It's amazing how people can talk out their butts without knowing anything about what is really going on. This is Harry Reid, who has made a $5 billion buck "deal" with the Chinese energy company, ENN Energy, to build another stupid boondoggle of thousands of acres of Nevada land covered in their cheap solar panels that will cost more to produce electricity than the coal-powered plants he's been shutting down all over Nevada ever would. Also, you dipwads don't know that 50 ranchers have been run off their ranches in this same area, by just such cheap tricks as the BLM has been pulling. Bundy is the Last Man Standing. Harry Reid and his family all but own Nevada; he shoved a bill through Congress in 2003 that opened Nevada Federal lands to developers; he made bundles off that, and so did his sons, who work in the office that manages all the deals that went on over that. There isn't anything to do with real estate in Nevada that Harry or his family doesn't get a piece of; by the way, the Desert Tortoises that were the excuse for running Mr. Bundy off this property? The BLM destroyed 1400 of 'em. Said it "couldn't afford to feed them." They can afford a 20-year siege of Mr. Bundy and his family, but they can't afford to feed a few tortoises?? They don't even want the land itself, you stupids. Harry wants it as an environmental "carbon tax" credit or something to offset the Chinese company's tax obligations or whatever. For HIS personal convenience and profit, a man is losing his entire heritage and livelihood that's been in his family for generations, and all you pukes have to say is--"He's breaking the LAW?" WHAT law?? When thieves and liars make the law, you dimwits, it isn't law. Unless you count the one that goes something like: "Do as thy will is the whole of the law." Which is pretty much what you are letting these scumbags do. Personally, I think they all need a bath in holy water, cloves of garlic stuffed in every bodily orifice and a good exorcismNo, I do NOT give a shit whether I "offend" anyone or not. Maybe they NEED offending, ever think about that? Somehow, they never worry about "offending" ME! My God is libeled and slandered, my Savior is blasphemed and brutalized, the nation my ancestors have lived and died in longer than any of you ever showed up has been torn to pieces with hatred and absolute lunacy by a mass of government morons whose ancestors were as much dirt-bags as they themselves are.
The "1%" that lord it over the rest of us are worse parasites than the laziest sixth-generation welfare recipient you can find. Our taxes paid for most of their business investments, and foot the bills for the taxes they don't have to pay. Our taxes pay for the interest on all that fake money the Fed keeps pulling out of its ass so they have lots and lots of money to cheat and steal from us. (That's why they don't pay taxes, you know. It's be redundant. They'd just be giving back what they've already stolen).
Fact of the matter is, the income tax was shoved on us, so that the Fed wouldn't have to foot the bill when France came and cashed in all their gold certificates prematurely; being the thieves and cheats they've always been, the Fed had written far too many, just like ol' Rothschild (Bauer, actually) used to do, and there they were, with their butts in a big sling from their own cupidity. That's the real reason Roosevelt had to grab the American citizen's gold, and why the income tax was shoved on us--you don't think THEY were going to foot the bill for their own mistakes, do you? And that's the way its gone since then. The Fed was supposed to EARN us money, their profits were supposed to be turned over to the government. Did they? Nope. Never bothered. Then the Banking Act of 1935 just made their robbery official. Why in the hell do we have to pay for using our own money? And, better yet, why in the hell are we paying out all this money to finance these corporation's boondoggles for them??
Like these derivatives they keep talking about. You know what a derivative is? I'll give you the layman's explanation: I like to read historical novels. I'm particularly fond of the Victorian-Regency type. They were awfully fond of gambling, and would bet on dang-near anything. Well, derivatives are equivalent to one of these gentlemen buying a horse, and then taking wagers from his friends on how many turds are going to fall from that horse's ass within a given period of time. And, he could even go on from there and wager how many, what color and consistency and so on.
Basically, this is what a derivative is. They don't really exist, in other words. They are not a physical property. They could swipe them away, and they wouldn't be losing "real" money. They'd be losing hypothetical money, because that's what derivatives are--hypothetical earnings and losses. You can't tell THEM that, though. I'm having the same trouble with TD Bank. They let Time Warner Cable take $85 out of my bank account without my permission--three days (six weeks actually) after my account had been cancelled, and weeks after I had stopped my auto-pay on my account. It caused my account to go into overdraft status, which I was not informed about for six days, since that's how long it takes the Postal Circus to deliver their notices from Massachusetts. (I live in New York.) I did not have internet at the time, and excuse me, the streets were three inches thick in ice, and I'm disabled, and don't like to risk walking in that shit if I can help it.
Anyway, by the time I got the notice, my account was over three hundred dollars overdrawn. I had to hand out quite a few superfluous sphincters to a great many people before I convinced both Time Warner and TD Bank that this was not acceptable, that I did not give one shit that Time Warner was a business--what the hell was TD thinking, handing out my money to just anybody? It's MY money, not theirs, just because I put it in their bank. And the overdraft "fees" were electronic blips until they took that money out of my account--then it became MY money, they STOLE it since they weren't authorized to take it out in the first place, and I wanted it back.
They refused. They told me to get it from Time Warner, who refused, said it was a "bank fee" and get it from them. I filed a Consumer's Complaint about all this and the Attorney General called last night. He said Time Warner had showed "good faith" by resolving the complaint by sending me a partial refund of $102.46 (They owed me $114.00), and therefore he considered the matter resolved..."What about their dishonest business practices? What about the fact they continued to illegally charge me because I'm disabled and couldn't drive down and drop off their stupid equipment? What about the fact they were not authorized to take that money in the first place, and how many people I had to verbally eviscerate before I got ANYthing back? If that's all you are going to do about a thieving, fraudulent bunch of asswipes that should be in jail, you can go straight to hell, you worthless son-of-a-bitch!!!" and I hung up on him. Screw 'em.
Billion dollar companies and they have to rip off a person like me? That's damn pathetic. And this is the mentality of the entire government, including the frigging trillionaires and quad-zillionaires at the top of the poop-pile. Can you imagine what would happen if they were forced to pay income taxes--retroactively??? The deficit would be paid off, for one., and they wouldn't be the !% anymore, now would they? And every one of them have grossly violated their tax-exempt status. That's what the Tides Foundation was established for--to 'launder' their illegal political campaign funds through.
People don't even seem to know--or care--that the Federal Reserve itself is a private corporation owned by a bunch of hereditary stockholders and registered to the City of London. There are a lot of those 1%-ers that are making beaucoup bucks off the deficit, people. Why do you think no one knows that there has always been the option since the founding of the Fed, for the government to either close it, or buy it for a paltry $450 million bucks? Do you know what would happen to the deficit? I do believe it would be dissolved. Or, it would be flung back it the faces of those who truly do owe it.
Incidentally, a lot of what the Fed is charging the government, and thus, the American taxpayer for, is fraudulent. For just one example, it is still collecting on bonds that have already matured. TONS of them! It will NOT allow itself to be audited, and the last time it was, there was 9 TRILLION bucks missing. Now, how much of that "deficit" do you suppose has been slipping out the Fed's back door all this time? Since Rumsfeld announced a $1.2 trillion deficit in the Pentagon budget on September 10th, 2001, and the next day a handy 747 plowed right into the office that was investigating that shortfall, maybe that's why they aren't mentioning these kind of things very loudly.
Another thing the Fed does, is manipulate the interest rates and the money supply, then make investments on whatever they know the market is going to do as a consequence. I do believe that's insider trading--in the highest definition of the word. That is positively evil, because they have manipulated every financial crisis, every depression, recession, every banking collapse--I would bet this last fiasco was all their doing. Particularly since the dollar isn't a dollar, not according to the 1792 coin act.
The Federal Reserve is a gigantic scam, a fraud and a rip-off, and it always has been. It, and the rest of the central banks--yes, it is part of them--were designed and organized to defraud and impoverish the nations of the world and prepare them to be conquered by the stupid NWO. Yes, it's insane, because THEY are insane, the whole damn bunch of them. "Bat-Shit Crazy", as we used to say. However, the whole idea is to impoverish and break us. To get us all--70% at least--on the government nickel. To be sufficiently meek and cowed so we will accept the NWO subjugation with humble and servile gratitude and the imposition of their feudal lordship with chirps of joy! Yeah. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be hog-tied and boiled in lizard-spit.
And Obama's their willing pup. According to Dr. John Coleman, every president since Wilson has taken their orders directly from the RIIA, the "sister" organization of the CFR. That's the 'Round Table', for the uninitiated, the British Group that Cecil Rhodes started, the man who owned the DeBeers diamond mines in South Africa and was almost single-handedly responsible for both the Boer Wars and the Rhodes Foundation and the Rhodes Scholars.
They HIRED The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, and Dr. John Coleman has a book by that name which is very, very interesting. Go get it off his website.
DON'T think of violence, people. That's exactly what they want. to declare martial law and start throwing people in their "internment" camps. They'll haul NATO troops over here, and we'll have another Kosovo or Bosnia--that was all their doing, you know. They and the CIA are regular as---never mind.
The Bible says, "Be Wise as Serpents, and as Gentle as Doves." That means be sneaky as hell. Fight them with their OWN weapons, and by their OWN rules. They can't condemn you, then, without condemning themselves. They are so fond of corporations? Incorporate yourselves. Incorporate your neighborhoods. A NEVADA corporation, that's very important. Quit your jobs and start your OWN businesses. I don't have to tell you why. You get to write off a lot of your household expenses with a home business, right? You may get the gov't to pay your mortgage for you. Wouldn't THAT be rich? Get you and your wife at home, your kids home-schooled, rig up a magnetic generator or whatever, a garden, rabbits in the garage, and voila!!! You're off the grid and invulnerable to tampering or "Bully Tactics". Hey, I just threw that out there, but check it out. Maybe there's some validity to it. Best of all--I do believe corporations might be exempt from Obamacrap. Could be wrong, but look into it.
Oh, by the way--don't forget. The United States is a corporation. It CAN be sued. AND Washington D.C. is one of the three city states in the world. The other two are Vatican City and the City of London. They can be cut off, you know. And every state is considered a sovereign NATION, folks. The Supreme Court has said so, several times. We aren't ONE NATION we are 50 INDEPENDENT NATION-STATES!!!
That's what I mean about stupid. The "government" (Which isn't the government--it hasn't been legal since 1913) keeps talking about the "Law", and they are the most corrupt, lying, dishonest, cheating, embezzling, graft-consuming, heinous, criminals in the entire WORLD!! Obama is so concerned about the law, and if any of his supporters ever followed the law, he wouldn't even BE president right now. And, if they still cared about the law, his whole administration would have been in a dungeon on stale bread and pond scum long ere this, my friends. That is, if there were any honest people left in the entire government and the pentagon to put them there.
I have my doubts. He's just about got rid of most of the honest ones....
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