Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Can America Stop WWIII?

BRICS Spells End of Hegemonic Corporations Economic Tyranny
by Chylene Ramsey

The REAL reason for the sudden surge in terrorism and threat of nuclear war...extortion, pure and simple.

Stopping WWIII may seem as impossible as dissuading a raging river from its deluge at first thought. After all, wars will be wars, and this one seems to be shaping up nicely. We have idiots and morons provoking various races into unwise acts of incivility and criminality goaded on by the pre-requisite hired Rascals Incorporated to give them plenty of ideas if they can't think up any of their own.  We have barbarians at the gate, savages running in the streets, invaders pouring over the borders, Christians being martyred in foreign lands by heathens.  Top all that off by a arrogant despot who seems content to languidly throw the world into a tailspin and saunter off to relieve his ennui playing golf, and we have a grand excuse for a humdinger of a citizens' revolt, complete with storming the Bastille and battering the gates of hell. 

We have been driven to the limits of our endurance, and there are 35-40% of us, according to Webster Tarpley in his video "Synthetic Terrorism 9/11" who are rendered permanently useless and immobile by fear and apprehension. Of the rest, a certain amount will be quislings, still totally deluded by the lies and deceit of the oligarchy and will be completely complicit to their plots and subservient to their every whim. To hell with them. Then there are another bunch who would be oblivious of anything but their TV set and beer snacks if a warhead landed in their lap. That leaves the rest of us, and that is why most meaningful accomplishments in civilization have been performed by a depressingly small percentage of the populace. 3 - 5%,  is the figure usually cited. 

That means those of us in that small percentage must work extra hard, for it is we who will have to inspire as many people as possible to make some--ANY--kind of token effort to resist and countermand the authority of these unconstitutional and treacherous officials and their minions. 

Can we, you might ask? Yes, I do believe so. I am convinced that the globalists, the "Fat, Greedy Bastards," have failed. They are sinking fast, their grand money scam unraveling, their false theories disintegrating and their once-captive  populations turning on them with a vengeance. They were not "Wise Ones" after all, but stupid, deluded assholes, over-conceited, pseudo-intelligentsia whose progenitors  should have spent their days sipping absinthe and drawling Byron, not  dabbling in the dubious arts of world domination. 

The trouble is, they are too stupid to admit they have failed. They are egging on Putin to start hurling Nukes over their impertinence at their criminal trespass of the Ukraine: the US-NATO dumb shits are definitely at fault, for this is a blatant attempt to grab Russia's pipelines in the Ukraine, to prevent them from selling cheap gas and oil to Europe. The Oil-Garchy is determined to keep driving up the price of oil, they decided this years ago. They want it $300 a barrel by 2015 was the last I heard. That is what this "peak oil" and "carbon tax" scheme is all about. It has nothing to do with "climate warming-change" or "carbon footprinting" or whatever the latest environmental disaster they have invented to loom over the horizon. 

They don't quite "Get It". They aren't in charge any more--we don't need them, or their oil, or their lousy corrupt corporations. They missed the drill somewhere along the line, but they no longer control the means of production, nor do they control the means of commerce and exchange; we now have the capacity and technology to efficiently produce our own goods and distribute them even globally swiftly and in a cost-effective manner. We can also support ourselves without having to depend on the corporate or military-industrial models at all. We can supply most of our energy needs without relying upon 'the grid' whatsoever. It doesn't even have to mean a significant loss in the quality of our lifestyle, only perhaps, in the quantity of our consumption.

Once again, it has been shown that Socialism-Communism-Fascism does not work, can not work and is only a trap for the unwary to be sucked into slavery and servitude to total despotism and a hegemonic oligarchical corporacracy---"Fat Greedy Bastards", just like I said. Besides, it's all defunct, now anyway. Obsolete. Outmoded. Archaic. The model for it just doesn't exist anymore. Not when every single person on the planet with a computer and an internet connection can become his very own free market enterprise, whether they happen to like it or not. And, try as they might, they just can't keep track of EVERY cyber-farthing that zips about. Nyah-Nyah. Just wait until we forget 'Bitcoins' and start dealing in  'Perturbed Weasels'. 

Here is something people do not seem to understand: we can reject their bogus monetary system; we can refuse to obey their illegal laws. Our military can stand upon the Constitution and refuse to obey illegal orders when they are told they are to fight for a foreign entity on foreign soil in an undeclared, unconstitutional action. They can refuse when they are ordered to fire upon their own  countrymen, or ordered to illegally confiscate their property or arrest them without due process of law. (The NDAA was declared unconstitutional by at least one Federal judge that I know of--Obutthead just chose to ignore him.)

The same goes for our law enforcement officers, and any other public official who has taken an oath of office to obey the Constitution. As for veterans and former police officers and firefighters, they should join the Oathkeepers, just like I did. Stewart Rhodes is not only a veteran, but an expert in Constitutional law; he and and his members are dedicated to making sure veterans and civilians in public office remember their oaths, and Serve the Constitution Upon their Sacred Honor.

When the F.G.B find themselves with no one to enforce their crooked schemes, they will be nothing but senile old criminals frantically scrambling to avoid the hangman's noose at Nuremberg they all so richly deserve. They will have a difficult time avoiding their Just Deserts, for in their rank arrogance, they have managed to totally devalue  their own useless currency, and if the world is smart, will be handed a very, very long, long 'Butcher's Bill' of reparations from Day One of their fraudulent schemings.  

It all comes down to this: They must be held accountable. ALL of them. From Obama-the-Poseur, to the Clinton Traitors, to George Soros the Nazi Collaborator- and -Wrecker- of- Nations, and most especially Death- Kamp- Kissinger and 'Dr-NO'  Ziggy Brzeznski. Our congressmen and public officials must do made to stand on their feet, find their wee-wees,  and quit groveling before these slimeballs and do the jobs they rake in so much booty and privileges for and accomplish so little in return. 

The 1% must give back all they have stolen from us and the world, and be  made accountable for their plunders and deprivations. They are worse than any of the criminals they imprison in their private prisons, or the scum they hire as their killers and assassins; every one of them have committed crimes against humanity, as have the UN and all its criminal  members and the 'Main Stream Media',  by standing by and condoning by their cooperation, and their own complicity in the murder and thousands if not millions of innocents, the rape and plunder of nations and the outright theft of the wealth of citizens of many nations even  since before 1913

It's a tall order, and it will be God who will have to finish the job. For now, we can blister the air with our censure, and storm their gates with our protests and condemnations of their actions until the officials will have no choice but to take the appropriate actions and take legal actions against these world-class criminals against the laws of Man and God, as George Orwell said. 

I won't be posting any more blogs for a while. I am concentrating on other endeavors, like improving my technical skills and finding other means of supporting myself, just in case I am left without an income, which is entirely possible. All of us who have to depend on any kind of Federal stipend should be seeking alternative income sources, in case our pensions are no longer available. I try to tell people on Social Security and SSI to be getting themselves a 'back-up, and for everyone to take their money and investments out of banks and their retirement accounts; I'm reading and seeing too many hints and rumors about confiscation of savings, and retirement accounts, the collapse of the bond markets, the corrupt banks confiscating customers deposits to be entirely comfortable with this situation. I don't deal with banks at all anymore. The people don't listen, however, which is their prerogative and after all, who am I to tell them anything?

  I am even uneasy about the precious metals market--the globalists control that also, and if you look back at what FDR and the Fed did then with the gold, FDR illegally confiscating the people's gold and certificates, then the Fed handing it all over to Germany,  , and what the kind of tricks the international gold dealers have pulled, I don't think anyone should feel very complacent about the reliability of their gold investments.  If I had a recommendation, I would tell them to invest in either foodstuffs, land, weaponry, or booze. Just my recommendation, others would probably have better ideas, I'm sure.

And, there are the drugs. Great Britain has always controlled its captive nations and financed its secret societies and underground activities with its opium trade; it fought two opium wars in China, and all but destroyed that vast nation with tons and tons of opium, that it literally forced upon the Chinese government at cannon point for almost a hundred years until shocking percentages of the populace--even much of the governing class--were opium addicts. India was all but impoverished and devastated, its richest farmland in the Ganges valley  dedicated to growing opium poppies for the British opium trade, instead food for the people, and many Indians were impoverished and starved as a result.

The British has continued its fine and honorable traditions in drugging captive populations;  and thus, you have the raging epidemic of heroin and even cocaine, still controlled by the same families that originally held the opium contracts for the British East India Company

Thus, we have raging drug epidemics all over the world, and our soldiers dying in various and sundry shitholes across the planet to ensure the 'F.G.B'.'s rake in their obscene blood profits turning our best and brightest into emaciated, pockmarked zombies.  Yet, our youth seem far more concerned about the dangers of smoking tobacco than they do about marijuana, odd, since the tars and resins of pot are much heavier and more damaging to their lungs, and the effects of THC cumulative, and stays in their body tissue two years after quitting.

Back when I worked for the P.O., I was walking to work early one morning when a young black man approached me, weaving side-to-side in the unsteady gate of the habitual drug user. His eyes were glazed, his clothes were disheveled and I noted he had a nasty white slash of a scar across his throat. I slowed, and eyed him warily, but he wasn't belligerent, He was holding out some kind of packets in his hand.,

        "Hey, Lady! you wanna buy some slugs?" He demanded.
              "Beg pardon?" I said, puzzled.
      "Slugs! Slugs! I be talkin' bout' Coke, man, Coke! Wanna buy some?" He tried to grin, but I guess his face was numb. He couldn't quite manage it.
          "Uh--no, young man, I quit all that shit back in my hippie days, thanks anyway. But, would you like a cigarette?"  I asked politely, holding out my package of Benson & Hedges Menthols. He looked vaguely horrified. 
        "Hell, no, Ma'am. Dat be bad fer yo' health!" He staggered off down the street, looking for another customer, and I muttered,  "Oookaaayyy..."  and kept on walking.

I'll stick with my hand-rolled cigarettes any day, thank you. My brain  chemistry is quite erratic enough naturally, and I can't for the life of me understand why people with nice, normal brains that behaves themselves  would fuck them  up with a bunch of shit that makes them act like I do when I DON'T take a bunch of chemicals and crap I'd quit in a heartbeat if I had a choice, since they cut my life expectancy down by decades and give me all kinds of weird little side effects. If legal psychotropic drugs do that, what are those illegal concoctions doing to your brain and bodies, folks?

  If you  ever heard drug dealers swapping crack 'recipes', or laughing at the crap they use to cut their 'goods' with, you'd never take another hit or toke again.  If those creeps had some kind of beef with someone, they wouldn't cut the Coke or whatever they sold them at all--they made jokes about this kind of shit, the scumdogs, even while they sat in 'The Rooms' on a judge's orders, because they themselves were so fucked up. 

And yet, for hundreds of years, these high, noble and 'aristocratic' families of Great Britain, awarded with peerages and kingdoms, thought it was a fine and honorable occupation to be dope peddlers and scumbags, while they think their shit doesn't stink and declare the rest of humanity "Useless Eaters" that should be exterminated from the face of the earth.  

Any mother or father who has lost a child to drug addiction, or seen their fifteen-year-old daughter turned into a crack whore would probably take exception to that.

                                            (Actually, Mao killed more than 80 million people. It was socialist infiltrators in the state department that ignored their superior's orders, and caused the weapons of the Nationalist Army to be sabotaged, delayed or simply destroyed, and slander and propaganda spread to discredit them. They insisted Mao and his commies were merely 'agrarian reformers', and harmless. They were as shocked as anyone when Mao proceeded to slaughter millions of intellectuals, Confucian scholars and anyone else he thought might be too tough to handle in his new, 'improved' China. You would think these liberal dingbats would learn, but they did the very same thing in Viet Nam--peaceniks,  insisting the North Vietnamese only wanted a peaceful rejoining of their nation and the end to American 'interference'. After the American forces were unceremoniously hauled out, the North Vietnamese then proceeded to slaughter millions of innocent South Vietnamese. You would think they would learn, but now, in Israel, the Palestinians say...etc., etc., etc......)

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