Friday, April 10, 2015

The War on Terror Was on the USA All Along

Is This What Valerie Jarrett Has Been Up To?

If this wasn't enough to make you soil your Depends, folks, it gets even worse. The corporate mono-assholery who have galloped with abandon throughout the world blithely unhampered by any such plebian restraints as laws, international treaties, national boundaries, morals, human decency or the common bonds of civilized human mores, have so gelded  Congress that it has meekly sucked its thumbs and nodded to all its demands to "cry havoc and let loose the dogs of  war" upon a hapless, unsuspecting world.

The only contingent of madmen with scruples vile enough to conform to their level of abominations is the only contingent of madmen ruled by the ultimate pagan madman, Muhammad, who himself declared he was a liar, "possessed by demons and not to be believed" but none-the-less, gathered together the most gullible and deluded horde  of murderous maniacs that countless extinguished civilizations briefly glimpsed before they were  jihaded out of existence by the "Religion of Peace and Tolerance"  as the Great Liar and Poseur manages to say, somehow,  without his tongue bursting into flames.

This has been a incestuous marraige of villainy since before WWI, when Britain first screwed the first Persian Shiek out of his oil revenues, and his sovereignty. But--that is a different story, though an interesting one.

The absolute insanity of the Poseur Queen and his Dick-Wife ought to clue anyone these are not real human beings with all their Oars in the Water. The entire Corrupt-Crazy has been unraveling under the burden of its own inbred insanity for generations: if Kerry, Bush, Clinton and the dregs that have seeped like raw sewage into the bowels of DC is the best our nation can offer in the so-called "elite" of the "First Families" then they are a sorry bunch of Mother-Boffers indeed. I am sure I have scraped better dog-doodie than these losers off my shoes after a traipse through the local humane shelter.

What is MOST worrisome about this entire bunch of morons is that they were not elected by the American people: don't think for a  minute that any citizen who had half a brain in their head would ever have voted for such an obvious gaggle of vacuous nitwits and an unknown who dropped out of nowhere with no visible means of import like Barack Obama, and, as many a genteel southern lady would say, "But, Bless His Heart, but--who are his people?" No background whatsoever. No family, no ties. We knew nothing about him, and you had to wonder why?

It was deliberate, and they have played all of you liberals and bunny-huggers for the fools you are. You got sucked into a fuzzy-cotton-candy fantasy, and you deserved what you got. Flabby over-aged balding faggots in tutus shrieking in fury every time a Christian politely refuses to compromise their religious convictions; yet, the same flaming fairies will shriek outrage against the criminal conspiracy of the Zionist genocidists when Israel retaliates against Hamas suicide bombers who blow up a  school bus full of children.

Suck on this, mudpackers: From "Vultures' Picnic, Greg Palast," : March 12, 2010: "The CNN guys are saying that the huge earthquake and tsunami from the night before knocked out the plant's generators, the engines that pump water to keep the fuel from melting, but don't worry. They're lying, and what's sick is, they don't even know they're lying. First, the earthquake didn't take out those diesels. Second, the tsunami didn't take out those diesels. Third, you should worry. You should worry because every nuclear power plant in operation today, and the ones they want to build, all depend on this same emergency diesel emergency set-up to save your behind from a nuclear meltdown. Good luck."

"Here was the handwritten log kept by a senior official at the nuclear plant:
'Wiesel was very upset. He seemed very nervous. Very agitated. fact, the plant was riddled with problems that, that no way on earth could stand an earthquake. The team of engineers sent in to inspect found that most of these components could "completely and utterly fail" in an earthquake.'

Then there were the 'SQ' tests...'Seismic Qualifications". A nuclear plant that is seismically qualified won't melt down if it's shaken up, whether it's a force of nature or a few tokens of affection from the local goat-fuckers contingent. You can't operate a nuclear reactor in the USA or Europe without certified SQ. Supposedly.

This is what Greg Palast's investigation learned, however:

 Robert Weisel conducted the the standard seismic review, and flunked his company. Dick, his superior then ordered him to change it to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, so it would pass and they would not have to make expensive changes.  Dick didn't want to make him do this, but he was under the gun himself, acting on direct command from corporate chiefs. From the notebook:

Weisel was very upset. He seemed very nervous, very agitated. [He said] "I believe these are bad results and I believe it's reportable", and then he took the  volume of federal regulations from the shelf and went to section 50.55 (e) which describes reportable deficiencies at a nuclear plant, and [they] read the section together, with Weisel pointing to the appropriate paragraphs that federal law clearly required [them and the company] to report, the Category II, Seismic I deficiencies.

The company he worked for, Stone & Webster, built or designed about a third of the nuclear plants in the United States. Covered up with new names and re-designs, it now operates--as some other entity, no doubt.

The Fukishema quake, by the way, was no where near 9.0 when it struck the plant. The center was way out in the ocean. By the time the waves hit Tokyo Plant #2, they struck at 550 gals--galileos, a measurement of ground movements. The trouble was, the reactor was only designed to withstand 436 galileos. According to the company--and the NewYork Times, flagship of the Whore Media-- the earthquake exceeded the safety requirements by 20%.  The reactor was NOT supposed to be designed for 436 gals. Tokyo Electric KNEW 436 gals was NOT sufficient, and in buried old technical papers, had promised to bring the plant up to 600 gals--5 years previously!

TEPCO had played and flimflammed the regulators, and as a result, we have nuclear tunafish.

Considering that these same corporate asswipes are allowed to run around loose and play with money and peoples lives, perhaps copies of Greg's book might be strategically placed in mosques, goat yards and gay strip clubs near these radical camps. I do believe they would disband very quickly and haul their butts out of there, for fear their greatly-prized man-balls would begin glowing in the dark and give away their position to whatever hapless ovine they were creeping upon.

Not to belabour the point overtly, but this is precisely why there are such things as "Freedom of Speech" and "Other Points of View" and why they should be tolerated and Facebook and Twitter should not censor conservative viewpoints just because they might get negative feedback from the nitpickers union,

The Moron Contingent is what has allowed these predators and criminals to propagate and devour so much of humanity and earth;s resources, you dingbats. You have released the Kraken by muzzling the voices who warned you of their duplicies. YOU DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR US!!

You had best listen now; We spoke the truth, you see that all we have warned you about has come to pass, and all that Obama and your teachers promised you were lies and deceptions. Do yourself a favor: Forsake the Stupid and Heed the Real.