Friday, November 28, 2014

Americans Will Restore America

New York Is The "City Of Humans"

I was entering the Port Jervis Library this afternoon, intending to go downstairs to the cellar computer rooms; a nice well-dressed elderly lady and her husband smiled sympathetically at my four-pronged cane---I'm having to walk home in the snow--and held open the doors to the library proper for me. I like to encourage compassion amongst the bourgeois, so I thanked them politely, and went in. 

I headed towards the elevators for the basement, and lingered here and there, checking out interesting titles, and picked up one called, "The Humans of New York." I am not a city person by any means. Indeed, living 'Down South" for much of my life, particularly in Florida where a mortal insult is being called a "Damn NEW YORK Yankee" , I wasn't aware any resided there.  New Yorkers seem to have similar feelings about us. At a friends's wake, one of his relatives intitmated I should "Get my ass back to Florida." I grinned and retorted "Hell, no,  I ain't pissed off all th' dayum Yankees yit." Hopefully, it was all in Good Fun. 

This book, however, a photographic essay from a photographer, Brandon Stanton, that has a blog called the "Humans of New York Project" also, was overwhelming, to say the least. I finally understood why Dick-the-Dick Cheney wants to land a nuke there, and NYC has been a major globalist target since Day One of its existence. It's why the towers fell, and why the idol-worshippers thought they could stick their gloating monument of triumph right there in our faces not two blocks from Ground Zero. It could even be why the liberal ditzoids, Cloward-Piven, made New York the first  target of their ethnic extortion.

New York is a monument to the triumph of the human spirit over any effort to subjugate, mold, conquer, or control it. It is all about the individual, about true freedom and its expression. No matter what the morons, idiots, stupids, rich dickwads and functionally insane throw at New Yorkers, they simply roll with the punches and throw it right back.

It's no wonder they came down South and tried to tell us how to do everything. We probably drove them all nuts, and they couldn't understand the " Secret Linquistic Code of the Confederacy" either. You-all think we speak like a bunch of dumb-asses, but that's just to confuse the uninitiated. At home, every red-neck has the diction and vocabulary of an Oxford scholar. (Yep. Jest ask my Grandpa, the one who roped buffalos with Geronimo.)

The New World FAIL Lost New York Completely

New York City is a  living, breathing affront to the "New World Fail". It belies all their plans and schemes, their Tavistock Institutes insidious programmings of our media and indoctrination of our children in the increasingly-useless public "education" propaganda factories. New York City is living proof they are dead-dog wrong about Everything, and all their confident schemes will come to nothing. New Yorkers have inadvertently stumbled upon the truth that the globalists never wanted humanity to know--that there is nothing stronger and more powerful than the human spirit, because it comes directly from God within us. Everything they are peddling is nothing more than the same old shit satanists have been trying to lure humanity with since time began, and pagans have eaten up like sausage biscuits at breakfast.

I HATE New York!!!!

I still hate New York, and wouldn't live there if somebody gave me a penthouse over that one scrap of decent lawn in the whole durn place. I just ain't no city person, and prefer having trees and rivers close by, the more the better. That's a personal choice, and now I have glimpsed something of the real heart and soul of New Yorkers, I think it's better that way.  There are those born for forests, and those born for canyons of enormous glass-and-steel constructions from which pianos may fall at any minute and no beam of light ever penetrates onto the cold slabs of concrete below. 

Those that can survive--and thrive--in such a place, are such indomitable and unquenchable monuments of human individuality and plain "cussedness" will outsurvive the cockroach. When New Yorkers are awakened to the true nefariousness of the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, and the rest of the vipers and hypocrites dwelling in their midst, and how much they have truly been responsible for the evils than have fallen upon them and the rest of this nation---never mind God. His vengence will have to settle for the scraps  left over. No telling what a seven-foot tree-man, or a black Gandalf, complete with a money-eating dragon can accomplish once they "git thar back-hair riled up", folks.

Best yet, NEW York is like a microcosm (I hope that's the word, a distillation, a essence so to speak) opf America. All nationalities, all religions, all ideologies reside together under one humongous roof, in more or less perfect harmony--I understand why. In a very infrequent trips there, I note that New Yorkers run on sonar, like bats. they never look at each other or speak unless they absolutely have to. No one they don't care if you are wearing a business suit or a Bulgarian dwarf on your head. It's doubtful if anyone even notices. Yet, stop one, ask for help, and they are rivited with concern and profuse with advice. For the most part, with an occasional, "Get fucked" thrown in.

This will give you a hint about the lies and deceits of the great fakers that are even now trying to ignore the fact they are way overdue for a good ass-kicking:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola and Flu Vaccines Hold Hidden Dangers

 Is it Stupidity or Design? It's Hard to Tell, Sometimes...

It has been remarked, more than once by seasoned politicians with enough experience within the “system” to know exactly what they were talking about, that when repeated blunders and incompetence actions occurred on the part of government officials and their associates that were harmful and detrimental to the United States and her citizens, it could not be attributed to sheer stupidity. After all, even a moron would occasionally err, and do something right. Look at John Kerry. Even the most misguided of malignant traitors might occasionally stumble upon a beneficial outcome for the nation. Look at—hmm. Never mind. When blunder, error and incompetency concurrently march one upon another without relief, and the end justifying the FUBAR  means great profits for most of those committing the stupidities, it doesn’t take a great deal of common sense to realize that these are deliberate actions, meant to disguise their true and nefarious purposes.

It is also a rerun of former “pandemics” that coincidently netted huge profits for all who perpetuated the “crisis”, and sold dangerous, untested vaccines to the public; vaccines they were forced to take, whether they had reservations about their effects or not. Sound familiar? It should. This is simply another phase in the imperial regency of a regime that hasn’t recognized it’s failure and complete rejection by not only the America n people, but the entire civilized world it had so hoped to dominate.

A few facts that concerned citizens should be aware of are these: Ebola simply has not been the pandemic threat that influenza, or even measles has been. Those two illnesses kill hundreds of thousands of victims every year, according to the CDC. Ebola fatalities were only 2000 from 1976 until this present epidemic—that is 38 years. The last count of fatalities from Ebola in  Africa was over 4000, from this outbreak alone, in less than 6 months. This is highly suspicious. Ebola is spread by contact, much as the HIV virus. Bodily fluids are the carriers, saliva, blood, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, any of these can be infected if the live virus is introduced from a contagious person.

But a person is only contagious is the later stages of the disease, when they are showing active symptoms; in Africa, the people treating their sick relatives, or preparing the dead for burial simply have no sanitation methods to protect themselves from infection. They seldom have running water or even soap in many areas. The virus is easily destroyed simply by washing with hot water and soap, and common household disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide, bleach, even vinegar and baking soda have antiseptic qualities. Keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer on your person and using it frequently while in the public is probably the best way to avoid infection from any illness, since that is one of that main ways people are infected.

Containment and quarantine is also desirable; if the officials aren’t imposing proper quarantines, then we can refuse to allow ourselves to be infected, and confine ourselves to our own dwellings.
There, we can control our own environment; a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water may be used to spray the air, for example to rid the area of any airborne contaminants—especially useful if someone is ill with the flu. You can leave your shoes outside the door, bathe or wash in a solution of two cups HP in a tub of water, or a quarter cup or so in a basin or sink.
Staying well and keeping our autoimmune systems strong and healthy is far more effective than vaccines is the general opinion of most ethical healthcare workers, including physicians and nurses. “It’s obvious the vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government promoted pandemic,” Said Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer, speaking of the 2009 crisis.  The World Health organization (WHO) and the CDC predicted a death-dealing onslaught of swine flu, which is a mix of older human influenza viruses mixed with strains of avian (bird) flu. Designated H1N1, a subtype of the Influenza A virus according to “Trillion Dollar Conspiracy” by J. Marrs, there were suspicions that it was a manmade virus. There is strong evidence that this was a manmade disease, from the WWII era biological warfare experiments.

Dr. Blaylock stated even then there are “…much safer ways to protect oneself from the flu virus [than the flu vaccine].” He recommended: “Higher doses of vitamin D3, selective immune enhancement using supplements [many of which can be found in health food stores], and a good diet.” Avoiding chemicals in your food, forgoing drugs and alcohol are a must also. These weaken your immune system, and your resistance to contamination as well. Smoking? Nicotine is a poison, and viruses don’t care for it anymore than any other living thing does.

Suspicious characters even at that time were accusing the “Big Pharma” corporations of manipulating the WHO and CDC, to sell billions of dollars worth of flu vaccines to recoup their costs in researching and developing pandemic vaccines in the wake of the “bird flu” scare of 2006 and 2007.

Even Dr. Wolfgang Wodars, president of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe accused the drug lobbies in early 2010. He claimed the pharmaceutical lobbies and the government themselves of cooking up the whole “great campaign of panic”, based on the swine flu. He was a German epidemiologist—a specialist in epidemics, I believe—and won unanimous approval from the Health Committee of the Council of Europe for instituting a commission of inquiry into what he described as a “massive operation of misinformation.”

Even my cursory studies in researching both Ebola and the influenza viruses revealed that there are over 200 strains of the flu virus alone—and, they are increasingly difficult to find vaccines for, since they have a unique ability to reproduce and mutate within the host’s body into an entirely new strain, resistant to whatever defenses has been concocted to repel it. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to know which strain of flu the vaccine is being designed to control, unless, of course, you have reason to know beforehand.

Dr. Blaylock found in the 1976-2000 pandemic that the drug company Novartis agreed to supply a pandemic vaccine in cooperation with WHO. Dr. Blaylock was terrified to discover that these pandemic vaccines, made for distribution worldwide, contained highly dangerous ingredients in their immune “adjuvants”—carriers of the virus itself, as I understand, that are what provides the immunization. One in particular, squalene, was used extensively, even though it was known to cause an alarming array of crippling and harmful side effects. This was proven in a number of studies that proved in a number of studies that showed these a cause in a number of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen has written extensively on vaccines and on squalene in particular, and discovered from the Military Vaccine Resource Directory website that that the average quantity of squalene injected into U.S. soldiers in their immunizations (such as anthrax) abroad and stateside, before and after the Gulf War, was 34.2 micrograms per billion micrograms of water. Meaning nothing to laypeople like ourselves, this means a very dangerous concentration of a very dangerous substance. According to one study at least, squalene was the cause of the Gulf War syndrome in 25% of the 697,000 U.S. personnel affected stateside and abroad.

His research was even confirmed in testimony by Professor Robert F. Garry before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and Internal Relations back in 2002.
Dr. Garry was the first to discover this connection between squalene and the vaccine; the Pentagon and a Federal court judge finally banned its use in 2004. Not only was it ‘too little, too late’ for the hundreds of thousands of veterans afflicted with Gulf War syndrome—who had been told for decades they only thought they were sick—it is obvious that the ban was simply ignored by many of the vaccine manufacturers.

One of Obama’s favorite tricks for pushing something particularly unsavory onto the unsuspecting public is to  declare a “crisis” and demand a “call to action.” Marketers are familiar with this strategy. It is how they unload particularly worthless merchandise at high prices. 

He declared the swine flu a “National Emergency” in 2009, and the FDA, pressured by both the corporate media and their interests, the government blowhards, and the rising hysteria of the citizens, rushed to develop a swine flu vaccine and more than likely simply ditched many of the safety requirements and testing required that safeguard public health.

Dr. Blaylock deplored these actions as criminal, saying: “-these dangerous vaccines with their questionable adjuvants put the entire population at risk of serious—possible life threatening side effects.” His advice” “If you are forced to be vaccinated against the harmless swine flu [with dangerous, life-threatening vaccines], demand a vaccination with the AstraZeneca nasal vaccine Medimmune, thereby avoiding squalene side effects.”

Do nasal vaccines exist now? They should, and people should ask for them if they are forced to get a flu shot against their will. There are supposed to be waivers as well; each state has their own. What Americans CAN’T do, unless they force the regime to acknowledge the PATRIOT ACT is unconstitutional and the very cause for it is laughable since there are  more of the described “terrorists” in the government that have gone un-charged and un-molested for years to make this anything but an inside joke for the over-deluded.

The STATE POWERS EMERGENCY MEDICAL POWERS ACT and PATRIOT ACTS I, II, and III, BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority), make it “legal” for mandatory vaccinations or drugging to take place—without exemptions. Since when was it any way legal in any civilized, human society to force its citizens to take poisons that had a very good chance of crippling them or their children for life? Will it now become legal for them to force us to swallow hemlock next? How about jumping off a bridge, or throwing ourselves out a window? Oh, excuse me. Thanks to the CIA’s despicable “mind control” experiments, they are already doing that.

A 2009 study Canadian study, in fact, affirmed what Americans had long suspected: people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch the swine flu as those who allow their own body’s natural immune system to resist the illness.

Few people heard of this study at this critical time, however, because the lead researchers were prevented from speaking in public until their study was reviewed and published—which might take months, or years.

Even when the media was spreading fear and  alarmist misinformation about the “epidemic” and the WHO raised the pandemic alert level to Phase 5, only 47.9% of health workers polled said they might agreed to take the vaccine. The most frequently cited reasons for their reservations were fear of side effects and doubts of the vaccine’s effectiveness.

In many parts of the U.S., workers and government employees state and Federal were simply not given a choice—refusal to be vaccinated meant disciplinary action or even termination. Then, after Obama declaring a ‘national emergency’, and WHO classifying the swine flu as a worldwide pandemic, serious researchers and a few of the more credible news people still left in places like CBS, reported things like: “the counting of the swine flu victims was widely overestimated” and that many people with the flu—hadn’t had the flu at all!

According to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson, “In late July, [2009], the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC to forgo testing and tracking individual cases was: ‘Why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there is an epidemic?’ CBS has learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren’t given the opportunity to provide input…”

The CDC even stalled CBS when they requested state-by-state information on victims; that’s the ‘imperial regime’s’ NEXT favorite trick.

When the state figures for flu cases were finally released, it was a great shock—and eye-opener. “The vast majority of cases were NEGATIVE for H1N1 as well as for seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico,” CBS reported. (And now, our commander-in-cheesiness has thoughtfully brought Mexico to US! Whatta pal!)

The corporate-prostituted media was no help at all, naturally. Not when they published such whoppers as: “H1N1 Flu Inflicts Over 250 Georgetown Students” when a simple investigation at the University revealed they had derived those numbers by counting students who entered the Student Health Center with flu symptoms, students at the emergency room, and even those simply called the H1N1 hotline or the Health Center’s doctor-on-call. They didn’t even consider asking for results of the Center’s laboratory tests. (It’s surprising they didn’t count the number of students who bought tissues. Give them SOME credit).

In short, as the Bible says, “An Ethiopian cannot change his skin, nor a leopard his spots.” (I paraphrase, or course.) They play the same old tricks all over again, and seldom are capable of thinking up new ones. This does not bode well for their dreams of global domination. How can they start a whole New World when they have loused up the old one so badly? What makes them, or anyone else think they are able to change their ways and whip up big helpings of peace and prosperity as soon as they rid the world of all these pesky old Christians, patriots, and other dangerous members of society?

Clearly, responsible and ethical authorities and researchers fully qualified in the appropriate matters must thoroughly investigate these entire fiascoes that are flying willy-nilly from the great flinging arm of the flying monkeys of doom the regime keeps on its staff particularly for feces-flinging of affliction. (Snik.)

They are liars, gangsters and thieves. They always have been, they always will be. They are of the synagogue of satan, the great deceiver and the father of lies and all deception. They will themselves find themselves deceived, ultimately. But that is why they are stupid, and we are not.We know who wins.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rebellion? Those who Obey the Law Aren't the Lawbreakers!

 "President Declares Martial Law!"

It seems like everyone is dreading to hear that announced on the Strumpet-Media-News, or blazed from the headlines, but why? Who will they find to enforce it? What LEO or soldiers are going to enforce what is an illegal action taken by a very out-of-control administration?

There is a lot of talk about "quelling a people's revolt?" Excuse me, I hate to be the one to point it out to you fellers, but it's actually YOU, the out-of-control destroyers of the Bill of Rights, Constiotutional Law and the Common Law that are, in fact, in rebellion to the Supreme Law of the Land, and to the laws of man and god as defined by thousands of years of human civilization. International laws of conduct and civilized war, as well. 

It is We The People, who are insisting that The Law be RESTORED that are actually the legal and lawful owners and heirs of this nation. Those of the Congress and the administration that support the foreign entities known as the CFR and the Federal Reserve and carry out their policies are guilty of treason, and have been since those institutions have been lawlessly and deceitfully extorted and bribed into existence--not into law. You cannot enforce an illegal contract is the first rule of law; you cannot legislate an illegal law. 

The Constitution is, and always HAS been the Supreme Law of the Land. It is immutable and  the powers of the States are explicitly described in the 10th Amendment. What is not described as a Federal power, is NOT a Federal power. That means NO executive orders, NO commander-in-chief, and NO declaration of wars without congressional approval. 

You CANNOT forbid Christians the right to practice their own religion: The United States IS a Christian Nation, founded on Christian principles, for Christian people. It is the NON-Christians who should be denied their "rights" if they infringe on the constitutional rights of others--like child molestation, and other horrors going on in satanic rites, and Sharia law, which needs to be treated with the same care and consideration Christians are being treated in Islamic lands.

Why Vote? The Results are Rigged Anyway!

Stalin said, "It doesn't matter who votes, what matters is who counts them!" Obama was a top trainer for the Alinsky method, and also for ACORN. Both those organizations had at the center of their philosophy one main goal--to destroy the government and the "decadent" society that  controlled it. He learned how to steal from the poor to give to the rich, and his records show that; the ones the main stream media don't tell you about. They prefer to ignore the fact how many billions were poured into all those anti-poverty programs and urban renewal movements and all the grants and programs Obama and his fellow poverty pimps wrangled out of the government and all the liberal foundations and their saps, and how brand-new houses, cars, and even speed boats could have been given to every poor man woman and child in America on what it all cost--yet those people are still as poor as they ever were, and they are even worse off; now, their very cities have gone bankrupt. So, why do the poor folks keep voting these jerks into office when they keep making them poorer and poorer, and their kids get more lost and angry with every generation? 

And we don't even pick our own president, or hardly anyone that really has any power in D.C. Check out It will tell you all about just how very easy it is to rig those electronic voting machines, and how its done. Obama knows all the tricks, too. He was a top trainer for ACORN, and that's what they got in a lot of trouble for while he was still campaigning. He disavowed all knowledge of their actions, said he never belonged to them. The main stream media backed him up, too, if I remember correctly. Well, he lied, they lied. He was one of their top trainers.

Why do we even bother with another election when they are already cheating? 

You Don't Have to Obey Illegal Orders!

With these invaders pouring over the border, and the so-called "Ebola-Flu" Pandemic, it is clear Obama is literally hell-bent on destroying the United States. He can't help himself, it is what he was born and raised and programmed to do. He simply is incapable of human action or thought anymore. None of them are. 

It is exactly why we can no longer play into these sick games they are inflicting on the world. We can no longer support this administration, or its oligarchy, or its fractured, haywire, empty money that is less than worthless. 

Their charade of authority and respectability has worn out. We see the unraveling of their schemes and the lies they have snarled themselves up in. There is not any of them, particularly from the Rockefellers and their contingent, who are worth more than what could be emptied out of a well-used septic tank. 

If we continue to let them go on as they are unchecked, with Obama fulfilling his fantasies that he can command armies--he cannot--they are going to kill everyone in the world. Turn the military back to the military, or we will have another 14-year McNamara "Rules of Engagement" money pit, that profits only the rich contractors and the death merchants. 

Don't Obey Illegal Orders!

Those of you--ANYone--who are supporting their unlawful, unconstitutional commands and edicts in any way, shape or form: you best be thinking--hard. How long do you think they can go on like this? There WILL be a reckoning, and it will be like the fall of the third reich. Everyone, everywhere, who supported their criminal actions will be made to answer to the REAL keepers of justice and the law. And that day is soon coming.  

Citizens and Patriots: Do NOT obey unlawful, unconstitutional "laws". Do NOT be bullied. Do NOT let them pull their tricks on you any more.  They have no power over you, or any of us who serve God and seek to do His will.  DO join an organization like the Oathkeepers.

"Who Is My Neighbor?"
 Prepare to draw together, in units that can help and support each other; neighborhoods, towns, families. Don't try to go it alone. We can all work together, the way our forefathers did to make sure everyone , has everything they need, that all of us can survive if the worse happens, and there is a bad epidemic, or Obama has a hissy fit and shuts the lights off. 

You know, I spent the last two weeks with five dollars to my name, because I was locked out of my debit account, due to my computer breakdown. I had to wait for another card. I didn't miss it at all, because I've got everything I need right where I am. I make my own bread and I keep canned milk and stuff on hand; I had enough of everything to get by without any hardship whatsoever. Of course, I don't have to drive to work, I live in an apartment, and I have no one else to worry about but myself. I was lucky enough to get all my bills paid before this all happened, because I pay by money order, mostly. However, this is just an example of how a cut in access to your income need not be a total disaster, if one prepares themselves. 

There really doesn't need to be a "revolution".  That is exactly what they want. Obama is doing exactly what the NATO and CIA bums have done in just about every country where "revolutions" and "civil discontent" have broken out. They stir up the populace, usually with racial or regional tensions first. They tried that here,  with all that "Black Liberation Theology" nonsense, and all the Gay Pride and such. Didn't work, did it? They tried ruining the economy--that didn't work. They tried the "foreign invasion",  "the Tyrant Overlord", and every other outrageous provocation they can think of. Americans aren't buying what they are selling.  We just quit buying--at all. Quit buying; light up the kerosene lamps, sit back and wait for the howling to start: "Who's rebelling? I'm just sitting here knitting my solar panels, Mr. Government Goon, sir!"  Heh-Heh. 




Monday, October 6, 2014

Ebola: Flu and Measles Pose a More Serious Threat


Make no mistake; Ebola is a grave and deadly virus that kills its victims in a remarkably short period of time. It is highly contagious, and every effort does need to be made to keep it isolated and contained, both at its source, and to keep it from spreading here in the U.S.

That being said, however, though it has a 60% mortality rate among those infected, and the death tolls coming from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria in Africa sound like a raging pandemic is consuming human lives unchecked across the African continent, be aware that this is mostly the main stream medias typical irresponsible whipping a small flicker flame of concern into a raging conflagration of panic, no doubt at the bidding of their satanic masters.

Let's put it bluntly--if there were any danger whatsoever of an epidemic as fast-moving and hideous as they are implying, would the Yellow Stripes up Their Backs Brigades be anywhere NEAR D.C., or making speeches, etc.? Absolutely not. They would have hied immediately to their dens in the rocks, and they would be managing the U.S. from Thunder Mountain.

Ebola is just not that easy to spread from one person to another; the Unholy Cabal of the Netherlord (Doggone, how I do come up with some doozy hyperboles!) are apparently determined to drive the more gullible portion of the populace (of which there are legion) into blind, unreasoning panic. Then, one of two things will happen. They will offer the mysterious "vaccine" for sale at an outrageous price (all you own, or you sign away your soul in blood on the dotted line?), or Obama happily skips about the Oval Office chortling, "I did it! I did it!" And then declares a totally unconstitutional and unlawful martial law.

Needless to say, either scenario is totally unacceptable.

Ebola is spread much like the AIDS virus--they are both man made viruses, thought to be developed by the DOJ and CIA pals, the NAZI scientists they sneaked over in the infamous "Paperclip" program. (See, "America's Nazi Secret", by John Loftus). They are both passed from one victim to another through bodily fluids--blood, saliva, sweat, urine, vomit, etc. Through an open cut, or sore is a typical way, or by someone rubbing their eyes who has touched an Ebola-infected person is another.

In Africa, the disease has re-occurred in some areas from eating raw or undercooked monkeys, apes or bats that have been infected. Avoid devouring these creatures as much as possible, no matter how sorely tempted you might be. (I hear chilled monkey brains are particularly tasty.)

There is, in other words, a vast realm of difference between the poverty-blighted areas of Africa this disease has struck hardest, and the U.S. In one country, former public latrines are often utilized as shelters for families. They have no running water or electricity; many homes don't even have a wash basin, much less soap. This is particularly tragic, because the main defense against the spread of Ebola is simply washing your hands with hot water and soap. Common household hand soap is enough to kill the Ebola virus, not some expensive, super-strong antibiotic, mind you. BATHING in hot water and scrubbing yourself thoroughly with soap will kill the virus. They just don't have any.

This is the peace and prosperity the globalists promised? When they have spent 100 billion arming psychotic murderers and vicious demonic killers that they themselves commissioned and paid even more billions to create? When less than half that would have ended all the poverty, ignorance and disease in the entire world, according to their very own partner-in-collusions, the U.N.? I had a young lady primly rebuke me for saying "hell" last night, she told me it was an obscenity. I replied the Lord Jesus was the only sinless man who ever existed, and he said "Hell", and he said "Damn", and as usual a liberal didn't know what the HELL she was talking about. I proceeded to tell her about some REAL obscenities that had no "obscene" words at all. She hung up on me. They never DO want to put their priorities in order.

It may surprise some Preachers of the Pandemic that according to the World Health Organization:

There are 250-500 thousand deaths per year from the flu.

There are 3,000-49,000 deaths from measles per year.

There have been 2,000 deaths from Ebola since 1976, and 876 deaths total in Africa so far.

I thank "Propaganda Decoded" for this information, a video on YouTube, that had some excellent information, a lot of it scientific stuff, but interesting. This is also interesting:

"BRN" is "Basic Reproduction Number", and simply put, it is a numerical figure by which filoviruses are evaluated. The higher the number, the more of a threat to public health it represents:

BRN: 1.34-1.83 Ebola

BRN 7.17 Measles

It would be prudent to take reasonable precautions, however. I think the flu is more of a concern than Ebola at this point, however. I am highly suspicious of how the flu shot is being forced on everyone they can extort and bully into taking it; an aide who works for the state at our building, for example, is six months pregnant. She and the other aides who are assigned to elderly clients who have government benefits were told they either get the flu shot, or they would be fired. That is so illegal it makes me cringe.

I do not take the flu shot--ever. I am allergic to them, apparently. The Army immunizations (Whack! In both arms! Remember?) I became deathly ill, and had to be put on quarters three days, narrowly avoiding pneumonia. But all the elderly people meekly submit when they are strong-armed into taking them, and some of the most elderly, some who are up in their 80's and 90's are being given double doses of this poison! Three of our residents came down with pneumonia. We have lost 5 in 6 months. I have no way of knowing if the flue shots had a thing to do with it, but still, it is all very suspicious indeed.

Make sure you have plenty of food on hand, so you don't have to shop very often. If you do shop, go very late at a 24-hour store where there are less people. Get canned milk (it's more portable, lasts all but forever, and is whole milk not that dry nasty stuff), and things like rice, beans, flour and staples like that; they will take up less room and are versatile enough that you can make everything from your own bread to noodles with them.

If you are truly nervous, see if your boss will let you telecommute, and pull your kids out of school. There are so many apps and programs for homeschooling and teaching kids, particularly preschool that you don't really have to teach them anything. My grandson loved "PBS kids" and "ABC Mouse" and "Nick Jr" and when he went to kindergarten, he did so well they wanted to put him in first grade.

Keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket or purse, and use it OFTEN when you are out in the public. In crowded areas. you might want to wear a doctor's mask or one of those respirator masks, the paper ones like painters and such wear. You could try a bandana, but then you would look like a hoodlum, and as touchy as the cops are these days you are liable to find yourself in an embarrassing situation.

Turn off the damn TV. You don't need to be listening to those fools. Get your news from the alternative media, where they filter out most of the bullshit first. Why isn't the FCC cracking down on their lies, irresponsibility, lack of professionalism, and outright deaths and destruction they are causing? Easy. They are afraid to.


Bleach has always been touted as the best of all sanitizers and disinfectants; I have used it for years. It surprised me, then, to learn that Hydrogen Peroxide, the stuff we normally think of mostly for cuts and scrapes is actually a more effective disinfectant than bleach for the home, as it kills more e coli and salmonella bacteria than bleach does. AND, of course, it is far less harmful. It's designation is H202, meaning, 2 molecules of hydrogen, and 2 of oxygen, which makes it just one oxygen molecule away from being plain water. How harmless can you get, pray tell?

Vinegar and baking soda are also very effective for cleaning and disinfecting around the home. I've made my own cleaning products for a couple years now--there's a reason why I can afford internet and such on the parsimonious stipend that is allotted to the "perpetual dysfunctional". I also use washing soda and Borax and occasionally salt. I will write up an e-book on that one of these days--when I can replace the computer I senselessly slaughtered.

Keep a bottle in your gym locker or desk drawer--it can be purchased easily just about anywhere. Add 1/4 cup or so to a sink of cold water, and wipe down any exposed body parts that you think may have been contaminated when you have been out in crowds or on the subway all day, or whatever it is you city folks do.

You can take an all-over detoxifying bath, as well: fill a tub with warm water, add 2 cups of Hydrogen Peroxide, and bathe as usual, though it won't be necessary to use soap. Just don't use this for more than two weeks, because then it might harm the beneficial organisms that live on your skin, apparently.

You can then bathe in vinegar (white, distilled) or baking soda. Use 1 cup of the vinegar, and how much baking soda you use will depend on how hard your water is.

Use H202 in a sink of cold water (about 1/4 cup) to wash fruits, vegetables and produce, also. Not only will it wash away pesticides and other chemicals, but human contaminants also.

Use a half-cup of white vinegar to a bucket of water to either wash your floors, or rinse them after using your normal cleaners. It will not only remove soap residue, but disinfect them. For an all-around cleaner and disinfectant, take two 2-litre soda bottles and fill them with the following: one with 4 cups warm water to 1/4 c vinegar, the other equal parts Hydrogen Peroxide to water. Be sure you label these, because you won't want to get them mixed up. Also, keep the H.P. in a dark place, or cover the bottle with something. H.P. breaks down quickly in light, which is why it is always sold in dark bottles.

You can use these to clean and sanitize everything in your home; spray first one, then the other. Allow to set for a moment or two to let it "work", then wipe up with a soft, clean cloth. You can also disinfect the air in your house, which is useful if someone comes down sick, and you don't want it to spread to the rest of the family. Be sure you cover your mouth and nose so you won't inadvertently breath in the mist. It won't harm you, but it's not exactly a good idea to breathe a lungful of vinegar water, either.

Throw a cup of vinegar into your dishwasher, or add it to the rinse cycle--do they have rinse cycles? I forget. Add either a bit of bleach or rinse your dishes in vinegar water when you wash them by hand. They will be doubly disinfected and shine like a fiend also.


That sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, doesn't it? Healthy people are least likely to become ill, however. Like a strong plant is less likely to be attacked by insects and nasty blights and such. Your immune system works best when it has the right materials to work with; you can't build a mansion with cardboard boxes, can you?

Basic good sense is called for. Eat well, sleep the requisite number of hours. Partying is not a good idea right now, not only because you will wear yourself out, take debilitating substances that will weaken your immune system further, and cavort with all manners of creatures from unknown realms of existence--you will compromise your body's defenses even more.

There are currently over 200 different strains of the "flu" virus. These are constantly changing and evolving, morphing into something else that will then be resistant to anything the scientists and researchers have labored to come up with. This is another reason why "taking the flu shot" is such an exercise in futility, and if these dumbkopfs inflicting these all-but-useless immunizations of the hapless public were anywhere near competent, they would know this.

Either they are all political appointments and know absolutely nothing, this is just another way for "Big Pharma" to rake in billions more into their bottomless money pits, or there is something else going on so sinister and insane, I would prefer to be labeled a complete and total paranoid than even consider it.

Happily, just to slap the aforementioned "Big Pharma" a few times across their fat, flabby cheeks, there IS a very old remedy for treating the flu and other respiratory ailments alike, that has been used for centuries and has remained as effective as when it first began. Organic apple cider vinegar, that you can buy in any health food store is something of a wonder-substance. It is said to be one of the most effective remedies known for treating the flu, and, if taken daily, regulates the body's Ph balance to prevent one from getting ill by making an alkaline condition in the blood and tissues that pathogens don't particularly care for.


1. Drink it first thing in the morning: Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (organic, unpasteurized) in a glass of water, or apple juice. It's particularly beneficial to add Manuka honey to it, if you can find it my source said, but I have never heard of it and would suggest asking the store where to find it.

2. Drink it with meals as well as on an empty stomach: The solution can be taken either way; the vinegar makes your body much more Alkaline, as I mentioned, making it harder for the flu virus to reproduce and regenerate. It also lowers the production of mucous considerably, because of its higher potassium content.

3. Extra boost of Vitamin C: Drinking the vinegar with apple juice gives you a maximum dose of Vitamin C, helpful for a body struggling to fight off the flu, or for building one's immunity to it.

[From: "Apple Cider Vinegar", a Condiment for Weight Loss, Cholesterol, Allergies, Diabetes, Warts, and Much More! by James Haley]

There can't be any harm trying the "Vinegar Cure", and it could be very effective. Just be forewarned that excessive use of too strong a solution could harm the enamel on your teeth. It goes also without saying that you should also cut out as much fat. sugar and processed foods as you can manage, also. These are all either loaded with toxins, or if consumed in excessive quantities, throw your body into metabolic imbalance for just one unwelcome effect.

There you have it. Simple good hygiene will remove much of the danger on contracting Ebola; isolation and containment will be a major factor in preventing the spread of any kind of pathogenic, and prevent an epidemic. If those whose job it is in the Federal government don't know enough to figure this out, then there is no reason why we shouldn't have enough simple good sense to take care of these matters our selves. Hell, look in Leviticus, and you'll find God told the Hebrews all about preventing disease and plagues.

I hope someone has come up with the idea of a central website or such somewhere that people can link to for advice and co-ordination? I don't know if Alex Jones is amenable to this idea or not? He has been as busy as a fellow juggling turpentined cats, the poor fellow.

I will have to go now. My time is nearly up here at the library, and I want to get this posted. May God be With You All.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Can America Stop WWIII?

BRICS Spells End of Hegemonic Corporations Economic Tyranny
by Chylene Ramsey

The REAL reason for the sudden surge in terrorism and threat of nuclear war...extortion, pure and simple.

Stopping WWIII may seem as impossible as dissuading a raging river from its deluge at first thought. After all, wars will be wars, and this one seems to be shaping up nicely. We have idiots and morons provoking various races into unwise acts of incivility and criminality goaded on by the pre-requisite hired Rascals Incorporated to give them plenty of ideas if they can't think up any of their own.  We have barbarians at the gate, savages running in the streets, invaders pouring over the borders, Christians being martyred in foreign lands by heathens.  Top all that off by a arrogant despot who seems content to languidly throw the world into a tailspin and saunter off to relieve his ennui playing golf, and we have a grand excuse for a humdinger of a citizens' revolt, complete with storming the Bastille and battering the gates of hell. 

We have been driven to the limits of our endurance, and there are 35-40% of us, according to Webster Tarpley in his video "Synthetic Terrorism 9/11" who are rendered permanently useless and immobile by fear and apprehension. Of the rest, a certain amount will be quislings, still totally deluded by the lies and deceit of the oligarchy and will be completely complicit to their plots and subservient to their every whim. To hell with them. Then there are another bunch who would be oblivious of anything but their TV set and beer snacks if a warhead landed in their lap. That leaves the rest of us, and that is why most meaningful accomplishments in civilization have been performed by a depressingly small percentage of the populace. 3 - 5%,  is the figure usually cited. 

That means those of us in that small percentage must work extra hard, for it is we who will have to inspire as many people as possible to make some--ANY--kind of token effort to resist and countermand the authority of these unconstitutional and treacherous officials and their minions. 

Can we, you might ask? Yes, I do believe so. I am convinced that the globalists, the "Fat, Greedy Bastards," have failed. They are sinking fast, their grand money scam unraveling, their false theories disintegrating and their once-captive  populations turning on them with a vengeance. They were not "Wise Ones" after all, but stupid, deluded assholes, over-conceited, pseudo-intelligentsia whose progenitors  should have spent their days sipping absinthe and drawling Byron, not  dabbling in the dubious arts of world domination. 

The trouble is, they are too stupid to admit they have failed. They are egging on Putin to start hurling Nukes over their impertinence at their criminal trespass of the Ukraine: the US-NATO dumb shits are definitely at fault, for this is a blatant attempt to grab Russia's pipelines in the Ukraine, to prevent them from selling cheap gas and oil to Europe. The Oil-Garchy is determined to keep driving up the price of oil, they decided this years ago. They want it $300 a barrel by 2015 was the last I heard. That is what this "peak oil" and "carbon tax" scheme is all about. It has nothing to do with "climate warming-change" or "carbon footprinting" or whatever the latest environmental disaster they have invented to loom over the horizon. 

They don't quite "Get It". They aren't in charge any more--we don't need them, or their oil, or their lousy corrupt corporations. They missed the drill somewhere along the line, but they no longer control the means of production, nor do they control the means of commerce and exchange; we now have the capacity and technology to efficiently produce our own goods and distribute them even globally swiftly and in a cost-effective manner. We can also support ourselves without having to depend on the corporate or military-industrial models at all. We can supply most of our energy needs without relying upon 'the grid' whatsoever. It doesn't even have to mean a significant loss in the quality of our lifestyle, only perhaps, in the quantity of our consumption.

Once again, it has been shown that Socialism-Communism-Fascism does not work, can not work and is only a trap for the unwary to be sucked into slavery and servitude to total despotism and a hegemonic oligarchical corporacracy---"Fat Greedy Bastards", just like I said. Besides, it's all defunct, now anyway. Obsolete. Outmoded. Archaic. The model for it just doesn't exist anymore. Not when every single person on the planet with a computer and an internet connection can become his very own free market enterprise, whether they happen to like it or not. And, try as they might, they just can't keep track of EVERY cyber-farthing that zips about. Nyah-Nyah. Just wait until we forget 'Bitcoins' and start dealing in  'Perturbed Weasels'. 

Here is something people do not seem to understand: we can reject their bogus monetary system; we can refuse to obey their illegal laws. Our military can stand upon the Constitution and refuse to obey illegal orders when they are told they are to fight for a foreign entity on foreign soil in an undeclared, unconstitutional action. They can refuse when they are ordered to fire upon their own  countrymen, or ordered to illegally confiscate their property or arrest them without due process of law. (The NDAA was declared unconstitutional by at least one Federal judge that I know of--Obutthead just chose to ignore him.)

The same goes for our law enforcement officers, and any other public official who has taken an oath of office to obey the Constitution. As for veterans and former police officers and firefighters, they should join the Oathkeepers, just like I did. Stewart Rhodes is not only a veteran, but an expert in Constitutional law; he and and his members are dedicated to making sure veterans and civilians in public office remember their oaths, and Serve the Constitution Upon their Sacred Honor.

When the F.G.B find themselves with no one to enforce their crooked schemes, they will be nothing but senile old criminals frantically scrambling to avoid the hangman's noose at Nuremberg they all so richly deserve. They will have a difficult time avoiding their Just Deserts, for in their rank arrogance, they have managed to totally devalue  their own useless currency, and if the world is smart, will be handed a very, very long, long 'Butcher's Bill' of reparations from Day One of their fraudulent schemings.  

It all comes down to this: They must be held accountable. ALL of them. From Obama-the-Poseur, to the Clinton Traitors, to George Soros the Nazi Collaborator- and -Wrecker- of- Nations, and most especially Death- Kamp- Kissinger and 'Dr-NO'  Ziggy Brzeznski. Our congressmen and public officials must do made to stand on their feet, find their wee-wees,  and quit groveling before these slimeballs and do the jobs they rake in so much booty and privileges for and accomplish so little in return. 

The 1% must give back all they have stolen from us and the world, and be  made accountable for their plunders and deprivations. They are worse than any of the criminals they imprison in their private prisons, or the scum they hire as their killers and assassins; every one of them have committed crimes against humanity, as have the UN and all its criminal  members and the 'Main Stream Media',  by standing by and condoning by their cooperation, and their own complicity in the murder and thousands if not millions of innocents, the rape and plunder of nations and the outright theft of the wealth of citizens of many nations even  since before 1913

It's a tall order, and it will be God who will have to finish the job. For now, we can blister the air with our censure, and storm their gates with our protests and condemnations of their actions until the officials will have no choice but to take the appropriate actions and take legal actions against these world-class criminals against the laws of Man and God, as George Orwell said. 

I won't be posting any more blogs for a while. I am concentrating on other endeavors, like improving my technical skills and finding other means of supporting myself, just in case I am left without an income, which is entirely possible. All of us who have to depend on any kind of Federal stipend should be seeking alternative income sources, in case our pensions are no longer available. I try to tell people on Social Security and SSI to be getting themselves a 'back-up, and for everyone to take their money and investments out of banks and their retirement accounts; I'm reading and seeing too many hints and rumors about confiscation of savings, and retirement accounts, the collapse of the bond markets, the corrupt banks confiscating customers deposits to be entirely comfortable with this situation. I don't deal with banks at all anymore. The people don't listen, however, which is their prerogative and after all, who am I to tell them anything?

  I am even uneasy about the precious metals market--the globalists control that also, and if you look back at what FDR and the Fed did then with the gold, FDR illegally confiscating the people's gold and certificates, then the Fed handing it all over to Germany,  , and what the kind of tricks the international gold dealers have pulled, I don't think anyone should feel very complacent about the reliability of their gold investments.  If I had a recommendation, I would tell them to invest in either foodstuffs, land, weaponry, or booze. Just my recommendation, others would probably have better ideas, I'm sure.

And, there are the drugs. Great Britain has always controlled its captive nations and financed its secret societies and underground activities with its opium trade; it fought two opium wars in China, and all but destroyed that vast nation with tons and tons of opium, that it literally forced upon the Chinese government at cannon point for almost a hundred years until shocking percentages of the populace--even much of the governing class--were opium addicts. India was all but impoverished and devastated, its richest farmland in the Ganges valley  dedicated to growing opium poppies for the British opium trade, instead food for the people, and many Indians were impoverished and starved as a result.

The British has continued its fine and honorable traditions in drugging captive populations;  and thus, you have the raging epidemic of heroin and even cocaine, still controlled by the same families that originally held the opium contracts for the British East India Company

Thus, we have raging drug epidemics all over the world, and our soldiers dying in various and sundry shitholes across the planet to ensure the 'F.G.B'.'s rake in their obscene blood profits turning our best and brightest into emaciated, pockmarked zombies.  Yet, our youth seem far more concerned about the dangers of smoking tobacco than they do about marijuana, odd, since the tars and resins of pot are much heavier and more damaging to their lungs, and the effects of THC cumulative, and stays in their body tissue two years after quitting.

Back when I worked for the P.O., I was walking to work early one morning when a young black man approached me, weaving side-to-side in the unsteady gate of the habitual drug user. His eyes were glazed, his clothes were disheveled and I noted he had a nasty white slash of a scar across his throat. I slowed, and eyed him warily, but he wasn't belligerent, He was holding out some kind of packets in his hand.,

        "Hey, Lady! you wanna buy some slugs?" He demanded.
              "Beg pardon?" I said, puzzled.
      "Slugs! Slugs! I be talkin' bout' Coke, man, Coke! Wanna buy some?" He tried to grin, but I guess his face was numb. He couldn't quite manage it.
          "Uh--no, young man, I quit all that shit back in my hippie days, thanks anyway. But, would you like a cigarette?"  I asked politely, holding out my package of Benson & Hedges Menthols. He looked vaguely horrified. 
        "Hell, no, Ma'am. Dat be bad fer yo' health!" He staggered off down the street, looking for another customer, and I muttered,  "Oookaaayyy..."  and kept on walking.

I'll stick with my hand-rolled cigarettes any day, thank you. My brain  chemistry is quite erratic enough naturally, and I can't for the life of me understand why people with nice, normal brains that behaves themselves  would fuck them  up with a bunch of shit that makes them act like I do when I DON'T take a bunch of chemicals and crap I'd quit in a heartbeat if I had a choice, since they cut my life expectancy down by decades and give me all kinds of weird little side effects. If legal psychotropic drugs do that, what are those illegal concoctions doing to your brain and bodies, folks?

  If you  ever heard drug dealers swapping crack 'recipes', or laughing at the crap they use to cut their 'goods' with, you'd never take another hit or toke again.  If those creeps had some kind of beef with someone, they wouldn't cut the Coke or whatever they sold them at all--they made jokes about this kind of shit, the scumdogs, even while they sat in 'The Rooms' on a judge's orders, because they themselves were so fucked up. 

And yet, for hundreds of years, these high, noble and 'aristocratic' families of Great Britain, awarded with peerages and kingdoms, thought it was a fine and honorable occupation to be dope peddlers and scumbags, while they think their shit doesn't stink and declare the rest of humanity "Useless Eaters" that should be exterminated from the face of the earth.  

Any mother or father who has lost a child to drug addiction, or seen their fifteen-year-old daughter turned into a crack whore would probably take exception to that.

                                            (Actually, Mao killed more than 80 million people. It was socialist infiltrators in the state department that ignored their superior's orders, and caused the weapons of the Nationalist Army to be sabotaged, delayed or simply destroyed, and slander and propaganda spread to discredit them. They insisted Mao and his commies were merely 'agrarian reformers', and harmless. They were as shocked as anyone when Mao proceeded to slaughter millions of intellectuals, Confucian scholars and anyone else he thought might be too tough to handle in his new, 'improved' China. You would think these liberal dingbats would learn, but they did the very same thing in Viet Nam--peaceniks,  insisting the North Vietnamese only wanted a peaceful rejoining of their nation and the end to American 'interference'. After the American forces were unceremoniously hauled out, the North Vietnamese then proceeded to slaughter millions of innocent South Vietnamese. You would think they would learn, but now, in Israel, the Palestinians say...etc., etc., etc......)