Monday, August 18, 2014

Courageous Crusaders for Justice Defy Global Tyranny All Over the World

Tom DeWeese Fights a Relentless Battle to Drive Agenda 21 From America's Shores

I watched an excellent webinar last night; it was actually # 3 in a series; the side chat was even more exhilarating and informative than the tons of shocking in formation that was inundating us from Mr. DeWeese and his slide presentation; people from all over America, with links, and information about exactly what was going on in their part of the country, as the UN and the global asswipes and their mountains of ill-gotten gains insidiously entangle and entwine their tentacles into every part and parcel and piece of America right up to and including your backyard---they want to own the world, naturally, and they are making very good progress, thanks to their foundations, and their many organizations and committees that are hidden under blinds and NGO's that you would never suspect had anything to do with Agenda 21, or the environment. Hint: If it says "Sustainability" anywhere on it, it's part of the plot. You MUST go yo this site, which is sheer links to webinars, information, writings--all about what Mr. DeWeese has made his life work--we must ALL get involved in this struggle, friends.  On the UN website, , it will tell you plainly: "The Future WE Want." It's not talking about us.  Here are a few other links to check out: (Craig Rucker)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

WW3 - PLANNED for Aug 21st - the ELITE are LAUGHING

There are other prophecies in the Bible--ones not so well known, since libs are more interested in ragging the hell out of Israel since they know Jack about the Bible, Middle East history, and even less about eschatology. They usually pick the verses that make God look like a genocidal asshole, and the Hebrews like dimwits--admittedly, they did that a lot, particularly when they disobied God and started acting like refugees from the Bohemian Grove, and started bowing down to goat-gods and burning kids alive and stuff, when they weren't doing naughty things to them. (Read John DeCamp's 'The Franklin Cover-up' if you want to know who are some of the best customers of the CIA-backed child-sex-trafficking rings that get conveniently ignored by the FBI everytime kids come up missing.)

'Joel', being one of the minor prophets, gets missed a lot. 'Amos' gets skipped over, too, in favor of the heavy hitters like 'Isaiah' and 'Daniel', and even 'Jonah', the most outlandish of the 'Big Fish' stories gets better billing than these two. It's rather a shame, particularly now, because these guys--one of which was a goat-herder, and the other kept sycamore trees--were pretty explicit about what was going to happen to the entire Middle East, Israel, and the devil's Wannabees in the Last Days. Makes for some exceptionally kick-ass reading, particularly when you are rooting for the winning side. That's God, by the way, just in case you are on the wrong side of the scorecard.

I have devoted an entire page to the Book of Joel Title 1, from "The Jerusalem Bible", at the bequest of an elderly neighbor, a devout Catholic lady, who has been patiently teaching this rabid Protestant how greatly the Catholic Church has been maligned, and how many, many good and faithful devoted priests and followers far outnumber the wicked and evil ones that more often than not, come from the same diabolical secret societies, devoted to the worship of their goat-gods, idols and satan, that have corrupted both the Protestant and Judaic religions--and have made Islam satan's own attack dogs of willing demons and monsters who have forsaken all semblance of humanity in their savagery.

I have chosen this, because it explains it all so nicely--perhaps that isn't a proper adjective. But "graphically annihilatingly" isn't really grammatically correct. Even if you scoff at the Bible, and sneer at prophecy, you'll enjoy reading this--lots of disemboweling, ravaging armies, blood and fire, and the Wrath of God on just about everyone you guys detest--you can bug out when it gets disgustingly "Holy". Unless you want to catch how it ends. If not, I'll sum it up for you: All your asshole buddies lose; God wins, we live forever. You don't.

Have a nice day.