Why Not Choose Humanity?
The USA as a nation is almost destroyed; her end was engineered and deliberately provoked. Our noble ideals that once inspired our nation has been ground into the bloody battlefields of dozens of different nations, where our bombs and drones and mortars fell upon the guilty and innocent alike. We have been grosteguely inveigled from a nation who revered the truth, high moral ideals and compassionate teaching of the Prince of Peace to a populace that writhes and struts before the images of satan the destroyer, the deceiver, the father of lies and the lord of death.
We are divided--no, fractured--by contrary ideologies and the strident cries of those who would not earn their goals and aspirations, but wrench them by force and malice from their own countrymen. We are goaded and manipulated by the true deceivers, those who are the only creatures to have profited from death and devastation, and the dissolution of a once-proud and respected nation. They have invested their millions and billions not into building our nation, in restoring our shattered economy, in rebuilding our derelict and bankrupt cities, but in dividing us and setting us at each other's’ throats like we were curs and cocks and not thinking, feeling humans. Worse, they rain death, destruction, poverty and famine upon helpless nations, all the while triumphing the ‘moral superiority’ of their cause.
What has happened to simple humanity? What has happened to the unity of our nation, the pride we once took in being citizens of the most democratic, free and compassionate nation on earth? We have been overpowered and bludgeoned into poverty, fear and anger at every target the lively imaginations of the oppressed and oppressors can connive. They have made us each others’ enemies, so we will not have the wit or strength to fight our true destroyers.
The USA is almost dead; we have killed ourselves and all our Founders' lofty ideals with the deceit and treacheries of the globalist regime that have been unbounded by laws, morality or even common sense. Our nation is fractured, our economy destroyed. Only those who profit from wars persist in waging them; the common man wants only peace, to tend his own vineyard and live in his own home. We have been sorely betrayed, marginalized and even our God has been blasphemed and denigrated. But we can unite again with common goals that no one, no matter what his political persuasion, can argue with. Peace; stability; decent lives for our children and freedom from constant fear instituted by a criminal government is not much to ask. We can guarantee these things for ourselves, and for the world only by unifying and rejecting totally the role of global terminator. We must fight deceit with truth, lies with facts, and violence with the most adamant rebuttals. We must reject and condemn our unasked for role as global terrorist and destroyer of humanity. We must universally promote the teachings and truths of our Prince of Peace, so sorely maligned and discredited. Only through the God of the Impossible can we wash the blood from our collective hands.
satan will never accomplish peace; he is the lord of war, destruction, deceit and death. They are his weapons of choice from the time he first fell from the heavens. You cannot do the will of God with the tools of satan; Jesus said “The two greatest of God’s commandments are these: That you love the Lord your God with all your strength, and all your soul and all your might. The second is like unto it: ‘You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Who can argue with these? Yet we worship satan and hate our neighbors, doing whatever harm we can to them by manufacturing fantasies of their malignity.
What does the murderers of nations--including our own--offer us, but more death, destruction and despotism? If they could have brought us peace, they would already have done so, instead of raining down horrors upon the helpless, and tightening their talons into crushing fists around our freedoms and rights. No, all the trillions and billions they have wasted on deceiving us, and waging their insane mission of global domination could have fed, clothed, and educated every poor person on the planet several times over. It could have given us prosperity and peace, employment and hope. They made the choice to squander their funds and our own hard-won wages on their vendetta against all that stands in the way of total imprisonment of all mankind.
They speak glib lies of democracy and freedom, yet wage a war of lawlessness and terror against our own citizens. They sing of peace and prosperity, yet their fortunes rise into billions while we struggle for their scraps. They hallow the inflictions of untold misery of the world with false piety and promises. Do not be deceived. They speak only lies, and their god is one of death, endless war and hate.
We can unite under the goals of stopping this insanity. We can reject hatred and greed and come together for the good of all. Elevate satan, you worship only hatred and division, deception and death. God will unite us all, for he desires the good of all mankind, not the few. He is not willing for any soul to be lost, and he does not demand our obedience. Only tyrants force their will upon others.
Has humanity made its choice to become harbingers of war and destruction? Of hate and malice? Has it rejected forever and completely the promise of Jesus who said, “I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”? Do we continue to reject his offer, “Come to me, all who are burdened and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” ? Religions have made a mockery of the love of God and the compassion of Christ, and forced God into their own image. If they hadn’t, there would only be one church on earth and not thousands of different denominations. The truth of God and the hope and love he promises are ones he keeps. It is mankind who has rejected them.
Educate yourselves about the lies and deceptions being forced upon you! Reject death and bondage and hate! Remember that you are NOT an animal, but God’s greatest creation, and worthy of his love when you behave as such.
We have been deceived and lied to more than any other nation on earth. Our middle class has been regulated and over-taxed to the brink of extinction. Our children are treated like enemy combatants in their own classrooms, learning nothing but how despicable they are.
Stop! Stop it all! Learn the truth and bravely face it--reject forever the fantasy world we have been forced into the past decades! If you don’t care about yourself, care about the world and the people in it. And the world itself is destroyed far more by the bombs and killing chemicals of war than anything our cities and towns could produce.
Reject satan for once and all, and embrace again the simple joy of being a human, and love your neighbors and most of all--love yourself.
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