Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola and Flu Vaccines Hold Hidden Dangers

 Is it Stupidity or Design? It's Hard to Tell, Sometimes...

It has been remarked, more than once by seasoned politicians with enough experience within the “system” to know exactly what they were talking about, that when repeated blunders and incompetence actions occurred on the part of government officials and their associates that were harmful and detrimental to the United States and her citizens, it could not be attributed to sheer stupidity. After all, even a moron would occasionally err, and do something right. Look at John Kerry. Even the most misguided of malignant traitors might occasionally stumble upon a beneficial outcome for the nation. Look at—hmm. Never mind. When blunder, error and incompetency concurrently march one upon another without relief, and the end justifying the FUBAR  means great profits for most of those committing the stupidities, it doesn’t take a great deal of common sense to realize that these are deliberate actions, meant to disguise their true and nefarious purposes.

It is also a rerun of former “pandemics” that coincidently netted huge profits for all who perpetuated the “crisis”, and sold dangerous, untested vaccines to the public; vaccines they were forced to take, whether they had reservations about their effects or not. Sound familiar? It should. This is simply another phase in the imperial regency of a regime that hasn’t recognized it’s failure and complete rejection by not only the America n people, but the entire civilized world it had so hoped to dominate.

A few facts that concerned citizens should be aware of are these: Ebola simply has not been the pandemic threat that influenza, or even measles has been. Those two illnesses kill hundreds of thousands of victims every year, according to the CDC. Ebola fatalities were only 2000 from 1976 until this present epidemic—that is 38 years. The last count of fatalities from Ebola in  Africa was over 4000, from this outbreak alone, in less than 6 months. This is highly suspicious. Ebola is spread by contact, much as the HIV virus. Bodily fluids are the carriers, saliva, blood, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, any of these can be infected if the live virus is introduced from a contagious person.

But a person is only contagious is the later stages of the disease, when they are showing active symptoms; in Africa, the people treating their sick relatives, or preparing the dead for burial simply have no sanitation methods to protect themselves from infection. They seldom have running water or even soap in many areas. The virus is easily destroyed simply by washing with hot water and soap, and common household disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide, bleach, even vinegar and baking soda have antiseptic qualities. Keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer on your person and using it frequently while in the public is probably the best way to avoid infection from any illness, since that is one of that main ways people are infected.

Containment and quarantine is also desirable; if the officials aren’t imposing proper quarantines, then we can refuse to allow ourselves to be infected, and confine ourselves to our own dwellings.
There, we can control our own environment; a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water may be used to spray the air, for example to rid the area of any airborne contaminants—especially useful if someone is ill with the flu. You can leave your shoes outside the door, bathe or wash in a solution of two cups HP in a tub of water, or a quarter cup or so in a basin or sink.
Staying well and keeping our autoimmune systems strong and healthy is far more effective than vaccines is the general opinion of most ethical healthcare workers, including physicians and nurses. “It’s obvious the vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government promoted pandemic,” Said Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer, speaking of the 2009 crisis.  The World Health organization (WHO) and the CDC predicted a death-dealing onslaught of swine flu, which is a mix of older human influenza viruses mixed with strains of avian (bird) flu. Designated H1N1, a subtype of the Influenza A virus according to “Trillion Dollar Conspiracy” by J. Marrs, there were suspicions that it was a manmade virus. There is strong evidence that this was a manmade disease, from the WWII era biological warfare experiments.

Dr. Blaylock stated even then there are “…much safer ways to protect oneself from the flu virus [than the flu vaccine].” He recommended: “Higher doses of vitamin D3, selective immune enhancement using supplements [many of which can be found in health food stores], and a good diet.” Avoiding chemicals in your food, forgoing drugs and alcohol are a must also. These weaken your immune system, and your resistance to contamination as well. Smoking? Nicotine is a poison, and viruses don’t care for it anymore than any other living thing does.

Suspicious characters even at that time were accusing the “Big Pharma” corporations of manipulating the WHO and CDC, to sell billions of dollars worth of flu vaccines to recoup their costs in researching and developing pandemic vaccines in the wake of the “bird flu” scare of 2006 and 2007.

Even Dr. Wolfgang Wodars, president of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe accused the drug lobbies in early 2010. He claimed the pharmaceutical lobbies and the government themselves of cooking up the whole “great campaign of panic”, based on the swine flu. He was a German epidemiologist—a specialist in epidemics, I believe—and won unanimous approval from the Health Committee of the Council of Europe for instituting a commission of inquiry into what he described as a “massive operation of misinformation.”

Even my cursory studies in researching both Ebola and the influenza viruses revealed that there are over 200 strains of the flu virus alone—and, they are increasingly difficult to find vaccines for, since they have a unique ability to reproduce and mutate within the host’s body into an entirely new strain, resistant to whatever defenses has been concocted to repel it. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to know which strain of flu the vaccine is being designed to control, unless, of course, you have reason to know beforehand.

Dr. Blaylock found in the 1976-2000 pandemic that the drug company Novartis agreed to supply a pandemic vaccine in cooperation with WHO. Dr. Blaylock was terrified to discover that these pandemic vaccines, made for distribution worldwide, contained highly dangerous ingredients in their immune “adjuvants”—carriers of the virus itself, as I understand, that are what provides the immunization. One in particular, squalene, was used extensively, even though it was known to cause an alarming array of crippling and harmful side effects. This was proven in a number of studies that proved in a number of studies that showed these a cause in a number of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen has written extensively on vaccines and on squalene in particular, and discovered from the Military Vaccine Resource Directory website that that the average quantity of squalene injected into U.S. soldiers in their immunizations (such as anthrax) abroad and stateside, before and after the Gulf War, was 34.2 micrograms per billion micrograms of water. Meaning nothing to laypeople like ourselves, this means a very dangerous concentration of a very dangerous substance. According to one study at least, squalene was the cause of the Gulf War syndrome in 25% of the 697,000 U.S. personnel affected stateside and abroad.

His research was even confirmed in testimony by Professor Robert F. Garry before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and Internal Relations back in 2002.
Dr. Garry was the first to discover this connection between squalene and the vaccine; the Pentagon and a Federal court judge finally banned its use in 2004. Not only was it ‘too little, too late’ for the hundreds of thousands of veterans afflicted with Gulf War syndrome—who had been told for decades they only thought they were sick—it is obvious that the ban was simply ignored by many of the vaccine manufacturers.

One of Obama’s favorite tricks for pushing something particularly unsavory onto the unsuspecting public is to  declare a “crisis” and demand a “call to action.” Marketers are familiar with this strategy. It is how they unload particularly worthless merchandise at high prices. 

He declared the swine flu a “National Emergency” in 2009, and the FDA, pressured by both the corporate media and their interests, the government blowhards, and the rising hysteria of the citizens, rushed to develop a swine flu vaccine and more than likely simply ditched many of the safety requirements and testing required that safeguard public health.

Dr. Blaylock deplored these actions as criminal, saying: “-these dangerous vaccines with their questionable adjuvants put the entire population at risk of serious—possible life threatening side effects.” His advice” “If you are forced to be vaccinated against the harmless swine flu [with dangerous, life-threatening vaccines], demand a vaccination with the AstraZeneca nasal vaccine Medimmune, thereby avoiding squalene side effects.”

Do nasal vaccines exist now? They should, and people should ask for them if they are forced to get a flu shot against their will. There are supposed to be waivers as well; each state has their own. What Americans CAN’T do, unless they force the regime to acknowledge the PATRIOT ACT is unconstitutional and the very cause for it is laughable since there are  more of the described “terrorists” in the government that have gone un-charged and un-molested for years to make this anything but an inside joke for the over-deluded.

The STATE POWERS EMERGENCY MEDICAL POWERS ACT and PATRIOT ACTS I, II, and III, BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), make it “legal” for mandatory vaccinations or drugging to take place—without exemptions. Since when was it any way legal in any civilized, human society to force its citizens to take poisons that had a very good chance of crippling them or their children for life? Will it now become legal for them to force us to swallow hemlock next? How about jumping off a bridge, or throwing ourselves out a window? Oh, excuse me. Thanks to the CIA’s despicable “mind control” experiments, they are already doing that.

A 2009 study Canadian study, in fact, affirmed what Americans had long suspected: people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch the swine flu as those who allow their own body’s natural immune system to resist the illness.

Few people heard of this study at this critical time, however, because the lead researchers were prevented from speaking in public until their study was reviewed and published—which might take months, or years.

Even when the media was spreading fear and  alarmist misinformation about the “epidemic” and the WHO raised the pandemic alert level to Phase 5, only 47.9% of health workers polled said they might agreed to take the vaccine. The most frequently cited reasons for their reservations were fear of side effects and doubts of the vaccine’s effectiveness.

In many parts of the U.S., workers and government employees state and Federal were simply not given a choice—refusal to be vaccinated meant disciplinary action or even termination. Then, after Obama declaring a ‘national emergency’, and WHO classifying the swine flu as a worldwide pandemic, serious researchers and a few of the more credible news people still left in places like CBS, reported things like: “the counting of the swine flu victims was widely overestimated” and that many people with the flu—hadn’t had the flu at all!

According to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson, “In late July, [2009], the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC to forgo testing and tracking individual cases was: ‘Why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there is an epidemic?’ CBS has learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren’t given the opportunity to provide input…”

The CDC even stalled CBS when they requested state-by-state information on victims; that’s the ‘imperial regime’s’ NEXT favorite trick.

When the state figures for flu cases were finally released, it was a great shock—and eye-opener. “The vast majority of cases were NEGATIVE for H1N1 as well as for seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico,” CBS reported. (And now, our commander-in-cheesiness has thoughtfully brought Mexico to US! Whatta pal!)

The corporate-prostituted media was no help at all, naturally. Not when they published such whoppers as: “H1N1 Flu Inflicts Over 250 Georgetown Students” when a simple investigation at the University revealed they had derived those numbers by counting students who entered the Student Health Center with flu symptoms, students at the emergency room, and even those simply called the H1N1 hotline or the Health Center’s doctor-on-call. They didn’t even consider asking for results of the Center’s laboratory tests. (It’s surprising they didn’t count the number of students who bought tissues. Give them SOME credit).

In short, as the Bible says, “An Ethiopian cannot change his skin, nor a leopard his spots.” (I paraphrase, or course.) They play the same old tricks all over again, and seldom are capable of thinking up new ones. This does not bode well for their dreams of global domination. How can they start a whole New World when they have loused up the old one so badly? What makes them, or anyone else think they are able to change their ways and whip up big helpings of peace and prosperity as soon as they rid the world of all these pesky old Christians, patriots, and other dangerous members of society?

Clearly, responsible and ethical authorities and researchers fully qualified in the appropriate matters must thoroughly investigate these entire fiascoes that are flying willy-nilly from the great flinging arm of the flying monkeys of doom the regime keeps on its staff particularly for feces-flinging of affliction. (Snik.)

They are liars, gangsters and thieves. They always have been, they always will be. They are of the synagogue of satan, the great deceiver and the father of lies and all deception. They will themselves find themselves deceived, ultimately. But that is why they are stupid, and we are not.We know who wins.

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