Mulande Attacked by Terrorists For His Faith
It's difficult for us in the west to comprehend the persecutions and trials that Christians in other parts of the world endure as the price for their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ; we feel insufferably offended if we are told we cannot say grace in a public restaurant, or wear a "I Love Jesus" T-Shirt publicly. As this brave pastor's testimony demonstrates so eloquently, Christians in many parts of the world are paying fearsome prices for their devotion to the true and living God, prices that make us uncomfortably aware that we ourselves might not have the selfsame courage and fortitude if we were faced with the same choices these faithful brothers and sisters confront every day of their lives.
Persecution is not a new phenomena for the Christian church; it has followed the church from its inception, since the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. He was a completely innocent man; indeed, he was the first, and only sinless being that has ever lived. He was the vertiable Son of God, who had been born into the world,a s foretold 900 years before his birth by the prophet Isiah, as the long-promised and anticipated Messiah of the Jews:
" For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there shall be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty shall accomplish this." Isaiah 9:6
Isaiah also foretold that his own people would reject him:
"(2)He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. (3) He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:2-3
And why? Because he did not fit the idea of what the leaders of the Jews thought their prophecies said the Messiah should be. They were looking for a conquering, vengeful King, who would sweep away the hated Roman armies and give them back their sovereignty, and restore their prosperity and autonomy. They did not understand it was not yet time for them to stand on their own; they needed the strength and power of the Romans to protect them. They did not listen to God's word, but sent by their own interpretations, the words of man against the wisdom and omniscience of God. That is a path that has never worked out to anyone's advantage, yet is a route that mankind can never resist undertaking, always to his ultimate determent.
"(4) Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53: 4-5
Why did the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews consider Jesus, this poor crusading Rabbi from an obscure little town near the Decropilis such a threat they had to perjure themselves in order to have him executed? Why is Christianity considered so dangerous to the powerful tyrants that have ruled with iron determination over the lives of mankind? Why must they mercilessly exterminate the law-abiding, followers of the Prince of Peace, whose teachings can be summarized by his words to the lawyers and teachers when they questioned him about which were the greatest of the commandments? He replied:
, "You shall love the Lord Your God with all your mind and all your heart; and the second commandment is this; you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
, "You shall love the Lord Your God with all your mind and all your heart; and the second commandment is this; you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
What have Christians, the most loving and peaceful of all mankind, done to deserve the hardships are persecutions visited upon them? Why are such atrocities delivered upon them, their families and their communities? Why have I been warned time and again, even in our so-called 'tolerant' society, to avoid mentioning religion, so others wouldn't become 'offended'? Offended?? By the 'The 'Man of Sorrows'? The 'Wonderful Counselor'? When there is no such compunction about mentioning terrorists, murderers and rapists? No restrictions on the vile insults and blasphemies that may be heaped upon Christians or Christianity itself in the MSM? Is it any wonder that we see something very wrong with this picture?
Persecution of Christians Threatens the Loss of ALL Freedoms
The loss of one group's Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms is not just a loss for them personally; though you cannot see it, there are universal, God-given rights that are slipping away as well. Dissing God is exactly the same as tossing the Universal Laws right out the window, the code of civilized conduct that binds us all as to what will be tolerated as civilized, reasonable behavior in a society, or what will be punished as barbarism and condemned as savagery. . After all, there has to be a uniform code of conduct, a standard of Universal moral and ethical behavior in the world, so that all nationalities and people can live together in reasonable harmony and equanimity.
It has worked fairly well-as long as the Universal Laws were followed--well--UNIVERSALLY! But there are always those who are 'too smart for the program', and thought they had better ways to doing things than God almighty, or worse, thought that THEIR God was superior to ours. Thus, they made their own rules and expected everyone else to follow them. It did not always work out well, particularly when THEIR rules and laws conflicted with what Christians knew to be the laws of God, the very fundamental, Universal Laws that govern the ALL.
Islam became corrupted, because apparently their prophet became corrupted, as can be seen by the well-documented abrogation of their scriptures. The Quran was first written to be peace-loving, very much like the Christian's Bible, and the Jewish Torah with a bit of the Bhaghadivita tossed in for extra measure. Then, somewhere along the line, perhaps about the time Mohammed decided he wanted to Take Over the World, he made up a few "revelations" to cover his butt to explain why the 'irrevocable world of Allah" had just been revoked, and began inflicting murder and mayhem upon his fellow man. These subsequent events are recorded, in the voluminous records contained in the historical documents faithfully written and preserved, by some of Mohammed's greatest historians and writers.
There was also a decades-long gap in their history, where much of their long history was totally lost, many of their greatest spiritual leaders and schools drifted away, and their great golden age with its wise and devout teachers, great scientists and men of intellect were long gone. In their place came the crop of wanna-be's, who not knowing God from the idols that were more familiar to their culture, remolded "Allah" to his historical image, the moon-god of their ancient history, il-illeah, Sin. The 356-odd Gods of Mecca, to which people came to worship from distant places and buy holy relics and make the tribes thereby rich and prosperous had existed far longer than Mohammed's new god. It was only natural 'Allah', il-illeah, Sin, became all mixed up in this new, bastardized version of the Lord God.
The god, il-illeah, was worshiped exactly the way Allah is worshiped, with the same rituals. Ramadan is sacred because the crescent moon is its symbol--the clay images of the idol excavated from various archaeological sites and other artifacts--always have him with a crescent moon and a star as his symbol. The month of Ramadan is the only one where there are two crescent moons--and the first and last parts of the month.
Only a pagan god would demand such loathsome sacrifices as 'Allah' apparently demands, or the tolls in human misery this so-called wise and benevolent 'merciful' god inflicts upon his subjects. Idols are never satisfied, for that is the nature of the priests and wizards who promote them--you always have to do more and more to satisy the idol, so the priests and wizards never lose their iron hold upon the people who believe they hold their very souls for ransom.
The Catholic Church corrupted itself by such practices; it was not following God, but inventing priestcraft, and it by its own admission exalts the doctrines of the Church above the Holy Scriptures. This is wrong. And, you can see where it has perverted and cursed their religion. And any religion that has exalted itself above the true and living God and his word has become evil and fell into the same apostasies.
"(12) Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings; yet even angels, though they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord. But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts, they too will perish. (13) They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. (14) With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed--an accursed brood!" 2 Peter 2:12-14
Mankind has been corrupted by treachery and lies, with the machinations of those who are seeking to destroy us physically, spiritually and emotionally. They are destroying our cultures from the inside out, and they doing so with satan's own bag of tricks: by luring us in by our own carnal natures. He makes good seem bad, and bad seem good, and this is what is happening everywhere you look.
When God is blasphemed as evil and a genocidal maniac, and satan is praised as wise and the true benefactor of mankind, when 2-year-old girls are raped because their father won't convert to Christianity, when mobs of angry Muslims rape, torture and kill Christians who have done nothing at all but witness for the universal love of God for all mankind, and the world hardly bothers to stifle their yawns, then we know there is something gravely wrong with humanity's perceptions of truth and lies.
Think of this, since you have no doubt listened to Mulande's story. When all the Christians have been exterminated, and there is no more who can bore any atheist, agnostic, or other 'sensible' person with their 'fairy tales', who will these "bold and arrogant men' come after next? And, who will defend them from injustice, when no one spoke up for the Christians? "What does it matter?" You say? Well, think of it this way: What if they come after you?
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