Righteous Resistance
A grassroots movement, like no other in history, is growing in China
Levi Browde, 07 Jun 2007 FalunInfo.net If the Falun Gong’s mounting size has grown unnoticed to outside observers, so too has its strength. Particularly, its strength of conviction. If the greatest nonviolent movements of the 20th century are any indicator, however, this is an oversight. Gandhi once proclaimed that, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” Much less one that is millions strong, tempered, and growing. By late 2001, China’s Falun Gong found themselves at the receiving end of a Maoist-style campaign designed to “eradicate” the meditation group. For many the darkest days of communist rule had returned.
Hon. David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, and David Matas, a senior international human rights lawyer have conducted a series of independent investigations. They have gathered 52 separate pieces of evidence that indicates organ harvesting continues to exist in China today. Investigations by Ethan Gutmann concluded that approximately 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners died from organ harvesting between 2000 and 2008.
Hong Kong newspaper, Apple Daily, reported in October 2012 about live organ harvesting. It also indicated little known information that Bo Xilai’s wife, Gu Kailai was directly involved in the operation and establishment of a global network of organ sales Ms. Wang, China: “They took the organs, from living people, and now the people are dead. But they continued to process the corpse into what they called art for exhibitions, in order to make money. Inhumane can’t even being describe to it. This evilness can not be described.”
Outside China, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) launched
a global petition in July 2013. By end of November, there were a total of 1,487,828 signatures that had been collected from around the world. These signatures have had a huge impact.
Such exposure gains added weight, however, when put online and brought to the attention of the outside world. While it’s no simple feat to get such information out of China, volumes of it still manage to get through. A formidable part of the package is the “Fawanghuihui.org” (“Vast Net of Justice”) website, which at any given time might offer profiles of as many as 51,000 “evildoers.” A typical entry includes the authority’s name, work unit, gender, position, and phone number.
The last part—a phone number—is critical, and ties in to another grassroots effort of incredible proportions: phone calls. With petitioning offices sealed for the Falun Gong, and no recourse through the courts, adherents have had to become a legal system unto themselves. If websites such as Fawanghuihui.org and Minghui.org serve as virtual courts, phone calls to perpetrators are certainly one of the sentences. Across China and from countries around the world, adherents have been placing volumes of calls—staggering in quantity—to those most directly responsible for the group’s suffering
On December 12, 2013, European Parliament passed an emergency motion.
The motion called for the CCP to immediately stop organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, of religious beliefs, and of ethnic minorities. On March 5 this year, the Italian Senate Human Rights Commission unanimously adopted a resolution. This asked the Italian government to urge the CCP to immediately release prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners. It also called for a full investigation of the CCP 's crime of live organ harvesting.
Illinois No. HR0730 Motion
On February 26, the Illinois House of Representatives unanimously passed the Illinois No. HR0730 motion. It called for the CCP to immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. It strongly urged the U.S. government to investigate organ transplants in China. It also urged for an end to organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
During 2014, petitions against live organ harvesting continue to grow inside China.
After nearly a decade of brutality, humiliation, and privation on account of their spiritual beliefs, China’s Falun Gong have come to see the workings of the persecution apparatus in vivid relief. A sharpened assessment has come about with time, one far less optimistic, you might say.Shijiazhuang City, over 11,000 people have supported the petition.
Whereas originally certain key figures behind the awful mess could be identified (e.g., Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, and Li Lanqing), and clearly many officials disagreed with the hamhanded measures (e.g., Zhu Rongji), with time that distinction became ever less clear; strong-arm tactics and repeated purges gradually weeded out dissent from the Party’s ranks, solidifying the apparatus. To disagree was to risk one’s career. Those most vigorous in carrying out the suppression rose quickly through the ranks, with incentives being tied to obedience at every level of the system. The very Communist Party system itself, it became clear, was the problem. “It was rotten beyond repair,” says Erping Zhang, a spokesperson for the Falun Gong based in New York. “To change or try to fix any one part, for instance the courts, is meaningless, when everything from the media to the educational system to the labor camps is controlled by the Party and made to serve the Party. The problem is systemic beyond belief.”
Zhao Ming, who was tortured in Beijing’s Tuanhe Labor Camp, echoes Zhang’s interpretation. “They have been doing this all through the history of the People’s Republic of China. During the ‘Cultural Revolution’ they destroyed and wiped out all Chinese traditional beliefs, including Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. No Westerner can understand this. I would say you can’t fathom their actions with a normal mind.”
Jiu-ping” (“Nine Commentaries”)
For many, the intensity of the cruelty and hatred they saw foisted upon them by the Party fomented, as for Zhang and Zhao, a reexamination. Was it just Falun Gong? Or had the Party done this before, and in other forms? The answer was spelled out in a nine-part critique of the Communist Party, titled “Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party” or “Jiu-ping” (“Nine Commentaries”) for short after the Chinese name. The series was published by a Chinese newspaper named Dajiyuan (The Epoch Times), to which a number of Falun Gong persons contribute time. Within just one month of its release (November 2004), veritable shockwaves had been sent throughout the halls of China’s rulers and throughout the land. By that time Meng Weizai, the former director of China’s Bureau of Art and Literature, along with Huang Xiaoming, an Olympic medalist, had declared they were quitting the Party. A flood of resignations soon began that received the strongest inadvertent verification in the form of official denials from the likes of the state-run Xinhua news agency. Other Party actions, otherwise baffling, soon followed, such as mandatory study sessions and campaigns to increase “Party discipline” and to “preserve the cutting-edge nature” of the Party. Was the leadership nervous? Interest in the Commentaries was only piqued by this.
In a short time what were originally 100–200 daily withdrawals from the Party had swelled to thousands; on the day of this writing a total of 33,613 quit, while for June 2007 the tally was 958,587. (It should be noted that “quitting” refers to the Party itself and its two affiliate organizations—the Youth League and Young Pioneers, which many join in China with “blood oaths” at a young age.)
But why such a dramatic response, and from so many? Stephen Gregory, an editor at The Epoch Times, offers this:
“After 55 years of lies and terror, the people of China now have the chance to know their true history. For the first time, they can share with one another the tremendous losses they have suffered under the Chinese Communist Party. For the first time, they can step back from the Communist nightmare and consider the beauty and significance of the ancient civilization that the Communist Party has worked so hard to destroy.”
Gregory’s remarks suggest two important points, then. First, that for many, the Commentaries and the chance to break from the Party is almost cathartic, a cleansing of the soul, and an occasion for healing and reconciliation with self and past. Second, it is also a reclaiming—a reclaiming of Chinese culture and history, both of which have been captive to the whims and caprice of the Party for nearly six decades. Communism, as the Commentaries make poignantly clear, is the product of 19th century European thought, not traditional China.
The Corrupt and debt-plagued Chinese Communist Party is crumbling, and their economy is far worst off than they have dared let anyone know; and our equally corrupt and debt-plagued government has said and done nothing about these crimes against humanity that they had to have known about long before these protests showed up literally on their doorsteps. They had to have known, because the organ transplant business is a billions of dollars a year industry; in "The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Blood Farmers and Child Traffickers",("Scribd" is where I found my copy) the author tells a grim, grisly but chillingly well-documented tale of just how extensive--and invasive--the trafficking of the dead truly is. And how profitable--to the tune of apx. a half billion bucks a year. More than ample reason for the corporations that are the true masters of the nation to strongly suggest to their puppet legislators and 'lawmakers' that they simply ignore what's going on behind the curtains. So what if Harry Reid and Obama are trading off America to these hideous monsters in exchange for the debts their own stupidity are responsible for racking up in the first place? It's the same old tale: Cover up, lie and distract, and by the time the Idiots find out the truth, it'll be too damn late for them to do a thing about it. You Are All Screwed Again.
Look at these videos, and read what these people have been through, who have done nothing but strive to make themselves better, more compassionate and benevolent people, and perfect themselves as well as any person might be able to. Seems we Christians had a man trying to tell us to do the same thing, and lot of our people are getting killed for the same reason. Can't understand why that wouldn't be a popular concept to anyone--who's still human, that is. Jerome Corsi's written a book about what's been happening, Called "America for Sale".
There are no human beings left in Washington if they could know about these atrocities, and still allow Harry Reid and Obama to sell off our nation to these animals. THAT, in case you haven't fgured it out for yourselves, is what all that to-do about the Bundy Ranch and the Rape of Nevada was all about, and why Harry Reid has his panties in a wad about it; he's scared as hell someone is going to find out the real reason. Like I'm doing here. Who could allow them to rack up our debt to them, and not even sanction or condemn them. It shows beyond any shadow of a doubt what they truly are and who they are sold to.
Obama can send out drones that kill thousands and thousands of women and children, order wars on countries that haven't declared war on us, perpetuate "Wars on Terror", when he knows damn well that those who profited and planned the Middle East takeover AND 9/11 are sitting in his own backyard?? (9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to George W. Bush, the financial pages say. And if HE profited--so did many more.) He can declare a "War on Drugs" When the damn CIA is a criminal mob that are the biggest drug and illegal arms dealers in the world?? AND he won't even allow the Vets who fought and died to insure those fat opium poppy profits keep rolling in, to get a few measly joints of medical marijuana?? What a EFFING HYPOCRITE!!!!
What a frigging joke these shits are!! They are the scumbags of the world. This damn defecit is bullshit, and they all know it. The Fed isn't even Federal, 3/4 of the deficit is purely theoretical debt that doesn't really exist on a fungible level--it's like paper iou's that can be torn up and thrown away!! AND tons more of it are on things like massive amounts of bonds that were paid our decades ago and are still being charged!!!!! THE FED NEEDS TO BE AUDITED, AND IT NEEDS TO BE SENT THE HELL BACK TO THE CITY OF LONDON!!! And the IRS with it. They are ALL blatantly ILLEGAL, and those 100 or so shits that are the generational stockholders in the Fed need to cough up all the ILLEGAL dividends they've been sucking up from the American taxpayers all these years. THOSE are the REAL parasites of this nation!
People, look at what was done, and IS being done, by the Communists, and realize what Lenin said: "Socialism is Communism in a hurry." Recall that it was OUR government that made sure that Mao Tse Tung got in power in the first place, by sabotaging Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Army's weapons. AND it was OUR government that enabled the North Vietnamese AND Pol Pot. AND is financing the Taliban, the "rebels" and invented al-Qaeda as well--thanks, CIA. Once again you have kept America safe for the arms dealers and drug lords.
Think of just two more years of Obama I bin Lyin, after what he's managed to accomplish so far; THINK of America under the Gluttons--I mean, the CLINTONS again----****$#$$## I think your duty is obvious. I hope every chicken in America will be naked by Friday morning, and the La Brea Tar Pits will be sucked dry......
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