the way she grinned and chortled when Qaddafi got slaughtered.

These aren't the kind of people who should be in charge of anything, much less the lives and fortunes of other human beings; I sometimes semi-joke that we need to march into Congress with tanks frilled with holy water and start spraying; the ones that don't burst into flames or melt, we keep.

Rockefeller's father was an evil old bastard, and so is he. He's been responsible for more deaths than Stalin and Mao put together, I would suspect. It takes a special kind of sheer negative moral vacuity to congratulate Mao Tse Tung on how well he's running the country--and it only cost a mere 60 million superfluous  Useless Esters or so. Who needs em? They were only chinks, I bet he was thinking. 

I hate to tell Him and Obama and all the rest of them, Rothschild and his bunch of goatfuckers included, but there are people eating out of garbage cans in New York City worth more  to the world than the whole damn bunch of them put together.

Just, exactly, what have they done that has made the world worth living in? Nothing. Have they really accomplished anything that's going to make humanity better or the world a better place to live in? No, they have degraded humanity by their very existence, and look at China's disastrous ecological wasteland if you want to see what they intend for the rest of the world they haven't gotten to yet. 

Why, then, are we allowing these sacks of moral turpitude, these textbook cases of criminal insanity and classic psychopaths, these creatures so intellectually and emotionally bankrupt that Nancy Pelosi actually had the unbelievable arrogance to demand an Arch Bishop not march in a walk supporting marriage??? SHE tells HER spiritual counselors what their moral responsibilities are???  This creature who lies like a dog and has the moral convictions of a Los Angeles smack dealer???? And the IQ of a snail????

She ought to try that with some of those terrorist groups she raises funds for. She'd know what those border patrol agents feel like, dodging boulders the size of watermelons bouncing off her pointed, empty skull. 

They are deliberately destroying our nation. They don't give a flying shit about us, our families or how we are going to feed them or ourselves. Rockefeller, a textbook case of psychopathy if there ever was one,  and his whole damn crew have been slowly killing the world for years. These are sick fucks, people. Look at Kissinger--he's a war criminal. and has indictments out on him from at least three different countries. So does Soros. Why are they still here?? 

Because every damn one of these bastards are war criminals, too. And those that are infiltrated into every nook and cranny of every conceivable orifice of the government make sure that only their fellow morally deficient sociopaths achieve any kind of power within their fields. So,  they have voided their oaths of office and every right they ever had to claim any allegiance or respect from us. They HAVE earned the necessity of being declared criminally and psychologically incompetent, and hauled away to a looney- bin.

 I vote for one of those "special" ones Rockefeller's buddy,  Mao,  built over in China to declare all the people who disagreed with his peculiar brand of moral  insanity,  insane. He'd lock them up, hook them up to car batteries and give 'em lobotomies. The Chinese government that took its lessons from our CIA and the Soviets, not a frolicsome combination, are still torturing and murdering harmless citizens in these places.

Hell, they are so devoid of normal human feelings they are totally devoid of basic common sense. They simply cannot grasp the reality that normal, sanely functioning humans do that if  they treated  people well, if they  fed the poor and took care of the sick and refused to screw over the widows and orphans, if they allowed business people to keep nearly all their profits and encouraged everyone to work and prosper and build, they would have a vigorous, thriving happy nation. They would be richer, and the world wouldn't be a shithole right now. 

They can't understand that, however, because they lack something vital: a soul. 

They seem to skip right over the fact that's exactly what the United States was before they started screwing around with it and crammed the Federal Reserve down our throats despite the decades-long fight to keep it out of the US. The United States, and its economy has gone to shit ever since. 

 "Moral Insanity" seems to be a vital qualification for president; Barry surely didn't have another damn thing to recommend him. He's shown repeatedly what he was really bought and paid to accomplish.  After Sandy, Obama stood for 5 minutes and got his picture taken with Sandy victims, and the media went apeshit, and made out like he had parted the waters of the Atlantic ocean and rained down manna from heaven for these unfortunates. What I saw was he jumped on a plane to spend Christmas in Hawaii soon thereafter, a vacation that cost the taxpayers something  like 5 million bucks, while those same refugees had their Christmas dinners in their ravaged homes with no power or water, with whatever food they could get from donations. Needless to say, the whore media did NOT report on that. They, too, have shown what they are bought and paid for to accomplish. 

Crimes against Humanity are genoicide....

Now, after massacring millions more innocent Iraqi women and children than Bush ever thought of, he is once again allowing an invasion of that much-beleaguered nation??  Let's just call him "Joe Jr." from now on, shall we?

60 Trillion In Debt!!!  You expect us all to believe that? "Hey Joe Jr.!!!  Who farted on the keyboard again??? This figure has no meaning. It doesn't really exist. Want to see it vanish real fast? Demand the banishment of the Federal Reserve as being what it is: Totally unconstitutional, illegal and a foreign corporation, a vast scam perpetuated by the Rothschild-corporate cabal. Dump the entire deficit on them, as their own fraud and illegal ponzi scheme to impoverish the American people and destroy and conquer the United States of America with the help and assistance of the CFR, the TC and the corporatocracy. Demand the Foundations non-tax status be voided immediately, because it is obvious they have all participated in this diabolical and treasonous scheme, and demand their back taxes--retroactively!!!!!    Ha! They would know what it feels like when the IMF reams out your nation, now wouldn't they????

They are all insane, people, and any psychiatrist who was truly ethical and courageous could tell you so.  Start with Obama, and work your way down. If you find one that isn't a sociopath, psychopath or otherwise certifiable, he's probably slated for retirement.  Or pushing a broom.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Iraq 'Invasion' Another Chance for Big Bucks for Broke Corporatocracies

English: A map of the 12 districts of the Unit...
English: A map of the 12 districts of the United States Federal Reserve system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Toyota Corsa "Sophia"
Toyota Corsa "Sophia" (Photo credit: vetaturfumare)

Saudi Arabia Gets Fleet Rate on New Toyotas--15% off on New Invasions

Obama is playing his usual "Gollee-gee--I din'-know-a-thing-about-this" track, as the Sauds pour into Iraq in fleets of virtually identical, sparkling-new Toyota trucks. This massive import didn't trigger some kind of "Hmm-wonder-why-the-Saud's- need -50,000- beige -Toyotas -with -50-caliber-machine-gun-mounts -in- a -country- their -size?" in the massive behemoths of "Homeland Security" and all the other agencies we paid out the ass for that are supposedly there precisely to pick up on such blatantly obviously moves by an admittedly obsteptropous regime?  They HAVE been quite naughty, you know. 

Of course, if you would believe the so-called "investigations' after 9/11,' none of them knew nuthin' and din' pick up on' anything that was so blatantly obvious and well-documented, they were finding stacks of cardboard boxes filled with Arabic documents for years afterwards pertaining to every phase of these 'hijackers' preparations and movements within the U.S. "But, we didn't have a translator." They whined. Forty billion bucks a year,and they couldn't afford to hire a translator?? They couldn't pick up the phone and call one of the many universities receiving massive funding by the very same Sauds and ask them to send over one of their Islamic Studies professors for a few afternoons, when he wasn't teaching the finer points of Jihadist Theory 101 to American Freshmen, to kinda give them the gist of all them squigglies?? 

If you all get the idea, like I have for a long, LONG time, that every cent the American people have ever been forced to shell out to the government or any of its entities has been pretty much pissed away, you are quite right. We definitely have not got anything we have paid for. Not national security, not a president who protected and followed the Constitution like every one of them swore to do, not the freedom to pursue our own convictions of life, liberty and economic or religious conviction.  

Let's look at things this way, however: The Federal Reserve is not Federal. It belongs to the Bank of England, and is a private Corporation registered to the City of London. The Council on Foreign Relations is actually an offshoot of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, based in London, and it's avowed purpose (which it never comes right out and says, you understand) is to restore the United States as a colony of Great Britain.

 The RIIA was formerly the Round Table, or the Cecil Group, that 'secret' society founded by the very rich fellow, Cecil Rhodes of the Rhodes Scholarship  and South Africa-DeBeers Diamonds fame, whose lifelong obsession was to have a secret society that would enforce British Civilization Over All the Earth. The British Empire was the Greatest in All of History, he was convinced, or had been convinced, and he dedicated his whole life all all his vast fortune (In six wills, no less) to this purpose. 

Cover of "Tragedy & Hope: A History of th...
Cover via Amazon
It's a long and complicated story, and many, many people and historical happenings, some tragic, most ridiculous are involved. Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope" and "The Anglo American Connection" explain it all in excruciating detail. 

The Anglo-Saxon Delusion of Cecil Rhodes..

The "globalists" the ones who want this "New World Order" basically are the ones who have bought into this nonsense, and the economic fantasies of this cabal. You have seen exactly where it has led them--and the world. They believe the Anglo-Saxons, the British in particular, are genetically superior, and all the 'brown' races are inferior and need to be exterminated for 'the good of racial purity." This is laughable, since these races were highly advanced civilizations when Rhode's 'Anglo-Saxon' ancestors were still ripping the hearts out of screaming captives with obsidian knives. I think that was last  Tuesday, as a matter of fact. They haven't learned a lot from civilization, as their behavior has demonstrated. 

They are dead set on advancing their 'Luciferian' god, who is in fact satan, and destroying Christianity and Judaism. This has always been their aim, and this has been so since the dawn of civilizations itself. This did not start with our paltry nations, people. Even now, they have found ancient buildings and cities, and artifacts that pre-date ALL the civilizations that have ever been accounted for on the face of the earth. In fact, some of these artifacts supposedly go back BILLIONS of years. Interesting. Anyway, it is probably significant that the Luciferians are particularly fond of the Egytptian goddess 'Isis', though I can't say why, right offhand. 

Isis is Ishtar is Easter is Bunk....

All I know is, Isis becomes Ishtar, who becomes Easter who feeds into the paganism that Constantine managed to insinuate into the Christian church through his version of Catholicism. That is why there are so many versions of Christianity, and Christians themselves are so confused.These globalists haven't helped by infiltrating Christian religions and screwing them up even more.  Religion has very little to do with God; it is an invention of man. It;s 'man's finite attempt to grasp an infinite God.' Jesus came to earth to open a path, a reconciliation between mankind and God, to be the reparation for all of mankind's sins--to pay for karma, if you will, so people would not keep having to repay their karmic debts forever and ever, if you will. Jesus never wanted 'churches', however. He knew what would happen if there were 'religions'. He ordered his disciples to go out and spread the gospel person-to-person, one-by-one. 

 This is the very last cycle of  those that have been repeating themselves for eons on end, according to all those 'brown people's' religions, and the Christian scriptures, if the truth be known. Even the Mayan's said so, and the only ones who scoff at this are the globalists and the commies. Obama is calling Christians 'America's Taliban', and the Sauds are being allowed to kill as many Christians and Jews as they wish. These pukes have never liked the real truth getting out, because then all will know they HAVE no power; God does. 

The secret of beating them is within you, people. It's why they have tried to make people as immoral and carnal as possible, why they have made the young people scorn and mock Christianity and anything to do with spirituality. It's why they have been pushing sorcery and 'magic', which depends on the empty forces of demons and ritualistic 'magic'. 

These things have no real power, very little real effect and do not last. They make human sacrifices to gain power from their victims? They must keep making them over and over because that power soon fades. They have no real power of their own, and it is a fact that you can find from any spiritual teaching that truly comes from God: Evil forces generate their own destruction. It is contrary to the Universal Laws of all creation. In effect, the cosmos becomes angry, and retaliates. Their evil and defiance of God over all these centuries has essentially caused the 'climate change', the breakdown in the weather and changes in electromagnetic fields that are baffling scientists and everyone else.

"God is Spirit, and We Will Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.."

Jesus said, "God is Spirit, and we must worship him in Spirit and in truth." and, "The Kingdom of God is within you."  Not only that, but it is a well-known fact that you are what you think you are. That is because the human spirit is a very real, and very powerful part of humanity. You can call it your soul, your primordial spirit, or whatever you wish. The ancient civilizations have known about this and cultivated its power and virtues for eons. It is only these later decades that the humanists have scoffed at the idea of 'God' and 'Spirit' and declared human reason superior above all things.

It is very obvious the globalists  have been wrong on virtually everything  they have ever done and said. They have lied, deceived, concealed, cheated, murdered, pillaged, destroyed and heedlessly and carelessly murdered vast quantities of human beings who have done absolutely nothing but have the misfortune of having something they wanted, or having nothing they needed. 

These asswipes who have whipped up this massive clusterfuck are trying to start yet another big fricking war so they and their massively rich contracter buddies can make even more billions. They have destroyed so much of the economies of the world and of their own nations, they can only make profits from war and death. They sell to both sides, they goad the jihadists and the ones who resist them--they are already adding up all the money they are going to make.

Don't be fooled. They have all planned this for years. This is nothing but a big mop-up, a grand take-down. Start writing, faxing, calling, e-mailing your reps in Congress and your state reps and make it clear: NO MORE FUNDING FOR WAR! DEPORT IMMIGRANTS!!  ARREST THESE TRAITORS!! This is all nonsense. 

The Enemy of Evil is Righteousness.....

Defeat them the old-fashioned way: Prayer works, and the power of  positive against the negative. If God wasn't so dangerous to them, why do they spend so much time and effort trying to destroy and discredit Christians and Jews? Why are Muslims whom they have deceived and personally taught heresies and blasphemy to kill God's own people, their best friends?

  The enemy of evil is anything that is righteous and good, people. That is why the Communists persecute the Falun Gong, and why the Sauds hate the Jews, and have spread lies, slanders and hate about them. Now, the real face of the Sauds are revealed.  We've been right about them all along.

Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow W...
Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow Wilson signs creation of the Federal Reserve. Source: Date: 24 December 1913 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014



The “New World Dis-Order” is coming apart at the seams; it’s about time. They  are all a bunch of demented lunatics, anyway. How could they be otherwise? Their ancestry was that of psychopaths, murderers, drug dealers and thieves. They were chosen for their positions of wealth and power for their utter ruthlessness and craven self-interest. Even the heads of Europe who inhabit the oh-so-stuffy Bilderberg cabal is rift with ex-Nazis, genocidal maniacs and not-a-few discreet assassins. I had to chuckle when I saw the fuss made when Prince Willie showed up at a party in a Nazi uniform. He couldn’t imagine what all the fuss was about. No, poor child. He probably found it in a trunk in the attic, from one of his Uncles. (Oopsies! Not supposed to know that King Edward VII didn’t REALLY abdicate because of Wallis Simpson, you know.)

Harry Reid and The Obamazoid

The latest bizarre antics come from Harry Reid and His Bizarre-ness, The Obama-zoid. The shooting in Las Vegas? The joker and what was it? The thin fellow? Anyway, Harry was just oozing sympathy and saccharine solicitousness—and blaming it on right-wingers. When it took place in his proverbial back yard? In the state where absolutely nothing hits the ground that he doesn’t know the pedigree of and get a percentage of before it bounces??  In LAS VEGAS no less??? Where he’s probably got his own snoops and men who make sure he gets his cuts and all his dirty blackmail material every two feet everyplace there is standing, sitting or squatting room? (He probably bugs the urinals).

Tell us another one, Harry. The whole thing was so obviously a fake, a set up that only a demented old fart like him could possibly have dreamed up, that I’m almost embarrassed for him. Not! He’s a vile, old, lecherous piece of dog poop, and it’s him and the rest of his like that are destroying not only this country, but the world.

No Laws For the Wicked

These kind of tricks are THEIR tactics, not the real patriots of this nation. He talks about “laws” and he scorns them, except when he wants to deny a citizen his rights and steal his land or property from him, especially when he himself stands to make a lot of filthy lucre. That’s all that counts to him and his buddies. People mean nothing. Laws mean nothing. They have destroyed the planet, the nation, the people—they don’t care as long as they have MONEY and POWER. But they are so  stupid and greedy, they don’t think about what Jesus said, “What profits a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” 

“We Came, We Saw, He Died!!”

It’s not going to do them any good, because they’ll never be happy—it’s never, ever enough! Look at them! Harry and Rockefeller and all of them, grabbing and lying and cheating and killing incessantly, because they never have enough! They are addicts, lusting forever for more, more,  more! Look at Hillary—did you see the clip when she watched Gaddafi being murdered? Her eyes were glittering she laughed and cackled, she LOVED it! “We came, we saw, he DIED!!” She gloated. This after NATO had dropped a missile on his convey after he was leaving—under a safe conduct passage, white flags posted on the lead vehicles from all accounts. AFTER Gaddafi was pulled from a storm drain, sodomized, beaten and eviscerated by the savages she and Obama had managed to unleash on the country by their abject stupidity. Yeah, she really got off on that. I don’t know about you, but it’s make me reaaaalllll nervous to have that---thing---as president. HOW many failures in foreign policy—let’s be honest—DISASTERS—while she was ‘Secretary of State’?? The most notable was Benghazi, and she still hasn’t come clean about that, since Obama basically bailed and left her holding the whole bag on that one. They all did; who knows? Maybe because it WAS all her fault.

“Leprosy?? Ebola??”

The Obamanator is supposedly now allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to pour into the country—and airlifting hundreds of thousands more. I wrote my representatives and suggested Diane Feindstein ought to be sent to the border to frisk them as they came in, since she was so hot about gun control. Only, she should wear gloves since a lot of them are reported to have leprosy, tuberculosis, lice, ebola….

It’s obvious what we must now do, fellow citizens. It’s what we should have done a long time ago. We fire them all. They have not followed the Law of the Land for decades now; FDR started mutilating the Constitution not only with the New Deal, but when he started arranging the Supreme Court to suit himself. It’s just gotten worse as time has passed. We have gotten nothing but lies and deceit from these socio-commo-fascio-morons. They can call themselves anything they want, but their goal has been the same: Domination and Extermination of everyone and everything they can’t buy and/or control. No. That’s not how we do things here in the States.

“You’re FIRED!!”

They have not kept their oaths of office, they have not even handled the funds we have entrusted them  with honesty and responsibility. They have lied, cheated and stolen from us for over a hundred years. They have programmed our children, and have attempted to destroy our God, and take away our nation and turn it into a sewer.

It has needlessly murdered our soldiers, and deliberately murdered our own citizens for its own selfish ends. It has enabled repressive and vicious governments to take power in other nations, it has enabled a lawless and utterly ruthless criminal organization masquerading as a lawful agency of the government, the CIA, to wreak havoc upon the world with illicit enterprises that have caused untold misery, suffering and hardship.

It would take volumes to list all the crimes of these murdering, soulless bastards. But this is where we say—“Enough. No more. We have had enough of you, and so has the world. It is time you paid for all you have done, and are put away where you can do no more harm.”

And how do we do that? I told you. We fire them. They are Federal—we are not. Washington DC is a city-state. I’ve said that before. If you check, it is the only truly Federal entity. The Federal Courts and so on in each state are actually not legal and have no jurisdiction. That’s how come Obama could ignore them when they rendered judgments on him.

The Federal Reserve is NOT Federal!

The Federal Reserve is NOT Federal, and neither is the IRS. They are both unconstitutional.  It is immensely illegal for the IRS to be used as the president’s attack dog, in any way shape or form. The EPA the Dept. of Education and any number of governmental agencies are unconstitutional and illegal. Taxation is illegal; the IRS has no authority to enforce the illegal taxes f a foreign corporation—the Federal Reserve, which is a FOREIGN corporation, managed by the Bank of England, apparently registered in the City of London. (The CFR is a ‘sister’ organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is based in London England, which makes it, essentially, a foreign operation also.)

That means they owe US 80 years—is it?—in back taxes, plus all the gold and gold certificates that Roosevelt illegally confiscated. He did not have the right to do that.

We will declare that Washington DC is no longer the center of government, and that the judiciary, having forsaken and broken all its agreements and vows as contained in the Constitution, etc., has rendered whatever agreements and contracts, implied or otherwise, null and void. And we declare we owe them nothing, since every debt that we supposedly incurred was tendered upon us by fraud and willful deceit upon their part. They never represented the true nature of the Federal Reserve, their aims and goals, or that of the United Nations.

“Wars, and Rumors of Wars?”

The United States was dragged into at least four false and ruinous wars that were deliberately instigated by corrupt and unscrupulous men, for their own financial enrichment and political power. This is against all the tenets and intentions stated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights; these were all unlawful wars, and we demand that the descendants of those responsible pay reparations to the treasury of the New United States; naturally, they are liable for the entire deficit. WE aren’t taxpayers to a foreign government.

They can also take on the care and feeding of all the illegals they have decided to nurture, and we will print our own money with our new Congress, since they are all fired.

This is only a rough idea. More savvy people than me would have to flesh it out, should the citizenry wish to follow this route. It would be preferable to a long and fruitless struggle through the rigged voting system while more and more of our soldiers and innocent people over in other countries are murdered for Hillary’s insane “Full Spectrum Kick-Ass” or whatever their latest scorched-earth technique is.

A violent revolution is absolutely anathema. That is what they want—more chaos! More death! More destruction and blood for their Satanist goat-gods and whatever lizard-people they conjure up. 

 If something like this is decided, a petition and signatures could be quickly collected via a website on the Internet, perhaps? Then e-mail to Congress with a nice gif, maybe 50 dancing states or something equally goofy. Yeah, I know. I’ve got an odd sense of humor.

“Call Your Congressman!!”

At the very least, write, call, fax, e-mail your representatives in Congress. Protest, put a sign on your vehicle! “NO MORE______” (Fill in the blanks) Get them good and nervous.

And, Mr. Cops? Look at how quickly the Big Boys are willing to toss you all away. They make you look like the Bad Guys, and now people are starting to shoot you in revenge??? This is what they want you to think. Don’t you think that’s kind of suspicious??  I’d look over that ‘shooting’ and all these others real careful-like, because I’ve got a funny feeling they are trying to make the mean ol’ cops the patsies here somehow.  I’ve got a real strong feeling—and so do a lot of other people—these are all false flags;  that they were set-ups. If so, then someone’s ass ought to  be in a really tight sling over this. And if they are willing to kill people for this kind of penny-ante stuff, there is nothing they wouldn’t do…..

They are truly despicable, folks. They don’t deserve anything but a point to the exit sign, because there’s not a one of them I’d trust to run a doghouse, much less the world.

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