Thursday, May 29, 2014

  BENGHAZI: They Can No Longer Lie
Chylene Ramsey

It has been over two years since the tragic—and fully preventable---deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three heroic defenders occurred at the hands of terrorists at Benghazi. Since that time, the duplious and craven regime of His Ineptitude the Pompous Poseur has done everything in his repertoire of cheap shyster tricks to keep both his complicities and failures in this major FUBAR out of public oversight.

The Major Culprits’ in Crime
His partner in cravenness, Her Sliminess, the Head Harpy of the New Nazis, Hitlery  “The Assassin” Clinton, has been well-protected by her Legions of brain-twerked Demoncrats, and the lofty Wise-enheimers who supposedly are directing this goatfuck preceding their takeover of humanity. They have promised ‘The Harpy’ the presidency for her Devotion to the Cause, apparently, and she will have it as a reward for her Loyal Service. Yes, Hitlerly The trail of death,  ruined lives and destroyed nations that have trailed in your path like the fart smell in an elevator portend a wonderful future for these United States should you be jack-hammered into office as the Kenyan freakazoid was.  The obfuscation, flat-out lies and total contempt for any kind of remorse or responsibility for the wholesale atrocities you personally have caused show that you not only are one cold, soul-less witch—it tells all that you, like the rest of the coterie that inhabit the globalist cabal have long forsaken any claim to humanity you ever had. Do they exorcise it from all of you at one of those ‘secret’ Bilderberg meeting? Is it a special cocktail, or do they put you all under a ‘special’ hairdryer and suck your soul out through your ears?
The Big Guys wanted Mommar Gaddafi eliminated. He was defying them. He was going off the reservation, making deals to use his gold dinar instead of worthless American dollars in  his oil transactions. That was a no-no, therefore he had to die. This is the ‘Wise Ones’ usual way of eliminating their problems. If they are so ‘wise’, you would think they could think of a smarter solution. They don’t. Criminal minds aren’t known for their creative solutions to problems.
 Through an illegal, undeclared naked act of blatant aggression, the Pontificate Obama bombed Libya back into the stone age, a NATO missile dropped on Gaddafi’s convey as he was retreating from Libya,  under an agreement of safe passage and he was caught and eviscerated by a savage mob of vicious fanatics. Libya has since become a seething, clamoring, quarreling mass of mobs fighting for dominance. Real smart to kill the only authority that was holding that precarious bunch of lunatics away from each other’s throats. Gaddafi even tried to warn the UN; they, of course, did not listen. It was they who ordered Obama to invade Libya, and he like the obedient lap dog of the globalists he is, promptly obeyed, just as Bush Jr. did.
Through the confusing and conflicting news reports and data, the CIA’s involvement in this entire fiasco keeps popping up. It’s not surprising. The ‘black ops’ part of the CIA—the part we Useless Eaters aren’t supposed to know exists—have been busily destabilizing the world for decades at the behest of their masters, the globalists. Despite the 40 billion a year that is allotted to them in taxpayer money, they actually di very little in the way of “Intelligence”, and spend far more of their time in such pursuits as managing a thriving global drug empire, gun-running and other criminal enterprises such as pedophile rings and the like.
CIA complicity?
It looks like from all indications, that this was an attack by the CIA ON the CIA. Both the attackers and the attackees were CIA assets. Why, is the question. It is pretty obvious, however, that there was some kind of gunrunning going on through this consulate, and either Stevens was involved, or he found out about it and was going to put an end to it. It is also obvious that the CIA was training and arming Libyan rebels for months, even years before this attack. This has been reported in European papers, though, not surprisingly, our whore media ignored it completely. It is probably why Obama and Hillary are throwing up these road blocks—they do NOT want their complicity in all of this to be known, and especially they do not want it known the extent of the CIA’s and thus the USA’s involvement in the destabilization and destruction of not only Libya, but Syria and the rest of the Middle East.
Scapegoats and Fingerpointing
It might bring the REAL culprits into the open, instead of some scapegoat they will conveniently fling ‘under the bus’, and Dick Cheney is already gleefully attempting to do with Hillary. (“She did it! She did it!” He cries jumping up and down, pointing his finger, his eyes glittering madly and gibbering like a monkey. Sorry. I have a peculiar sense of humor.)
Kidnapping attempt or assassination?
I have my suspicions about the entire clusterfuck, however. There are many questions: Why was their repeated requests for more security denied? Why was Stevens there in the first place? Why did he stay, if it was so dangerous? Why were they not evacuated? Why was their dedicated aircraft removed? What happened to the local guards that were assigned to defend them?  Asking all these questions, seeing what I know to be the answers, and everyone else does also, it leads me to the inescapable conclusion that this consulate and the people in it were expendable, particularly Ambassador Stevens. He was either meant to die, or to be kidnapped. And if he was meant to be kidnapped, the attackers would have fallen back and regrouped, and the men would have been extracted. If Stevens was valuable enough to be kidnapped, he would have been valuable enough to rescue.

Therefore, the only conclusion one can come to, is that this was an assassination. Even if it had been a ‘demonstration’ about a stupid infantile video—why would Obama and his secretary of state have left those men to die? Over a video?? Excuse me?? That’s even worse that the fact there are actually morons who would attack and kill people for such an idiotic reason.
Who has profited from this tragedy?
Who would have ordered the assassination, and why? There’s the question that they should be asking Hitlery. Obama did not supervise that consulate. That was her job, was it not? I have asked this question before, but I’ll ask it again: has anyone thought to check out her finances—real carefully? Knowing the Clintons, if there was illegal profits being made anywhere they could worm a clutching hand or two into, they would get their share of it. They’ve had their butts in a sling a few times about these kind of finagling’s, and I would not doubt it a bit if there weren’t others in the regime who were getting fat off death and destruction also.
Guilty: Hang ‘em all….
The tragedy of Benghazi does not stop with those who are being held responsible; it engulfs the entire administration down to the very lowest levels of our government and society itself. It reaches into the military and into the American public itself, and it is a shadow that those who are handling these hearings had best take very seriously. In Benghazi, there is the echo of the shattered faith and betrayals that have been inflicted upon our society for decades since the Fabian Socialists and the globalists first began their weaseling infiltration into our once-prosperous and vigorous society. We have watched, bewildered as everything solid and beneficial about our country was attacked, mocked and ripped down in front of our very eyes and our nation became one that Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan might well have admired, even emulating their ethics of conquest and exterminations.
“We, the People”, have become, “You, the subordinates.” It is not a situation the American people are going to allow to endure for long. We now know how these liars, murders and thieves have lied, cheated, robbed and stolen from us for over a hundred years. We know they are lying to us now. We know ourselves who is responsible not only for Benghazi, but for 9/11, and Seal Team Six. We know who has murdered those who dared to speak against these very murderers. We know why these invaders are allowed to pour into our country, and why they are not restricted from murdering our citizens.

This Michael Savage video from shortly after the attack kind of says it all

If justice is not done for those who were murdered at Benghazi, if the perpetrators are not held accountable—then we will know there is no more hope for this government, because we will know justice is dead, once and for all. “Sleep lightly,” Wise Ones, and watch your step carefully. Think before you act for once. We aren’t as stupid as you think we are, and what does that make you?

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