Thursday, April 24, 2014

"FALUN GONG": They Kept their Faith.

Righteous Resistance

A grassroots movement, like no other in history, is growing in China

Levi Browde, 07 Jun 2007 If the Falun Gong’s mounting size has grown unnoticed to outside observers, so too has its strength. Particularly, its strength of conviction. If the greatest nonviolent movements of the 20th century are any indicator, however, this is an oversight. Gandhi once proclaimed that, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” Much less one that is millions strong, tempered, and growing. By late 2001, China’s Falun Gong found themselves at the receiving end of a Maoist-style campaign designed to “eradicate” the meditation group. For many the darkest days of communist rule had returned.
Hon. David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, and David Matas, a senior international human rights lawyer have conducted a series of independent investigations. They have gathered 52 separate pieces of evidence that indicates organ harvesting continues to exist in China today. Investigations by Ethan Gutmann concluded that approximately 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners died from organ harvesting between 2000 and 2008.

Hong Kong newspaper, Apple Daily, reported in October 2012 about live organ harvesting. It also indicated little known information that Bo Xilai’s wife, Gu Kailai was directly involved in the operation and establishment of a global network of organ sales

Ms. Wang, China: “They took the organs, from living people, and now the people are dead. But they continued to process the corpse into what they called art for exhibitions, in order to make money. Inhumane can’t even being describe to it. This evilness can not be described.”

Outside China, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) launched

a global petition in July 2013. By end of November, there were a total of 1,487,828 signatures that had been collected from around the world. These signatures have had a huge impact.
Such exposure gains added weight, however, when put online and brought to the attention of the outside world. While it’s no simple feat to get such information out of China, volumes of it still manage to get through. A formidable part of the package is the “” (“Vast Net of Justice”) website, which at any given time might offer profiles of as many as 51,000 “evildoers.” A typical entry includes the authority’s name, work unit, gender, position, and phone number.

The last part—a phone number—is critical, and ties in to another grassroots effort of incredible proportions: phone calls. With petitioning offices sealed for the Falun Gong, and no recourse through the courts, adherents have had to become a legal system unto themselves. If websites such as and serve as virtual courts, phone calls to perpetrators are certainly one of the sentences. Across China and from countries around the world, adherents have been placing volumes of calls—staggering in quantity—to those most directly responsible for the group’s suffering

On December 12, 2013, European Parliament passed an emergency motion.

The motion called for the CCP to immediately stop organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, of religious beliefs, and of ethnic minorities. On March 5 this year, the Italian Senate Human Rights Commission unanimously adopted a resolution. This asked the Italian government to urge the CCP to immediately release prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners. It also called for a full investigation of the CCP 's crime of live organ harvesting.

Illinois No. HR0730 Motion


On February 26, the Illinois House of Representatives unanimously passed the Illinois No. HR0730 motion. It called for the CCP to immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. It strongly urged the U.S. government to investigate organ transplants in China. It also urged for an end to organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

During 2014, petitions against live organ harvesting continue to grow inside China.

After nearly a decade of brutality, humiliation, and privation on account of their spiritual beliefs, China’s Falun Gong have come to see the workings of the persecution apparatus in vivid relief. A sharpened assessment has come about with time, one far less optimistic, you might say.

Shijiazhuang City, over 11,000 people have supported the petition.

Whereas originally certain key figures behind the awful mess could be identified (e.g., Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, and Li Lanqing), and clearly many officials disagreed with the hamhanded measures (e.g., Zhu Rongji), with time that distinction became ever less clear; strong-arm tactics and repeated purges gradually weeded out dissent from the Party’s ranks, solidifying the apparatus. To disagree was to risk one’s career. Those most vigorous in carrying out the suppression rose quickly through the ranks, with incentives being tied to obedience at every level of the system. The very Communist Party system itself, it became clear, was the problem. “It was rotten beyond repair,” says Erping Zhang, a spokesperson for the Falun Gong based in New York. “To change or try to fix any one part, for instance the courts, is meaningless, when everything from the media to the educational system to the labor camps is controlled by the Party and made to serve the Party. The problem is systemic beyond belief.”

Zhao Ming, who was tortured in Beijing’s Tuanhe Labor Camp, echoes Zhang’s interpretation. “They have been doing this all through the history of the People’s Republic of China. During the ‘Cultural Revolution’ they destroyed and wiped out all Chinese traditional beliefs, including Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. No Westerner can understand this. I would say you can’t fathom their actions with a normal mind.”

Jiu-ping” (“Nine Commentaries”)

For many, the intensity of the cruelty and hatred they saw foisted upon them by the Party fomented, as for Zhang and Zhao, a reexamination. Was it just Falun Gong? Or had the Party done this before, and in other forms? The answer was spelled out in a nine-part critique of the Communist Party, titled “Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party” or “Jiu-ping” (“Nine Commentaries”) for short after the Chinese name. The series was published by a Chinese newspaper named Dajiyuan (The Epoch Times), to which a number of Falun Gong persons contribute time. Within just one month of its release (November 2004), veritable shockwaves had been sent throughout the halls of China’s rulers and throughout the land. By that time Meng Weizai, the former director of China’s Bureau of Art and Literature, along with Huang Xiaoming, an Olympic medalist, had declared they were quitting the Party. A flood of resignations soon began that received the strongest inadvertent verification in the form of official denials from the likes of the state-run Xinhua news agency. Other Party actions, otherwise baffling, soon followed, such as mandatory study sessions and campaigns to increase “Party discipline” and to “preserve the cutting-edge nature” of the Party. Was the leadership nervous? Interest in the Commentaries was only piqued by this.

In a short time what were originally 100–200 daily withdrawals from the Party had swelled to thousands; on the day of this writing a total of 33,613 quit, while for June 2007 the tally was 958,587. (It should be noted that “quitting” refers to the Party itself and its two affiliate organizations—the Youth League and Young Pioneers, which many join in China with “blood oaths” at a young age.)
But why such a dramatic response, and from so many? Stephen Gregory, an editor at The Epoch Times, offers this:

After 55 years of lies and terror, the people of China now have the chance to know their true history. For the first time, they can share with one another the tremendous losses they have suffered under the Chinese Communist Party. For the first time, they can step back from the Communist nightmare and consider the beauty and significance of the ancient civilization that the Communist Party has worked so hard to destroy.”

Gregory’s remarks suggest two important points, then. First, that for many, the Commentaries and the chance to break from the Party is almost cathartic, a cleansing of the soul, and an occasion for healing and reconciliation with self and past. Second, it is also a reclaiming—a reclaiming of Chinese culture and history, both of which have been captive to the whims and caprice of the Party for nearly six decades. Communism, as the Commentaries make poignantly clear, is the product of 19th century European thought, not traditional China. 
The Corrupt and debt-plagued Chinese Communist Party is crumbling, and their economy is far worst off than they have dared let anyone know;  and our equally corrupt and debt-plagued government has said and done nothing about these crimes against humanity that they had to have known about long before these protests showed up literally on their doorsteps. They had to have known, because the organ transplant business is a billions of dollars a year industry; in "The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Blood Farmers and Child Traffickers",("Scribd" is where I found my copy)  the author tells a grim,  grisly but chillingly  well-documented  tale of just how extensive--and invasive--the trafficking of the dead truly is. And how profitable--to the tune of apx. a half billion bucks a year. More than ample reason for the corporations that are the true masters of the nation to strongly suggest to their puppet legislators and 'lawmakers' that they simply ignore what's going on behind the curtains. So what if Harry Reid and Obama are trading off America to these hideous monsters in exchange for the debts their own stupidity  are responsible for racking up in the first place?  It's the same old tale: Cover up, lie and distract, and by the time the Idiots find out the truth, it'll be too damn late for them to do a thing about it. You Are All Screwed Again.
Look at these videos, and read what these people have been through, who have done nothing but strive to make themselves better, more compassionate and benevolent people, and perfect themselves as well as any person might be able to. Seems we Christians had a man trying to tell us to do the same thing, and lot of our people are getting killed for the same reason. Can't understand why that wouldn't be a popular concept to anyone--who's still human, that is. Jerome Corsi's written a book about what's been happening, Called "America for Sale".
There are no human beings left in Washington if they could know about these atrocities, and still allow Harry Reid and Obama to sell off our nation to these animals. THAT, in case you haven't fgured it out for yourselves, is what all that to-do about the Bundy Ranch and the Rape of Nevada  was all about, and why Harry Reid has his panties in a wad about it; he's scared as hell someone is going to find out the real reason. Like I'm doing here. Who could allow them to rack up our debt to them, and not even sanction or condemn them. It shows beyond any shadow of a doubt what they truly are and who they are sold to.

Obama can send out drones that kill thousands and thousands of women and children, order wars on countries that haven't declared war on us, perpetuate "Wars on Terror", when he knows damn well that those who profited and planned the Middle East takeover AND 9/11 are sitting in his own backyard?? (9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to George W. Bush, the financial pages say. And if HE profited--so did  many more.)  He can declare a "War on Drugs" When the damn CIA is a criminal mob that are the biggest drug and illegal arms dealers in the world?? AND he won't even allow the Vets who fought and died to insure those fat opium poppy profits keep rolling in, to get a few measly joints of medical marijuana?? What a EFFING HYPOCRITE!!!!

What a frigging joke these shits are!! They are the scumbags of the world. This damn defecit is bullshit, and they all know it. The Fed isn't even Federal, 3/4 of the deficit is purely theoretical debt that doesn't really exist on a fungible level--it's like paper iou's that can be torn up and thrown away!! AND tons more of it are on things like massive amounts of bonds that were paid our decades ago and are still being charged!!!!! THE FED NEEDS TO BE AUDITED, AND IT NEEDS TO BE SENT THE HELL BACK TO THE CITY OF LONDON!!! And the IRS with it. They are ALL blatantly ILLEGAL, and those 100 or so shits that are the generational stockholders in the Fed need to cough up all the ILLEGAL dividends they've been sucking up from the American taxpayers all these years. THOSE are the REAL parasites of this nation!

People, look at what was done, and IS being done, by the Communists, and realize what Lenin said: "Socialism is Communism in a hurry." Recall that it was OUR government that made sure that Mao Tse Tung got in power in the first place, by sabotaging Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Army's weapons. AND it was OUR government that enabled the North Vietnamese AND Pol Pot. AND is financing the Taliban, the "rebels" and invented al-Qaeda as well--thanks, CIA. Once again you have kept America safe for the arms dealers and drug lords.

Think of just two more years of Obama I bin Lyin, after what he's managed to accomplish so far; THINK of America under the Gluttons--I mean, the CLINTONS again----****$#$$##   I think your duty is obvious. I hope every chicken in America will be naked by Friday morning, and the La Brea Tar Pits will be sucked dry......
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Monday, April 21, 2014

"And There Shall Be Wars...." Syria by Way of Ukraine??

Ukraine To Be a Nuclear Happy-Meal??

The Globalists seems to be bound and determined to launch the world into a nuclear holocaust; God knows, they're trying hard enough. "Why?" You might well ask, bewildered. "What do they want? Why are we going to war with the Ukraine? I thought we were supposed to be fighting terrorists!"

That's something the main-street propaganda-whore media doesn't tell you, my friend. WE are the terrorists. The U.S., formerly known as "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave" has been downgraded to "The Major Asshole of the World" category. This has been going on for quite a while; we haven't heard about it, at least, the 98.9% of Americans who weren't specifically looking for such things, because of the whore media, entrenched deeply in the slop-trough of the corporate empire owned mainly by the Rothschilds. They should all be charged with treason and murder, because they have allowed heinous and reprehensible atrocities to occur, honest and brave people to be slandered and even murdered, and a major poseur--Obama--not only to be "elected" but to maintain his slippery choke-hold on America's jugular as he slowly and methodically destroys not only our nation, but plays havoc with the world, all at the bidding of whoever happens to be at the other end of his choke-chain, that is.

This all started long before 9/11--that was a home-grown manufactured excuse that handily covered a lot of ground for these psychos. It got rid of a white elephant of real estate that was going to require some very costly renovations; it jumped us into a convenient set-up for the invasion of a country that had not shown any aggression towards the U.S.; it raked in a good deal of money on stock deals for certain investors so highly placed that no one can be persuaded to release their names....I could go on, you know. By now, anyone who still thinks "Osama Bin Laden Did It" has to have been brain-twerked. I hear the CIA's gotten pretty good at that since they were forced to "discontinue" their MK-Ultra program, though you wouldn't know it from the rumors coming out of places like the Disney studios...

Look up a book called "Gladio" By Dean Henderson, if you want to know what NATO really does when Congress pretends it isn't looking--like they usually do when the CIA and NATO get their major sociopaths and "black-ops" maniacs gathered together and tell them their orders are: "Cry HAVOC and Let Slip the Dogs of WAR!!!" (That's Shakespeare, by the way.) General Lemnitzer should have had that embroidered on his underwear; he frolicked merrily about Europe causing murder and mayhem where ere his bands of thugs and assassins alighted, slaughtering innocent civilians and recalcitrant heads of state by the trunk-loads. And then, there was Edward Lansdale, who was highly admired for such black-ops tactics as having his men dress up like vampire bats and swooping down from trees onto their unsuspecting victims. Did they get to suck their blood, too? He might have encouraged them to do so, since he was obviously as bat-shit crazy as the rest of the bunch of neo-con lunatics, most of whom still inhabit their belfries in Washington D.C., by the way.

And the military pretends it's mystified at the high rate of military suicides and violent shootings?? PUH-LEEZE!! There is a serious case of "Covering the Big-Brass-ASS!!" going on here. They know perfectly well why these guys are freaking out. Hell I know perfectly well, because not only did I have two brothers who were in 'Nam, I am a Vet myself, albeit a female one, thus wasn't allowed to play with the Big Toys, and every time I go to Castle Point, or hang out at anyplace where retirees hang out, or go online in the Vet chatrooms, I run across 'Nam Vets, WWII Vets, Korea Vets--and I was married to a 'Nam Vet. I get heartsick seeing what one or two tours in 'Nam did to these guys--particularly after finding out that 'Nam was nothing but a big joke to these lunatics. The Bay of Tonkin was faked, by our own government. They were wounded, shattered, their buddies blown up in front of their faces, their lives ruined forever, for rich men's pissing contests."Geopolitical Strategies?" Is that what they call it? I call it treason, and crimes against humanity for which a great many over-pampered asshats should be doing the Nuremberg Shuffle.

And these guys coming back from three, four--even six or seven tours-- today are being patted on the head, slipped powerful SSRI's with unpredictable side-effects, and told, "You're fine. Go home." They don't get any support, their medical care is lousy, they are being treated like they are some kind of murderers--I have had silly little twits tell me my own brothers were murderers. I tell them why don't they and their stupid little friends go to the next war that comes along and tell those poor, misunderstood fellows running at them with Kalashnikovsm RPG's and lead pipes that it isn't nice to kill people?

My brother came home with 5 medals, after he had saved over 140 men's lives by his actions over in Nam. He got spit on after he got off the plane. He had insults thrown at him. People called him "Baby Killer." He didn't bother trying to tell them about the orphanage he and his buddies had evacuated just ahead of the Cong. He didn't even get a medal for that. He couldn't. They were acting against direct orders. Some homecoming. I bet he felt like going back to 'Nam. At least there, he knew who he was allowed to shoot at.

To the rich, demented assholes that think they are some kind of Olympian godlings,this is all a game, and they laugh themselves silly every time they move a few pieces and see the mayhem that it produces. They love chaos, you see. Their motto is, "Order out of chaos," and to them, this is as much fun as a kid stirring up an anthill. And that's all we are to them--ants.

And you see, these guys, these soldiers--they aren't half as stupid as these rotten old bastards think they are, and they figure it out pretty quick. And not only are they getting shot at and killed for nothing: they are being ordered to shoot and kill innocent people and do things that repulse them and tear them to pieces--and if they refuse, well, there's just another dead guy. Oh, well. More where he came from. They are killing innocent people, all over the world, and nobody gives a damn, because our media doesn't give a shit. They take their money and tell you all lies, and they are as much murderers and traitors as Obama, Clinton, Soros, and the rest of these bastards. The blood of every woman and child that is blown to pieces by Obama's drones, or starves to death because of what the IMF is doing in Africa--goes on THEIR heads, too. It's bad enough they are whores and sell their integrity and professionalism--but they have sold their humanity also.

EVERY war has been like this! Since the FRENCH REVOLUTION! Only, we didn't figure it out...they made the Big Mistake when they killed Kennedy. Everything went to shit after that, and no one has really trusted the government ever since. The government has lied, and lied, and lied. Congress has known all along about ALL these deceptions and horrors--and they have not stopped a thing. They did not stop the Federal Reserve when it stole money from the American Public in Roosevelt's illegal and blatant theft of gold from the American people, and it has not uttered a word of protest at the illegal taxes that have been levied upon us by an illegal and FOREIGN agency of a FOREIGN government.

And they do nothing now, while the world falls apart around their ears, and Americans are being robbed blind of their rights, freedoms and property. Except, maybe flap their hands and twitter, "Oh, dear! Oh, Dear! Oh, Dear!!" Well, what I always say, if you want something done right, you'd best do it yourself. There ain't NO help coming from the government, people. Voting them out isn't going to help a bit. That would just take out the feet of the beast. The head is way up where we can't reach, and it's not a dragon, it's more like a Hydra.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

God is With Us

Easter 2014, He is Risen!

By Jack Kelley
From: "Rapture Forum"

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep
. 1 Corinthians 15:20When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Col. 2:13-15)

It’s an interesting passage.

Verse 13

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ.

We didn’t work our way to this reward. We did nothing to earn or deserve it. We didn’t even make the first move, earning the right to a response. While we still hated Him, He loved us enough to die for us, as if saying, “Here’s the gift of life, reserved for you. All you have to do is ask to receive it”
(Matt. 7:7-8).

Verse 14

“He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.”

Today we would call this written code with its regulations the list of charges filed with the court; a bill of indictment for all the crimes we’d been accused of. Since the Lord offered Himself “once for all time” the phrase all our sins means a couple of things. Collectively it means all the sins of mankind, from the first sin of the first man to the last sin of the last one.

Individually it means all the sins of our life, past, present, and future. The Greek word for all literally means each and every sin has been forgiven.

In the Lord’s day, if we had been convicted of non-capital crimes, a list of them would have been nailed to the door of our prison cell, along with the sentence we’d received. As we served our time, paying our “debt to society” as they called it, the intervals would be marked off until at last we had served our full sentence. At that time we would be handed the list, and the Greek word tetelesti, which means paid in full, would be written across it as proof we had completed the term of our sentence. This would be our protection against double jeopardy, in case we were ever charged again.

If we had been convicted of a capital crime and sentenced to death, our crimes would have been inscribed on a placard and affixed above our head to the cross on which we hung, as a deterrent to all who passed by and witnessed our agony. Crosses were mounted along side major thoroughfares for maximum public exposure.

As the Lord hung on His cross, the placard above His head read “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” identifying His crime as treason for all those in the temporal realm to see. But in the spiritual realm a different sign was being displayed. It listed all the crimes against God (sins) that ever had been or ever would be committed during the entire age of mankind. Beside each sin were the names of the all people who had or would commit them. It is this sign Paul describes as being nailed to the cross in Colossians 2:14.

Verse 15

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”

You see, all of humanity’s crimes against God are capital crimes, punishable by death, and we’re all guilty. Satan knew that because of this, all of humanity was forever estranged from God. Jesus had come to reconcile God and man, but now by murdering Him, Satan could make sure that no one could ever rescue mankind. We’d all be lost forever. The moment of his greatest victory was at hand.

But wait! That sign over His head said that the Lord wasn’t dying for any crime He had committed. His name wasn’t even on the list. He was dying in mankind’s place for all the crimes WE had committed. How can this be? It can’t possibly work.

From the cross Jesus cried, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?” He had become the physical embodiment of sin itself (2 Cor. 5:21), and God had to turn away from Him, abandoning Him there. For the first time in eternity the Father and the Son were no longer One. There’s hope yet, the devil must have thought. Even the Father can’t rescue Him! We’ve won after all!

But then Jesus cried out one last time. And suddenly Satan understood. He’d been set up. They were in it together, the Father and the Son. In 1 Cor. 2:8 Paul explained that Satan and his minions didn’t realize this until then, because if they had they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. They thought that by killing the Christ they could separate us from God forever, but instead they were guaranteeing our reconciliation. (Col. 1:19-20)

Later, when John, an eyewitness to the event, wrote down the Lord’s last word from the cross, he used the same Greek word as the one the jailers wrote across the written code when they released their prisoners. “Tetelesti!” Paid in full! We were free. The terms of our sentence had been fulfilled and we could never be charged again. Our long estrangement from God, begun in the Garden, was over.
You see, before the foundation of the world was laid, the Father and the Son had entered into an agreement. Knowing all that was to come, the fall into sin and all its horrific consequences, the Father had said to the Son, “Son, if you’ll die for them I’ll forgive them.” And the Son had replied, “Father, if you’ll forgive them I’ll die for them.” It’s called the Everlasting Covenant, and because of it all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. And on that central day in history, it had come to pass. The everlasting covenant was fulfilled.

Verse 15 Again

“And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”
So what was to have been Satan’s greatest victory had become his ultimate defeat. And right there in full view of all the host of heaven. A public spectacle. Humiliated!

And what’s the proof? Resurrection Morning, 3 days and 3 nights later. On that sunny Sunday morning, the tomb broken open and empty, Mary Magdalene and the other women became the first to know for certain what mankind had dreamed about for several thousand years. The Redeemer had come, as promised from the days of Adam. And with His blood shed on the cross He had ransomed all who would accept it from death to life. The empty tomb proved it (1 Cor. 15:17)

Having become so much the embodiment of sin that God couldn’t even look at Him just three days earlier, Jesus had now come out of the tomb ready to sit at the right hand of Majesty. His death had paid in full the price for all our sins. It had to, because He took the blame for all the sin in the history of mankind and if the penalty for even one of them remained unpaid, He’d still be in the grave, still separated from His Father. God cannot abide the presence of sin!

But John called Him the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29) All of it. And so here He was all dressed in white, on His way to the Throne in Heaven. His Father was satisfied, His need for justice having been met, they were One again. And as they were one with each other we became one with them. (John 14:20) as righteous as God Himself (2 Cor. 5:21) as perfect as though we had never sinned (2 Cor. 5: 17) and destined to dwell in the House of the Lord forever.For by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy (Hebr. 10:14). 04-11-04.

Hallelujah, He is Risen!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ex-Muslim Christian Pastor Attacked by Terrorists

Mulande Attacked by Terrorists For His Faith

It's difficult for us in the west to comprehend the persecutions and trials that Christians  in other parts of the world endure as the price for their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ; we feel insufferably offended if we are told we cannot say grace in a public restaurant, or wear a "I Love Jesus" T-Shirt publicly. As this brave pastor's testimony demonstrates so eloquently, Christians in many parts of the world are paying  fearsome prices for their devotion to the true and living God, prices that make us uncomfortably aware that we ourselves might not have the selfsame courage and fortitude if we were faced with the same choices these faithful brothers and sisters confront every day of their lives.

Persecution is not a new phenomena for the Christian church; it has followed the church from its inception, since the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. He was a completely innocent man; indeed, he was the first, and only sinless being that has ever lived. He was the vertiable Son of God, who had been born into the world,a s foretold 900 years before his birth by the prophet Isiah, as the long-promised and anticipated Messiah of the Jews:

" For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there shall be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty shall accomplish this." Isaiah  9:6

Isaiah also foretold that his own people would reject him:

"(2)He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. (3) He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering.  Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:2-3

And why? Because he did not fit the idea of what the leaders of the Jews thought their prophecies said the Messiah should be. They were looking for a conquering, vengeful King, who would sweep away the hated Roman armies and give them back their sovereignty, and restore their prosperity and autonomy. They did not understand it was not yet time for them to stand on their own; they needed the strength and power of the Romans to protect them. They did not listen to God's word, but sent by their own interpretations, the words of man against the wisdom and omniscience of God. That is a path that has never worked out to anyone's advantage, yet is a route that mankind can never resist undertaking, always to his ultimate determent. 

"(4) Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53: 4-5

Why did the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews consider Jesus, this poor crusading Rabbi from an obscure little town near the Decropilis such a threat  they had to perjure themselves in order to have him executed? Why is Christianity considered so dangerous to the powerful tyrants that have ruled with iron determination over the lives of mankind? Why must they mercilessly exterminate the law-abiding,   followers of the Prince of Peace, whose teachings can be summarized by his words to the lawyers and teachers when they questioned him about which were the greatest of the commandments? He replied:

, "You shall love the Lord Your God with all your mind and all your heart; and the second commandment is this; you shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

What have Christians, the most loving and peaceful of all mankind, done to deserve the hardships are persecutions visited upon them? Why are such  atrocities delivered upon them, their families and their communities? Why have I been warned time and again, even in our so-called 'tolerant' society, to avoid mentioning religion, so others wouldn't become 'offended'? Offended?? By the  'The 'Man of Sorrows'? The 'Wonderful Counselor'? When there is no such compunction about mentioning terrorists, murderers and rapists? No restrictions on the vile insults and blasphemies that may be heaped upon Christians or Christianity itself in the MSM? Is it any wonder that we see something very wrong with this picture?

Persecution of Christians Threatens the  Loss of ALL Freedoms

The loss of one group's Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms is not just a loss for them personally; though you cannot see it, there are universal, God-given rights that are slipping away as well. Dissing God is exactly the same as tossing the Universal Laws right out the window, the code of civilized conduct that binds us all as to what will be tolerated as civilized, reasonable behavior in a society, or what will be punished as barbarism and condemned  as savagery. . After all, there has to be a uniform code of conduct, a standard of Universal moral and ethical behavior in the  world, so that all nationalities and people can live together in reasonable harmony and  equanimity.

It has worked fairly well-as long as the Universal Laws were followed--well--UNIVERSALLY!  But there are always those who are 'too smart for the program', and thought they had better ways to doing things than God almighty, or worse, thought that THEIR God was superior to ours. Thus, they made their own rules and expected everyone else to follow them.  It did not always work out well, particularly when THEIR rules and laws conflicted with what Christians knew to be the laws of God, the very fundamental, Universal  Laws that govern the ALL.

Islam became corrupted, because apparently their prophet became corrupted, as can be seen by the well-documented abrogation  of their scriptures. The Quran was first written to be peace-loving, very much like the Christian's Bible, and the Jewish Torah with a bit of the Bhaghadivita tossed in for extra measure. Then, somewhere along the line, perhaps about the time Mohammed decided he wanted to Take Over the World, he made up a few "revelations" to cover his butt to explain why the 'irrevocable world of Allah" had just been revoked, and began inflicting murder and mayhem upon his fellow man. These subsequent  events are recorded, in the voluminous records contained in the historical documents faithfully written and preserved, by some of Mohammed's greatest historians and writers.

There was also a decades-long gap in their history, where much of their long history was totally lost, many of their greatest spiritual leaders and schools drifted away, and their great golden age with its wise and devout teachers, great scientists and men of intellect were long gone. In their place came the crop of wanna-be's, who not knowing God from the idols that were more familiar to their culture, remolded "Allah" to his historical image, the moon-god of their ancient history,  il-illeah, Sin.  The 356-odd Gods of Mecca, to which  people came to worship from distant places and buy holy relics and make the tribes thereby rich and prosperous had existed far longer than Mohammed's new god. It was only natural 'Allah', il-illeah, Sin, became all mixed up in this new,  bastardized version of the Lord God.

The god, il-illeah, was worshiped exactly the way Allah is worshiped, with the same rituals.  Ramadan is sacred because the crescent moon is its symbol--the clay images of the idol excavated from various archaeological sites and other artifacts--always have him with a crescent moon and a star as his symbol.  The month of Ramadan is the only one where there are two crescent moons--and the first and last parts of the month. 

Only a pagan god would demand such loathsome sacrifices as 'Allah' apparently demands, or the tolls in human misery this so-called wise and benevolent 'merciful' god inflicts upon his subjects.  Idols are never satisfied, for that is the nature of the priests and wizards who promote them--you always have to do more and more to satisy the idol, so the priests and wizards never lose their iron hold upon the people who believe they hold their very souls for ransom.

The Catholic Church corrupted itself by such practices; it was not following God, but inventing priestcraft, and it by its own admission exalts the doctrines of the Church above the Holy Scriptures. This is wrong. And, you can see where it has perverted and cursed their religion. And any religion that has exalted itself above the true and living God and his word has become evil and fell into the same apostasies.

"(12) Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings; yet even angels, though they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord. But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts, they too will perish. (13) They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. (14) With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed--an accursed brood!" 2 Peter 2:12-14

 Mankind has been corrupted by treachery and lies, with the machinations of those who  are seeking to destroy us physically, spiritually and emotionally. They are destroying our cultures from the inside out, and they doing so with  satan's  own bag of tricks: by luring us in by our own carnal natures. He makes good seem bad, and bad seem good, and this is what is happening everywhere you look. 

When God is blasphemed as evil and a genocidal maniac, and satan is praised as wise and the true benefactor of mankind, when 2-year-old girls are raped because their father won't convert to Christianity, when mobs of angry Muslims rape, torture and kill Christians who have done nothing at all but witness for the universal love of God for all mankind,  and the world hardly bothers to stifle their yawns, then we know there is something gravely wrong with humanity's perceptions of truth and lies. 

Think of this, since you have no doubt listened to Mulande's story. When all the Christians have been exterminated, and there is no more who can bore any atheist, agnostic, or other 'sensible' person with their 'fairy tales', who will these "bold and arrogant men' come after next? And, who will defend them from  injustice, when no one spoke up for the Christians?  "What does it matter?" You say? Well, think of it this way: What if they come after you?

A good video how a Muslim became a Christian:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

So Many Stupids, So Little Time...

I am getting very exasperated with the vast reservoir of stupidity that has replaced the traditional common sense of the average American Citizen. Reading the comments on various news sites and videos and such, I cannot believe how many of them are virtuously reprimanding Bundy for not following "The Law". Uh--WHAT  law??? I have been busily posting my own pithy comment:

It's amazing how people can talk out their butts without knowing anything about what is really going on. This is Harry Reid, who has made a $5 billion buck "deal" with the Chinese energy company, ENN Energy, to build another stupid boondoggle of thousands of acres of Nevada land covered in their cheap solar panels that will cost more to produce electricity than the coal-powered plants he's been shutting down all over Nevada ever would. Also, you dipwads don't know that 50 ranchers have been run off their ranches in this same area, by just such cheap tricks as the BLM has been pulling. Bundy is the Last Man Standing. Harry Reid and his family all but own Nevada; he shoved a bill through Congress in 2003 that opened Nevada Federal lands to developers; he made bundles off that, and so did his sons, who work in the office that manages all the deals that went on over that. There isn't anything to do with real estate in Nevada that Harry or his family doesn't get a piece of; by the way, the Desert Tortoises that were the excuse for running Mr. Bundy off this property? The BLM destroyed 1400 of 'em. Said it "couldn't afford to feed them." They can afford a 20-year siege of Mr. Bundy and his family, but they can't afford to feed a few tortoises?? They don't even want the land itself, you stupids. Harry wants it as an environmental "carbon tax" credit or something to offset the Chinese company's tax obligations or whatever. For HIS personal convenience and profit, a man is losing his entire heritage and livelihood that's been in his family for generations, and all you pukes have to say is--"He's breaking the LAW?" WHAT law?? When thieves and liars make the law, you dimwits, it isn't law. Unless you count the one that goes something like: "Do as thy will is the whole of the law." Which is pretty much what you are letting these scumbags do. Personally, I think they all need a bath in holy water, cloves of garlic stuffed in every bodily orifice and a good exorcism
No, I do NOT give a shit whether I "offend" anyone or not. Maybe they NEED offending, ever think about that?  Somehow, they never worry about "offending" ME! My God is libeled and slandered, my Savior is blasphemed and brutalized,  the nation my ancestors have lived and died in longer than any of you ever showed up has been torn to pieces with hatred and absolute lunacy by a mass of government morons whose ancestors were as much dirt-bags as they themselves are.

The "1%" that lord it over the rest of us are worse parasites than the laziest sixth-generation welfare recipient you can find. Our taxes paid for most of their business investments, and foot the bills for the taxes they don't have to pay. Our taxes pay for the interest on all that fake money the Fed keeps pulling out of its ass so they have lots and lots of money to cheat and steal from us. (That's why they don't pay taxes, you know. It's be redundant. They'd just be giving back what they've already stolen).

Fact of the matter is, the income tax was shoved on us, so that the Fed wouldn't have to foot the bill when France came and cashed in all their gold certificates prematurely;  being the thieves and cheats they've always been, the Fed had written far too many, just like ol' Rothschild (Bauer, actually) used to do, and there they were, with their butts in a big sling from their own cupidity. That's the real reason Roosevelt had to grab the American citizen's gold, and why the income tax was shoved on us--you don't think THEY were going to foot the bill for their own mistakes, do you? And that's the way its gone since then. The Fed was supposed to EARN us money, their profits were supposed to be turned over to the government. Did they? Nope. Never bothered. Then the Banking Act of 1935 just made their robbery official. Why in the hell do we have to pay for using our own money? And, better yet, why in the hell are we paying out all this money to finance these corporation's boondoggles for them??

Like these derivatives they keep talking about. You know what a derivative is? I'll give you the layman's explanation: I like to read historical novels. I'm particularly fond of the Victorian-Regency type. They were awfully fond of gambling, and would bet on dang-near anything. Well, derivatives are equivalent to one of these gentlemen buying a horse, and then taking wagers from his friends on how many turds are going to fall from that horse's ass within a given period of time. And, he could even go on from there and wager how many, what color and consistency and so on. 

Basically, this is what a derivative is. They don't really exist, in other words. They are not a physical property. They could swipe them away, and they wouldn't be losing "real" money. They'd be losing hypothetical money, because that's what derivatives are--hypothetical earnings and losses.  You can't tell THEM that, though. I'm having the same trouble with TD Bank. They let Time Warner Cable take $85 out of my bank account without my permission--three days (six weeks actually) after my account had been cancelled, and weeks after I had stopped my auto-pay on my account. It caused my account to go into overdraft status, which I was not informed about for six days, since that's how long it takes the Postal Circus to deliver their notices from Massachusetts. (I live in New York.) I did not have internet at the time, and excuse me, the streets were three inches thick in ice, and I'm disabled, and don't like to risk walking in that shit if I can help it.

Anyway, by the time I got the notice, my account was over three hundred dollars overdrawn. I had to hand out quite a few superfluous sphincters to a great many people before I convinced both Time Warner and TD Bank that this was not acceptable, that I did not give one shit that Time Warner was a business--what the hell was TD thinking, handing out my money to just anybody? It's MY money, not theirs, just because I put it in their bank. And the overdraft "fees" were electronic blips until they took that money out of my account--then it became MY money, they STOLE it since they weren't authorized to take it out in the first place, and I wanted it back.

They refused. They told me to get it from Time Warner, who refused, said it was a "bank fee" and get it from them. I filed a Consumer's Complaint about all this and the Attorney General called last night. He said Time Warner had showed "good faith" by resolving the complaint by sending me a partial refund of $102.46 (They owed me $114.00), and therefore he considered the matter resolved..."What about their dishonest business practices? What about the fact they continued to illegally charge me because I'm disabled and couldn't drive down and drop off their stupid equipment? What about the fact they were not authorized to take that money in the first place, and how many people I had to verbally  eviscerate before I got ANYthing back? If that's all you are going to do about a thieving, fraudulent bunch of asswipes that should be in jail, you can go straight to hell, you worthless son-of-a-bitch!!!" and I hung up on him. Screw 'em.

Billion dollar companies and they have to rip off a person like me? That's damn pathetic. And this is the mentality of the entire government, including the frigging trillionaires and quad-zillionaires at the top of the poop-pile. Can you imagine what would happen if they were forced to pay income taxes--retroactively??? The deficit would be paid off, for one., and they wouldn't be the !% anymore, now would they? And every one of them have grossly violated their tax-exempt status. That's what the Tides Foundation was established for--to  'launder' their illegal political campaign funds through.

People don't even seem to know--or care--that the Federal Reserve itself is a private corporation owned by a bunch of hereditary stockholders and registered to the City of London. There are a lot of those 1%-ers that are making beaucoup bucks off the deficit, people. Why do you think no one knows that there has always been the option since the founding of the Fed, for the government to either close it, or buy it for a paltry $450 million bucks? Do you know what would happen to the deficit? I do believe it would be dissolved. Or, it would be flung back it the faces of those who truly do owe it.

Incidentally, a lot of what the Fed is charging the government, and thus, the American taxpayer for, is fraudulent. For just one example, it is still collecting on bonds that have already matured. TONS of them!   It will NOT allow itself to be audited, and the last time it was, there was 9 TRILLION bucks missing. Now, how much of that "deficit" do you suppose has been slipping out the Fed's back door all this time? Since Rumsfeld announced a $1.2 trillion deficit in the Pentagon budget on September 10th, 2001, and the next day a handy 747 plowed right into the office that was investigating  that shortfall, maybe that's why they aren't mentioning these kind of things very loudly.

Another thing the Fed does, is manipulate the interest  rates and the money supply, then make investments on whatever they know the market is going to do as a consequence. I do believe that's insider trading--in the highest definition of the word. That is positively evil, because they have manipulated every financial crisis, every depression, recession, every banking collapse--I would bet this last fiasco was all their doing. Particularly since the dollar isn't a dollar, not according to the 1792 coin act.

The Federal Reserve is a gigantic scam, a fraud and a rip-off, and it always has been. It, and the rest of the central banks--yes, it is part of them--were designed and organized to defraud and impoverish the nations of the world and prepare them to be conquered by the stupid NWO. Yes, it's insane, because THEY are insane, the whole damn bunch of them. "Bat-Shit Crazy", as we used to say. However, the whole idea is to impoverish and break us. To get us all--70% at least--on the government nickel. To be sufficiently meek and cowed so we will accept the NWO subjugation with humble and servile gratitude and the imposition of their feudal lordship with chirps of joy!  Yeah. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be hog-tied and boiled in lizard-spit.

And Obama's their willing  pup. According to Dr. John Coleman, every president since Wilson has taken their orders directly from the RIIA, the "sister" organization of the CFR. That's the 'Round Table', for the uninitiated, the British Group that Cecil Rhodes started, the man who owned the DeBeers diamond mines in South Africa and was almost single-handedly responsible for both the Boer Wars and the Rhodes Foundation and the Rhodes Scholars.

They HIRED The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, and Dr. John Coleman has a book by that name which is very, very interesting. Go get it off his website.

DON'T think of violence, people. That's exactly what they want. to declare martial law and start throwing people in their "internment" camps. They'll haul NATO troops over here, and we'll have another Kosovo or Bosnia--that was all their doing, you know. They and the CIA are regular as---never mind.

The Bible says, "Be Wise as Serpents, and as Gentle as Doves."  That means be sneaky as hell. Fight them with their OWN weapons, and by their OWN rules. They can't condemn you, then, without condemning themselves. They are so fond of corporations? Incorporate yourselves. Incorporate your neighborhoods. A NEVADA corporation, that's very important. Quit your jobs and start your OWN businesses. I don't have to tell you why. You get to write off a lot of your household expenses with a home business, right? You may get the gov't to pay your mortgage for you. Wouldn't THAT be rich? Get you and your wife at home, your kids home-schooled, rig up a magnetic generator or whatever, a garden, rabbits in the garage, and voila!!! You're off the grid and invulnerable to tampering or "Bully Tactics". Hey, I just threw that out there, but check it out. Maybe there's some validity to it. Best of all--I do believe corporations might be exempt from Obamacrap. Could be wrong, but look into it.

Oh, by the way--don't forget. The United States is a corporation. It CAN be sued. AND Washington D.C. is one of the three city states in the world. The other two are Vatican City and the City of London. They can be cut off, you know. And every state is considered a sovereign NATION, folks. The Supreme Court has said so, several times. We aren't ONE NATION we are 50 INDEPENDENT NATION-STATES!!!

That's what I mean about stupid. The "government" (Which isn't the government--it hasn't been legal since 1913) keeps talking about the "Law", and they are the most corrupt, lying, dishonest, cheating, embezzling, graft-consuming, heinous, criminals in the entire WORLD!!  Obama is so concerned about the law, and if any of his supporters ever followed the law, he wouldn't even BE president right now.  And, if they still cared about the law, his whole administration would have been in a dungeon on stale bread and pond scum long ere this, my friends. That is, if there were any honest people left in the entire government and the pentagon to put them there.

I have my doubts. He's just about got rid of most of the honest ones....

Sunday, April 13, 2014



I'm Afraid for My Family!" He says."Pleas--Get the Word Out! We Need Help Here!"

The situation at the Cliven Bundy Rance, where BLM Hoodlums have been using increasingly lawless methods to force the rancher and his family off the lands where they have had grazing rights for over 160 years, is rapidly deteriotating into a "Waco" situation.

This I have learned over a conference call that was set up by a patriot group, Cosmic Voices, where viewers fo their YouTube video were allowed to call in on a conference line, and listen to what what happening, live at the Bundy Ranch. A man, "Critter Gitter" was his Facebook handle, was one of the men who was at "ground zero" as they dubbed it, right at the ranch itself, manning the generatoes, and his Ham radio and computer, and cell phone, ding what he could as all of there were. They "apped" his computer and cellphone, he said, but he was managing to get the word out on his Ham radio, until the feds blocked that, too, and he had to wait patiently in order to get his call through to tell what was happening--the Bundy Ranch was being surrounded by armoured vehicles, and what looked like armour-plated Humvees. There were Arizona Marshalls, and the Sheriffs, Federal Agents, and Mr. Bundy pleaded with Ryan and the others with them to plese not to leave, and asked anyone and anyone wo could to PLEASE get over here as fast as they could--he wa really in fear of his life.

They need help, folks. Thsi needs to be ended as amicably as possible, mind you. But it needs to be ended.  This gentleman, who said his name was Bill, said he and the couple of friends who went to inform the rest of the people what was happened, actually got CHASED by two armored vehicles!! He told the others to leave for their own safety, he would get through the best he could, and obviously he made it. He's a veteran, obviously.

There were more than 20-30 of these thugs milling around at least--that's as many as he could see, but there could be more. Around one farmhouse! nd they have already roughed up every member of his family, including his aunt, an older woman, threw her to the ground, and banged up her kneecap--there wasn't a doctor in the entire town who had the cojones to document the in jury for her. How disgusting!

I've found out some very interesting things--Harry Reid is a scumbag, lower than snake shit. Alex Jones says he's had his  hands out for every bit of corruption and dirty deal that's gone on in Nevada for decads--and he's right. I've found the following:

This is absolutely disgusting!!  It's not enough they are trying to destroy everything we have, taxing us to death, taking our children, our religion, our homes--they ARE SELLING OUR NATION OUT FROM UNDER US!  Get this:  They have been lying to us for decades! This "defecit" could have been settled years ago!! They could have bought the Federal Reserve for $450 million bucks at ANY  TIME!! They could have CLOSED the Federal Reserve! That would have made the defecit NULL and VOID!!  They DIDN'T!!  

Obama is a CRIMINAL!! He is a LIAR!! He is a MURDERER!! He is a THEIF!! He is NOT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!! That is a title that has to be given to him in a special session of CONGRESS!!! IT WASN'T!! Therefore, all those actions he ordered---HE HAD NO AUTHORITY!!!! HE IS A TRAITOR!!  DEMAND HIS AND HARRY REID'S ARREST!!!

Better yet, demand that this entire GOVERNMENT be declared NULL and VOID!! They have been LYING to us, and ALLOWING a corrupt and  destructive entity, the Federal Reserve as well as their agency of genocide and global rape and plunder, the United Nations, to destroy and enslave the earth!! They have rendered their oaths of office, their vows of service and any claims they ever had to their offices in the government of this nation NEGATED bt their words and actions! 

THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONTROLS ALL THE RECESSIONS, DEPRESSIONS, THE STOCK MARKETS AND CURRENCY SUPPLIES!! It has caused every depression! It has caused the stock market crashes!! It has caused all the inflation s and deflation's!

It has to GO!! It is a scam, a fraud and a racket that profits only the elite that are hereditary stock holders! (See: Eustice Mullins, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve", Dr. John Coleman, "The Federal Reserve")  IT IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION REGISTERED TO THE CITY OF LONDON!!!  And get this: The IRS is attached to it, as it' ENFORCER!! It does not belong to the United States government at ALL!! Obama can NOT use them to enforce Obamacrap. They  belong to the FEDERAL RESERVE!!!! And thus, to the CITY OF LONDON!!!!

Get your money out of the banks, and put it in something like virtual currencies, people. There's over a hundred of them now. They are the only currencies that can be trusted, because they've even fucked up gold and silver as reliable assets. They even screw up the gold prices when they want to, or pull their dishonest shenanigans on the gold markets. They are planning to collapse alll the banks, soon, and make sure everyone is in so much debt we will all be bankrupt. Obama wants to tax us all out of existence, so 70% of the nation will end up on welfare. THIS is what Obamacrap is all about, and he's stupid enough to thin k we'll fall for it???  They left him in the Brainwashing-machine too long, methinks.

There's a new service for people with federal checks, like VA pensions or social security--DirectExpress.  I jut got my card today, and its a good deal, because you DON'T have to have a bank account, and the government doesn'r get to track what you spend. Check it out. 

I'm posting this as fast as I can, so it's a bit sloppy. I'm mad as hell, too. This is NOT America anymore. It's Looneyland.