Monday, October 6, 2014
Ebola: Flu and Measles Pose a More Serious Threat
Make no mistake; Ebola is a grave and deadly virus that kills its victims in a remarkably short period of time. It is highly contagious, and every effort does need to be made to keep it isolated and contained, both at its source, and to keep it from spreading here in the U.S.
That being said, however, though it has a 60% mortality rate among those infected, and the death tolls coming from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria in Africa sound like a raging pandemic is consuming human lives unchecked across the African continent, be aware that this is mostly the main stream medias typical irresponsible whipping a small flicker flame of concern into a raging conflagration of panic, no doubt at the bidding of their satanic masters.
Let's put it bluntly--if there were any danger whatsoever of an epidemic as fast-moving and hideous as they are implying, would the Yellow Stripes up Their Backs Brigades be anywhere NEAR D.C., or making speeches, etc.? Absolutely not. They would have hied immediately to their dens in the rocks, and they would be managing the U.S. from Thunder Mountain.
Ebola is just not that easy to spread from one person to another; the Unholy Cabal of the Netherlord (Doggone, how I do come up with some doozy hyperboles!) are apparently determined to drive the more gullible portion of the populace (of which there are legion) into blind, unreasoning panic. Then, one of two things will happen. They will offer the mysterious "vaccine" for sale at an outrageous price (all you own, or you sign away your soul in blood on the dotted line?), or Obama happily skips about the Oval Office chortling, "I did it! I did it!" And then declares a totally unconstitutional and unlawful martial law.
Needless to say, either scenario is totally unacceptable.
Ebola is spread much like the AIDS virus--they are both man made viruses, thought to be developed by the DOJ and CIA pals, the NAZI scientists they sneaked over in the infamous "Paperclip" program. (See, "America's Nazi Secret", by John Loftus). They are both passed from one victim to another through bodily fluids--blood, saliva, sweat, urine, vomit, etc. Through an open cut, or sore is a typical way, or by someone rubbing their eyes who has touched an Ebola-infected person is another.
In Africa, the disease has re-occurred in some areas from eating raw or undercooked monkeys, apes or bats that have been infected. Avoid devouring these creatures as much as possible, no matter how sorely tempted you might be. (I hear chilled monkey brains are particularly tasty.)
There is, in other words, a vast realm of difference between the poverty-blighted areas of Africa this disease has struck hardest, and the U.S. In one country, former public latrines are often utilized as shelters for families. They have no running water or electricity; many homes don't even have a wash basin, much less soap. This is particularly tragic, because the main defense against the spread of Ebola is simply washing your hands with hot water and soap. Common household hand soap is enough to kill the Ebola virus, not some expensive, super-strong antibiotic, mind you. BATHING in hot water and scrubbing yourself thoroughly with soap will kill the virus. They just don't have any.
This is the peace and prosperity the globalists promised? When they have spent 100 billion arming psychotic murderers and vicious demonic killers that they themselves commissioned and paid even more billions to create? When less than half that would have ended all the poverty, ignorance and disease in the entire world, according to their very own partner-in-collusions, the U.N.? I had a young lady primly rebuke me for saying "hell" last night, she told me it was an obscenity. I replied the Lord Jesus was the only sinless man who ever existed, and he said "Hell", and he said "Damn", and as usual a liberal didn't know what the HELL she was talking about. I proceeded to tell her about some REAL obscenities that had no "obscene" words at all. She hung up on me. They never DO want to put their priorities in order.
It may surprise some Preachers of the Pandemic that according to the World Health Organization:
There are 250-500 thousand deaths per year from the flu.
There are 3,000-49,000 deaths from measles per year.
There have been 2,000 deaths from Ebola since 1976, and 876 deaths total in Africa so far.
I thank "Propaganda Decoded" for this information, a video on YouTube, that had some excellent information, a lot of it scientific stuff, but interesting. This is also interesting:
"BRN" is "Basic Reproduction Number", and simply put, it is a numerical figure by which filoviruses are evaluated. The higher the number, the more of a threat to public health it represents:
BRN: 1.34-1.83 Ebola
BRN 7.17 Measles
It would be prudent to take reasonable precautions, however. I think the flu is more of a concern than Ebola at this point, however. I am highly suspicious of how the flu shot is being forced on everyone they can extort and bully into taking it; an aide who works for the state at our building, for example, is six months pregnant. She and the other aides who are assigned to elderly clients who have government benefits were told they either get the flu shot, or they would be fired. That is so illegal it makes me cringe.
I do not take the flu shot--ever. I am allergic to them, apparently. The Army immunizations (Whack! In both arms! Remember?) I became deathly ill, and had to be put on quarters three days, narrowly avoiding pneumonia. But all the elderly people meekly submit when they are strong-armed into taking them, and some of the most elderly, some who are up in their 80's and 90's are being given double doses of this poison! Three of our residents came down with pneumonia. We have lost 5 in 6 months. I have no way of knowing if the flue shots had a thing to do with it, but still, it is all very suspicious indeed.
Make sure you have plenty of food on hand, so you don't have to shop very often. If you do shop, go very late at a 24-hour store where there are less people. Get canned milk (it's more portable, lasts all but forever, and is whole milk not that dry nasty stuff), and things like rice, beans, flour and staples like that; they will take up less room and are versatile enough that you can make everything from your own bread to noodles with them.
If you are truly nervous, see if your boss will let you telecommute, and pull your kids out of school. There are so many apps and programs for homeschooling and teaching kids, particularly preschool that you don't really have to teach them anything. My grandson loved "PBS kids" and "ABC Mouse" and "Nick Jr" and when he went to kindergarten, he did so well they wanted to put him in first grade.
Keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket or purse, and use it OFTEN when you are out in the public. In crowded areas. you might want to wear a doctor's mask or one of those respirator masks, the paper ones like painters and such wear. You could try a bandana, but then you would look like a hoodlum, and as touchy as the cops are these days you are liable to find yourself in an embarrassing situation.
Turn off the damn TV. You don't need to be listening to those fools. Get your news from the alternative media, where they filter out most of the bullshit first. Why isn't the FCC cracking down on their lies, irresponsibility, lack of professionalism, and outright deaths and destruction they are causing? Easy. They are afraid to.
Bleach has always been touted as the best of all sanitizers and disinfectants; I have used it for years. It surprised me, then, to learn that Hydrogen Peroxide, the stuff we normally think of mostly for cuts and scrapes is actually a more effective disinfectant than bleach for the home, as it kills more e coli and salmonella bacteria than bleach does. AND, of course, it is far less harmful. It's designation is H202, meaning, 2 molecules of hydrogen, and 2 of oxygen, which makes it just one oxygen molecule away from being plain water. How harmless can you get, pray tell?
Vinegar and baking soda are also very effective for cleaning and disinfecting around the home. I've made my own cleaning products for a couple years now--there's a reason why I can afford internet and such on the parsimonious stipend that is allotted to the "perpetual dysfunctional". I also use washing soda and Borax and occasionally salt. I will write up an e-book on that one of these days--when I can replace the computer I senselessly slaughtered.
Keep a bottle in your gym locker or desk drawer--it can be purchased easily just about anywhere. Add 1/4 cup or so to a sink of cold water, and wipe down any exposed body parts that you think may have been contaminated when you have been out in crowds or on the subway all day, or whatever it is you city folks do.
You can take an all-over detoxifying bath, as well: fill a tub with warm water, add 2 cups of Hydrogen Peroxide, and bathe as usual, though it won't be necessary to use soap. Just don't use this for more than two weeks, because then it might harm the beneficial organisms that live on your skin, apparently.
You can then bathe in vinegar (white, distilled) or baking soda. Use 1 cup of the vinegar, and how much baking soda you use will depend on how hard your water is.
Use H202 in a sink of cold water (about 1/4 cup) to wash fruits, vegetables and produce, also. Not only will it wash away pesticides and other chemicals, but human contaminants also.
Use a half-cup of white vinegar to a bucket of water to either wash your floors, or rinse them after using your normal cleaners. It will not only remove soap residue, but disinfect them. For an all-around cleaner and disinfectant, take two 2-litre soda bottles and fill them with the following: one with 4 cups warm water to 1/4 c vinegar, the other equal parts Hydrogen Peroxide to water. Be sure you label these, because you won't want to get them mixed up. Also, keep the H.P. in a dark place, or cover the bottle with something. H.P. breaks down quickly in light, which is why it is always sold in dark bottles.
You can use these to clean and sanitize everything in your home; spray first one, then the other. Allow to set for a moment or two to let it "work", then wipe up with a soft, clean cloth. You can also disinfect the air in your house, which is useful if someone comes down sick, and you don't want it to spread to the rest of the family. Be sure you cover your mouth and nose so you won't inadvertently breath in the mist. It won't harm you, but it's not exactly a good idea to breathe a lungful of vinegar water, either.
Throw a cup of vinegar into your dishwasher, or add it to the rinse cycle--do they have rinse cycles? I forget. Add either a bit of bleach or rinse your dishes in vinegar water when you wash them by hand. They will be doubly disinfected and shine like a fiend also.
That sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, doesn't it? Healthy people are least likely to become ill, however. Like a strong plant is less likely to be attacked by insects and nasty blights and such. Your immune system works best when it has the right materials to work with; you can't build a mansion with cardboard boxes, can you?
Basic good sense is called for. Eat well, sleep the requisite number of hours. Partying is not a good idea right now, not only because you will wear yourself out, take debilitating substances that will weaken your immune system further, and cavort with all manners of creatures from unknown realms of existence--you will compromise your body's defenses even more.
There are currently over 200 different strains of the "flu" virus. These are constantly changing and evolving, morphing into something else that will then be resistant to anything the scientists and researchers have labored to come up with. This is another reason why "taking the flu shot" is such an exercise in futility, and if these dumbkopfs inflicting these all-but-useless immunizations of the hapless public were anywhere near competent, they would know this.
Either they are all political appointments and know absolutely nothing, this is just another way for "Big Pharma" to rake in billions more into their bottomless money pits, or there is something else going on so sinister and insane, I would prefer to be labeled a complete and total paranoid than even consider it.
Happily, just to slap the aforementioned "Big Pharma" a few times across their fat, flabby cheeks, there IS a very old remedy for treating the flu and other respiratory ailments alike, that has been used for centuries and has remained as effective as when it first began. Organic apple cider vinegar, that you can buy in any health food store is something of a wonder-substance. It is said to be one of the most effective remedies known for treating the flu, and, if taken daily, regulates the body's Ph balance to prevent one from getting ill by making an alkaline condition in the blood and tissues that pathogens don't particularly care for.
1. Drink it first thing in the morning: Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (organic, unpasteurized) in a glass of water, or apple juice. It's particularly beneficial to add Manuka honey to it, if you can find it my source said, but I have never heard of it and would suggest asking the store where to find it.
2. Drink it with meals as well as on an empty stomach: The solution can be taken either way; the vinegar makes your body much more Alkaline, as I mentioned, making it harder for the flu virus to reproduce and regenerate. It also lowers the production of mucous considerably, because of its higher potassium content.
3. Extra boost of Vitamin C: Drinking the vinegar with apple juice gives you a maximum dose of Vitamin C, helpful for a body struggling to fight off the flu, or for building one's immunity to it.
[From: "Apple Cider Vinegar", a Condiment for Weight Loss, Cholesterol, Allergies, Diabetes, Warts, and Much More! by James Haley]
There can't be any harm trying the "Vinegar Cure", and it could be very effective. Just be forewarned that excessive use of too strong a solution could harm the enamel on your teeth. It goes also without saying that you should also cut out as much fat. sugar and processed foods as you can manage, also. These are all either loaded with toxins, or if consumed in excessive quantities, throw your body into metabolic imbalance for just one unwelcome effect.
There you have it. Simple good hygiene will remove much of the danger on contracting Ebola; isolation and containment will be a major factor in preventing the spread of any kind of pathogenic, and prevent an epidemic. If those whose job it is in the Federal government don't know enough to figure this out, then there is no reason why we shouldn't have enough simple good sense to take care of these matters our selves. Hell, look in Leviticus, and you'll find God told the Hebrews all about preventing disease and plagues.
I hope someone has come up with the idea of a central website or such somewhere that people can link to for advice and co-ordination? I don't know if Alex Jones is amenable to this idea or not? He has been as busy as a fellow juggling turpentined cats, the poor fellow.
I will have to go now. My time is nearly up here at the library, and I want to get this posted. May God be With You All.
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