Monday, April 21, 2014

"And There Shall Be Wars...." Syria by Way of Ukraine??

Ukraine To Be a Nuclear Happy-Meal??

The Globalists seems to be bound and determined to launch the world into a nuclear holocaust; God knows, they're trying hard enough. "Why?" You might well ask, bewildered. "What do they want? Why are we going to war with the Ukraine? I thought we were supposed to be fighting terrorists!"

That's something the main-street propaganda-whore media doesn't tell you, my friend. WE are the terrorists. The U.S., formerly known as "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave" has been downgraded to "The Major Asshole of the World" category. This has been going on for quite a while; we haven't heard about it, at least, the 98.9% of Americans who weren't specifically looking for such things, because of the whore media, entrenched deeply in the slop-trough of the corporate empire owned mainly by the Rothschilds. They should all be charged with treason and murder, because they have allowed heinous and reprehensible atrocities to occur, honest and brave people to be slandered and even murdered, and a major poseur--Obama--not only to be "elected" but to maintain his slippery choke-hold on America's jugular as he slowly and methodically destroys not only our nation, but plays havoc with the world, all at the bidding of whoever happens to be at the other end of his choke-chain, that is.

This all started long before 9/11--that was a home-grown manufactured excuse that handily covered a lot of ground for these psychos. It got rid of a white elephant of real estate that was going to require some very costly renovations; it jumped us into a convenient set-up for the invasion of a country that had not shown any aggression towards the U.S.; it raked in a good deal of money on stock deals for certain investors so highly placed that no one can be persuaded to release their names....I could go on, you know. By now, anyone who still thinks "Osama Bin Laden Did It" has to have been brain-twerked. I hear the CIA's gotten pretty good at that since they were forced to "discontinue" their MK-Ultra program, though you wouldn't know it from the rumors coming out of places like the Disney studios...

Look up a book called "Gladio" By Dean Henderson, if you want to know what NATO really does when Congress pretends it isn't looking--like they usually do when the CIA and NATO get their major sociopaths and "black-ops" maniacs gathered together and tell them their orders are: "Cry HAVOC and Let Slip the Dogs of WAR!!!" (That's Shakespeare, by the way.) General Lemnitzer should have had that embroidered on his underwear; he frolicked merrily about Europe causing murder and mayhem where ere his bands of thugs and assassins alighted, slaughtering innocent civilians and recalcitrant heads of state by the trunk-loads. And then, there was Edward Lansdale, who was highly admired for such black-ops tactics as having his men dress up like vampire bats and swooping down from trees onto their unsuspecting victims. Did they get to suck their blood, too? He might have encouraged them to do so, since he was obviously as bat-shit crazy as the rest of the bunch of neo-con lunatics, most of whom still inhabit their belfries in Washington D.C., by the way.

And the military pretends it's mystified at the high rate of military suicides and violent shootings?? PUH-LEEZE!! There is a serious case of "Covering the Big-Brass-ASS!!" going on here. They know perfectly well why these guys are freaking out. Hell I know perfectly well, because not only did I have two brothers who were in 'Nam, I am a Vet myself, albeit a female one, thus wasn't allowed to play with the Big Toys, and every time I go to Castle Point, or hang out at anyplace where retirees hang out, or go online in the Vet chatrooms, I run across 'Nam Vets, WWII Vets, Korea Vets--and I was married to a 'Nam Vet. I get heartsick seeing what one or two tours in 'Nam did to these guys--particularly after finding out that 'Nam was nothing but a big joke to these lunatics. The Bay of Tonkin was faked, by our own government. They were wounded, shattered, their buddies blown up in front of their faces, their lives ruined forever, for rich men's pissing contests."Geopolitical Strategies?" Is that what they call it? I call it treason, and crimes against humanity for which a great many over-pampered asshats should be doing the Nuremberg Shuffle.

And these guys coming back from three, four--even six or seven tours-- today are being patted on the head, slipped powerful SSRI's with unpredictable side-effects, and told, "You're fine. Go home." They don't get any support, their medical care is lousy, they are being treated like they are some kind of murderers--I have had silly little twits tell me my own brothers were murderers. I tell them why don't they and their stupid little friends go to the next war that comes along and tell those poor, misunderstood fellows running at them with Kalashnikovsm RPG's and lead pipes that it isn't nice to kill people?

My brother came home with 5 medals, after he had saved over 140 men's lives by his actions over in Nam. He got spit on after he got off the plane. He had insults thrown at him. People called him "Baby Killer." He didn't bother trying to tell them about the orphanage he and his buddies had evacuated just ahead of the Cong. He didn't even get a medal for that. He couldn't. They were acting against direct orders. Some homecoming. I bet he felt like going back to 'Nam. At least there, he knew who he was allowed to shoot at.

To the rich, demented assholes that think they are some kind of Olympian godlings,this is all a game, and they laugh themselves silly every time they move a few pieces and see the mayhem that it produces. They love chaos, you see. Their motto is, "Order out of chaos," and to them, this is as much fun as a kid stirring up an anthill. And that's all we are to them--ants.

And you see, these guys, these soldiers--they aren't half as stupid as these rotten old bastards think they are, and they figure it out pretty quick. And not only are they getting shot at and killed for nothing: they are being ordered to shoot and kill innocent people and do things that repulse them and tear them to pieces--and if they refuse, well, there's just another dead guy. Oh, well. More where he came from. They are killing innocent people, all over the world, and nobody gives a damn, because our media doesn't give a shit. They take their money and tell you all lies, and they are as much murderers and traitors as Obama, Clinton, Soros, and the rest of these bastards. The blood of every woman and child that is blown to pieces by Obama's drones, or starves to death because of what the IMF is doing in Africa--goes on THEIR heads, too. It's bad enough they are whores and sell their integrity and professionalism--but they have sold their humanity also.

EVERY war has been like this! Since the FRENCH REVOLUTION! Only, we didn't figure it out...they made the Big Mistake when they killed Kennedy. Everything went to shit after that, and no one has really trusted the government ever since. The government has lied, and lied, and lied. Congress has known all along about ALL these deceptions and horrors--and they have not stopped a thing. They did not stop the Federal Reserve when it stole money from the American Public in Roosevelt's illegal and blatant theft of gold from the American people, and it has not uttered a word of protest at the illegal taxes that have been levied upon us by an illegal and FOREIGN agency of a FOREIGN government.

And they do nothing now, while the world falls apart around their ears, and Americans are being robbed blind of their rights, freedoms and property. Except, maybe flap their hands and twitter, "Oh, dear! Oh, Dear! Oh, Dear!!" Well, what I always say, if you want something done right, you'd best do it yourself. There ain't NO help coming from the government, people. Voting them out isn't going to help a bit. That would just take out the feet of the beast. The head is way up where we can't reach, and it's not a dragon, it's more like a Hydra.

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