Sunday, April 13, 2014



I'm Afraid for My Family!" He says."Pleas--Get the Word Out! We Need Help Here!"

The situation at the Cliven Bundy Rance, where BLM Hoodlums have been using increasingly lawless methods to force the rancher and his family off the lands where they have had grazing rights for over 160 years, is rapidly deteriotating into a "Waco" situation.

This I have learned over a conference call that was set up by a patriot group, Cosmic Voices, where viewers fo their YouTube video were allowed to call in on a conference line, and listen to what what happening, live at the Bundy Ranch. A man, "Critter Gitter" was his Facebook handle, was one of the men who was at "ground zero" as they dubbed it, right at the ranch itself, manning the generatoes, and his Ham radio and computer, and cell phone, ding what he could as all of there were. They "apped" his computer and cellphone, he said, but he was managing to get the word out on his Ham radio, until the feds blocked that, too, and he had to wait patiently in order to get his call through to tell what was happening--the Bundy Ranch was being surrounded by armoured vehicles, and what looked like armour-plated Humvees. There were Arizona Marshalls, and the Sheriffs, Federal Agents, and Mr. Bundy pleaded with Ryan and the others with them to plese not to leave, and asked anyone and anyone wo could to PLEASE get over here as fast as they could--he wa really in fear of his life.

They need help, folks. Thsi needs to be ended as amicably as possible, mind you. But it needs to be ended.  This gentleman, who said his name was Bill, said he and the couple of friends who went to inform the rest of the people what was happened, actually got CHASED by two armored vehicles!! He told the others to leave for their own safety, he would get through the best he could, and obviously he made it. He's a veteran, obviously.

There were more than 20-30 of these thugs milling around at least--that's as many as he could see, but there could be more. Around one farmhouse! nd they have already roughed up every member of his family, including his aunt, an older woman, threw her to the ground, and banged up her kneecap--there wasn't a doctor in the entire town who had the cojones to document the in jury for her. How disgusting!

I've found out some very interesting things--Harry Reid is a scumbag, lower than snake shit. Alex Jones says he's had his  hands out for every bit of corruption and dirty deal that's gone on in Nevada for decads--and he's right. I've found the following:

This is absolutely disgusting!!  It's not enough they are trying to destroy everything we have, taxing us to death, taking our children, our religion, our homes--they ARE SELLING OUR NATION OUT FROM UNDER US!  Get this:  They have been lying to us for decades! This "defecit" could have been settled years ago!! They could have bought the Federal Reserve for $450 million bucks at ANY  TIME!! They could have CLOSED the Federal Reserve! That would have made the defecit NULL and VOID!!  They DIDN'T!!  

Obama is a CRIMINAL!! He is a LIAR!! He is a MURDERER!! He is a THEIF!! He is NOT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF!! That is a title that has to be given to him in a special session of CONGRESS!!! IT WASN'T!! Therefore, all those actions he ordered---HE HAD NO AUTHORITY!!!! HE IS A TRAITOR!!  DEMAND HIS AND HARRY REID'S ARREST!!!

Better yet, demand that this entire GOVERNMENT be declared NULL and VOID!! They have been LYING to us, and ALLOWING a corrupt and  destructive entity, the Federal Reserve as well as their agency of genocide and global rape and plunder, the United Nations, to destroy and enslave the earth!! They have rendered their oaths of office, their vows of service and any claims they ever had to their offices in the government of this nation NEGATED bt their words and actions! 

THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONTROLS ALL THE RECESSIONS, DEPRESSIONS, THE STOCK MARKETS AND CURRENCY SUPPLIES!! It has caused every depression! It has caused the stock market crashes!! It has caused all the inflation s and deflation's!

It has to GO!! It is a scam, a fraud and a racket that profits only the elite that are hereditary stock holders! (See: Eustice Mullins, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve", Dr. John Coleman, "The Federal Reserve")  IT IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION REGISTERED TO THE CITY OF LONDON!!!  And get this: The IRS is attached to it, as it' ENFORCER!! It does not belong to the United States government at ALL!! Obama can NOT use them to enforce Obamacrap. They  belong to the FEDERAL RESERVE!!!! And thus, to the CITY OF LONDON!!!!

Get your money out of the banks, and put it in something like virtual currencies, people. There's over a hundred of them now. They are the only currencies that can be trusted, because they've even fucked up gold and silver as reliable assets. They even screw up the gold prices when they want to, or pull their dishonest shenanigans on the gold markets. They are planning to collapse alll the banks, soon, and make sure everyone is in so much debt we will all be bankrupt. Obama wants to tax us all out of existence, so 70% of the nation will end up on welfare. THIS is what Obamacrap is all about, and he's stupid enough to thin k we'll fall for it???  They left him in the Brainwashing-machine too long, methinks.

There's a new service for people with federal checks, like VA pensions or social security--DirectExpress.  I jut got my card today, and its a good deal, because you DON'T have to have a bank account, and the government doesn'r get to track what you spend. Check it out. 

I'm posting this as fast as I can, so it's a bit sloppy. I'm mad as hell, too. This is NOT America anymore. It's Looneyland.

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