Wednesday, July 16, 2014

MORE LIES AND DESTRUCTION IN LIBYA: Protests From the Civilian Resistance Grows


(reblogged w/permission from:)

A good video showing real facts.The Libyans and Libyan army is loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. 

“I want to send a message to all the world.

  • Is this for freedom?

  • Is this civilian protection?

Today is Saturday, 17th, September 2010We are attacked by NATO rebels and NATO. We are attacked by all sides of the city. This is fire and smoke coming up from the hotel. It was attacked by NATO and beside the hotel is a school and by the other smoke is and another smoke…. all of this smoke… all of these homes are being attacked by the bombs of the rebels from 20 km to 30 km away because they can not go inside the city because there is a hero defense about us and about (Gaddafi) his family.

  • Where is the United Nation?

  • Where is the security council?

  • Where is the Human Rights Watch?

As you see at that side there is a hospital. You can imagine the injurys that smoke is doing to the kids and all the patients in that hospital behind the smoke. You can see our cities sky is being black and you can hear all the bombing from the rebels. They are attacking our cities. I want to say we have a hero, a man, to defend us and we will never give up and we will never take this flag down! We will fight with every child, woman, and man. It will be to defend this man and his life and his freedom.You dont see this on CNN or BBCYou dont see all the children and babies and all of the city. The city has 20,000 people in the city. You can imagine how many kids cry now, how many women will have abortions now, because of the rebel attack and NATO from the sky and rebels from the ground. You are seeing and you are hearing what i hear. You can imagine your family and your brother and sister and your children in this place. All because NATO gives support to these rebels and they attack us. I think you hear all of that coming from outside the city because they can not come into the city. This is a message to all the world.”

The Libyans are defending themselves against the criminal US/NATO-led Aggression of bombings and terrorists shooting on Libyans !

This could not be any plainer. The attack on Libya was yet another illegal, immoral attack on a sovereign nation,(just like Syria. Just like Africa. Just like Iraq. Just like the Ukraine. Just like_____fill in the blank.) and our government, particularly Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton lied about it. They lied outrageously about the Benghazi attack, and obstructed the investigations and actually altered and delayed evidence to the effect that vital information that could have prevented the tragedies that followed and the deaths and tortures, maimings and displacement of millions of innocent civilians could have been prevented.

Even more glaringly reprehensible, these crass acts of craven self-interest were done for purely selfish motives, with absolutely no regard for the welfare or survival of so much as one human life. 

I've said it before, I'll say it again: These are not humans. They are monsters. Every, single one of them. They must be totally defunded, depowered, and deactivated. Preferably, destroyed. But there is a higher power that will take care of that little matter. They have marked themselves for destruction, and it will not be long in finding them.

We can keep them from destroying any more of God's world, and restoring our own humanity at the same time. Anyone who does not feel a deep, cold sense of outrage and moral fury at what is being done to these people and these nations best go out and find sales on asbestos underwear. 

Recall that these jokers have been wrong 100% of the time, and God has been right 100% of the time. They've both got good odds, but only one that you really would care to put your money on. 

Recall also, that all that is rotten about the Islam faith was encouraged by the Sauds and their Wahhabi 'faith' which the rest of Islam rejected as a heresy long ago, and the CIA, British Intelligence, NATO and MOSSAD renegades. All of whom got together in some kind of secret-secret black-ops group and trained and TAUGHT these Islamic jihadist-fundamentalists-muhadajeen pukes all the twisted and perverted parts of the Quran that would be used to force this "kill-the-unbeliever-and-Jew" on their doctrines. 

Yes, not only did the CIA invent al Qaeda, the Taliban, the muhadjeen, and the Ayotollah Khomeni (Whoops! He was actually trained and sponsored by the British M16), they invented the Fundamentalist Terrorists, and actually funded Osama bin Laden and his Band of Merry Men $3.5 billion initially. 

All of this has never been investigted or allowed to be mentioned by the Whore Media, of course. Which is why I keep saying every person (I refuse to call these asswipes 'journalists.') that works for the criminals that own these stations and newspapers and media businesses, should be sued, indicted, and whatever needs to be done to see that they are brought to justice for perjury, malfeasance, and Crimes Against Humanity, not to say Treason and Dealing With a Foreign Enemy. 

Radical? You betcha! Why do you hink flks like me are being condemned and called "terrorists' by jughead and his scampering minions? We sure 'terrorize' them. Hee-hee!

Go to these articles, read them. Watch the videos. He has a lot to say, and he is telling the truth. Investigate it for yourself, I urge you to, and then pass it along to as many people as you can before the 'Media' manages to take it all down,,,because they will. 

Like Pam Geller said: "The truth has become hate speech these days..."  And this cannot b allowed to stand.

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