"President Declares Martial Law!"
It seems like everyone is dreading to hear that announced on the Strumpet-Media-News, or blazed from the headlines, but why? Who will they find to enforce it? What LEO or soldiers are going to enforce what is an illegal action taken by a very out-of-control administration?
There is a lot of talk about "quelling a people's revolt?" Excuse me, I hate to be the one to point it out to you fellers, but it's actually YOU, the out-of-control destroyers of the Bill of Rights, Constiotutional Law and the Common Law that are, in fact, in rebellion to the Supreme Law of the Land, and to the laws of man and god as defined by thousands of years of human civilization. International laws of conduct and civilized war, as well.
It is We The People, who are insisting that The Law be RESTORED that are actually the legal and lawful owners and heirs of this nation. Those of the Congress and the administration that support the foreign entities known as the CFR and the Federal Reserve and carry out their policies are guilty of treason, and have been since those institutions have been lawlessly and deceitfully extorted and bribed into existence--not into law. You cannot enforce an illegal contract is the first rule of law; you cannot legislate an illegal law.
The Constitution is, and always HAS been the Supreme Law of the Land. It is immutable and the powers of the States are explicitly described in the 10th Amendment. What is not described as a Federal power, is NOT a Federal power. That means NO executive orders, NO commander-in-chief, and NO declaration of wars without congressional approval.
You CANNOT forbid Christians the right to practice their own religion: The United States IS a Christian Nation, founded on Christian principles, for Christian people. It is the NON-Christians who should be denied their "rights" if they infringe on the constitutional rights of others--like child molestation, and other horrors going on in satanic rites, and Sharia law, which needs to be treated with the same care and consideration Christians are being treated in Islamic lands.
Why Vote? The Results are Rigged Anyway!
Stalin said, "It doesn't matter who votes, what matters is who counts them!" Obama was a top trainer for the Alinsky method, and also for ACORN. Both those organizations had at the center of their philosophy one main goal--to destroy the government and the "decadent" society that controlled it. He learned how to steal from the poor to give to the rich, and his records show that; the ones the main stream media don't tell you about. They prefer to ignore the fact how many billions were poured into all those anti-poverty programs and urban renewal movements and all the grants and programs Obama and his fellow poverty pimps wrangled out of the government and all the liberal foundations and their saps, and how brand-new houses, cars, and even speed boats could have been given to every poor man woman and child in America on what it all cost--yet those people are still as poor as they ever were, and they are even worse off; now, their very cities have gone bankrupt. So, why do the poor folks keep voting these jerks into office when they keep making them poorer and poorer, and their kids get more lost and angry with every generation?
And we don't even pick our own president, or hardly anyone that really has any power in D.C. Check out www.votescam.com. It will tell you all about just how very easy it is to rig those electronic voting machines, and how its done. Obama knows all the tricks, too. He was a top trainer for ACORN, and that's what they got in a lot of trouble for while he was still campaigning. He disavowed all knowledge of their actions, said he never belonged to them. The main stream media backed him up, too, if I remember correctly. Well, he lied, they lied. He was one of their top trainers.
Why do we even bother with another election when they are already cheating?
You Don't Have to Obey Illegal Orders!
With these invaders pouring over the border, and the so-called "Ebola-Flu" Pandemic, it is clear Obama is literally hell-bent on destroying the United States. He can't help himself, it is what he was born and raised and programmed to do. He simply is incapable of human action or thought anymore. None of them are.
It is exactly why we can no longer play into these sick games they are inflicting on the world. We can no longer support this administration, or its oligarchy, or its fractured, haywire, empty money that is less than worthless.
Their charade of authority and respectability has worn out. We see the unraveling of their schemes and the lies they have snarled themselves up in. There is not any of them, particularly from the Rockefellers and their contingent, who are worth more than what could be emptied out of a well-used septic tank.
If we continue to let them go on as they are unchecked, with Obama fulfilling his fantasies that he can command armies--he cannot--they are going to kill everyone in the world. Turn the military back to the military, or we will have another 14-year McNamara "Rules of Engagement" money pit, that profits only the rich contractors and the death merchants.
Don't Obey Illegal Orders!
Those of you--ANYone--who are supporting their unlawful, unconstitutional commands and edicts in any way, shape or form: you best be thinking--hard. How long do you think they can go on like this? There WILL be a reckoning, and it will be like the fall of the third reich. Everyone, everywhere, who supported their criminal actions will be made to answer to the REAL keepers of justice and the law. And that day is soon coming.
Citizens and Patriots: Do NOT obey unlawful, unconstitutional "laws". Do NOT be bullied. Do NOT let them pull their tricks on you any more. They have no power over you, or any of us who serve God and seek to do His will. DO join an organization like the Oathkeepers.
"Who Is My Neighbor?"
Prepare to draw together, in units that can help and support each other; neighborhoods, towns, families. Don't try to go it alone. We can all work together, the way our forefathers did to make sure everyone , has everything they need, that all of us can survive if the worse happens, and there is a bad epidemic, or Obama has a hissy fit and shuts the lights off.
You know, I spent the last two weeks with five dollars to my name, because I was locked out of my debit account, due to my computer breakdown. I had to wait for another card. I didn't miss it at all, because I've got everything I need right where I am. I make my own bread and I keep canned milk and stuff on hand; I had enough of everything to get by without any hardship whatsoever. Of course, I don't have to drive to work, I live in an apartment, and I have no one else to worry about but myself. I was lucky enough to get all my bills paid before this all happened, because I pay by money order, mostly. However, this is just an example of how a cut in access to your income need not be a total disaster, if one prepares themselves.
There really doesn't need to be a "revolution". That is exactly what they want. Obama is doing exactly what the NATO and CIA bums have done in just about every country where "revolutions" and "civil discontent" have broken out. They stir up the populace, usually with racial or regional tensions first. They tried that here, with all that "Black Liberation Theology" nonsense, and all the Gay Pride and such. Didn't work, did it? They tried ruining the economy--that didn't work. They tried the "foreign invasion", "the Tyrant Overlord", and every other outrageous provocation they can think of. Americans aren't buying what they are selling. We just quit buying--at all. Quit buying; light up the kerosene lamps, sit back and wait for the howling to start: "Who's rebelling? I'm just sitting here knitting my solar panels, Mr. Government Goon, sir!" Heh-Heh.
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