Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Why Not Humanity?

Why Not Choose Humanity?

The USA as a nation is almost destroyed; her end was engineered and deliberately provoked. Our noble ideals that once inspired our nation has been ground into the bloody battlefields of dozens of different nations, where our bombs and drones and mortars fell upon the guilty and innocent alike. We have been grosteguely inveigled from a nation who revered the truth, high moral ideals and compassionate teaching of the Prince of Peace to a populace that writhes and struts before the images of satan the destroyer, the deceiver, the father of lies and the lord of death.

We are divided--no, fractured--by contrary ideologies and the strident cries of those who would not earn their goals and aspirations, but wrench them by force and malice from their own countrymen. We are goaded and manipulated by the true deceivers, those who are the only creatures to have profited from death and devastation, and the dissolution of a once-proud and respected nation. They have invested their millions and billions not into building our nation, in restoring our shattered economy, in rebuilding our derelict and bankrupt cities, but in dividing us and setting us at each other's’ throats like we were curs and cocks and not thinking, feeling humans. Worse, they rain death, destruction, poverty and famine upon helpless nations, all the while triumphing the ‘moral superiority’ of their cause.

What has happened to simple humanity? What has happened to the unity of our nation, the pride we once took in being citizens of the most democratic, free and compassionate nation on earth? We have been overpowered and bludgeoned into poverty, fear and anger at every target the lively imaginations of the oppressed and oppressors can connive. They have made us each others’ enemies, so we will not have the wit or strength to fight our true destroyers.

The USA is almost dead; we have killed ourselves and all our Founders' lofty ideals with the deceit and treacheries of the globalist regime that have been unbounded by laws, morality or even common sense. Our nation is fractured, our economy destroyed. Only those who profit from wars persist in waging them; the common man wants only peace, to tend his own vineyard and live in his own home. We have been sorely betrayed, marginalized and even our God has been blasphemed and denigrated. But we can unite again with common goals that no one, no matter what his political persuasion, can argue with. Peace; stability; decent lives for our children and freedom from constant fear instituted by a criminal government is not much to ask. We can guarantee these things for ourselves, and for the world only by unifying and rejecting totally the role of global terminator. We must fight deceit with truth, lies with facts, and violence with the most adamant rebuttals. We must reject and condemn our unasked for role as global terrorist and destroyer of humanity. We must universally promote the teachings and truths of our Prince of Peace, so sorely maligned and discredited. Only through the God of the Impossible can we wash the blood from our collective hands.

satan will never accomplish peace; he is the lord of war, destruction, deceit and death. They are his weapons of choice from the time he first fell from the heavens. You cannot do the will of God with the tools of satan; Jesus said “The two greatest of God’s commandments are these: That you love the Lord your God with all your strength, and all your soul and all your might. The second is like unto it: ‘You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.’  Who can argue with these? Yet we worship satan and hate our neighbors, doing whatever harm we can to them by manufacturing fantasies of their malignity.

What does the murderers of nations--including our own--offer us, but more death, destruction and despotism? If they could have brought us peace, they would already have done so, instead of raining down horrors upon the helpless, and tightening their talons into crushing fists around our freedoms and rights. No, all the trillions and billions they have wasted on deceiving us, and waging their insane mission of global domination could have fed, clothed, and educated every poor person on the planet several times over. It could have given us prosperity and peace, employment and hope. They made the choice to squander their funds and our own hard-won wages on their vendetta against all that stands in the way of total imprisonment of all mankind.

They speak glib lies of democracy and freedom, yet wage a war of lawlessness and terror against our own citizens. They sing of peace and prosperity, yet their fortunes rise into billions while we struggle for their scraps. They hallow the inflictions of untold misery of the world with false piety and promises. Do not be deceived. They speak only lies, and their god is one of death, endless war and hate.

We can unite under the goals of stopping this insanity. We can reject hatred and greed and come together for the good of all. Elevate satan, you worship only hatred and division, deception and death. God will unite us all, for he desires the good of all mankind, not the few. He is not willing for any soul to be lost, and he does not demand our obedience. Only tyrants force their will upon others.

Has humanity made its choice to become harbingers of  war and destruction? Of hate and malice? Has it rejected forever and completely the promise of Jesus who said, “I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”? Do we continue to reject his offer, “Come to me, all who are burdened and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” ?  Religions have made a mockery of the love of God and the compassion of Christ, and forced God into their own image. If they hadn’t, there would only be one church on earth and not thousands of different denominations. The truth of God and the hope and love he promises are ones he keeps. It is mankind who has rejected them.

Educate yourselves about the lies and deceptions being forced upon you! Reject death and bondage and hate! Remember that you are NOT an animal, but God’s greatest creation, and worthy of his love when you behave as such.

We have been deceived and lied to more than any other nation on earth. Our middle class has been regulated and over-taxed to the brink of extinction. Our children are treated like enemy combatants in their own classrooms, learning nothing but how despicable they are.

Stop! Stop it all!  Learn the truth and bravely face it--reject forever the fantasy world we have been forced into the past decades! If you don’t care about yourself, care about the world and the people in it. And the world itself is destroyed far more by the bombs and killing chemicals of war than anything our cities and towns could produce.

Reject satan for once and all, and embrace again the simple joy of being a human, and love your neighbors and most of all--love yourself.  

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Europe Died in Auschwitz

Europe Died in Auschwitz
(Translations From a Spanish Article, March 28, 2006)

I walked down the street in Barcelona
and suddenly discovered a terrible
truth: Europe died in Auschwitz.

We killed six million Jews, and replaced
them with 20 million Muslims.

In Auschwitz, we burned culture,
thought, creativity, talent.

We destroyed a chosen people, truly
chosen, because they produced
great and wonderful people who
changed the world.

The contributions of this people is felt
in all areas of life: sciences, art,
international trade, and above all,
as the conscience of the world.

These are the people we burned…

And under the pretense of tolerance,
and because we wanted to prove to
ourselves that we were cured of the
disease of racism,we opened our gates
to 20 million Muslims, who brought us
stupidity and lack of tolerance; crime and
poverty due to an unwillingness to work
and support their family with pride.

They have turned our beautiful Spanish
cities into the third world, drowning in
filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments
they receive free from the government,
they plan the murder and destruction
of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged
culture for fanatical hatred; creative skill for
destructive skill; intelligence for backwardness
and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace
by the Jews of Europe and their talent for
hoping for a better future for their children,
determinedly clinging to life, because life
is holy, for those who pursue death for
themselves and others, for our children
and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe!

Friday, April 10, 2015

The War on Terror Was on the USA All Along

Is This What Valerie Jarrett Has Been Up To?

If this wasn't enough to make you soil your Depends, folks, it gets even worse. The corporate mono-assholery who have galloped with abandon throughout the world blithely unhampered by any such plebian restraints as laws, international treaties, national boundaries, morals, human decency or the common bonds of civilized human mores, have so gelded  Congress that it has meekly sucked its thumbs and nodded to all its demands to "cry havoc and let loose the dogs of  war" upon a hapless, unsuspecting world.

The only contingent of madmen with scruples vile enough to conform to their level of abominations is the only contingent of madmen ruled by the ultimate pagan madman, Muhammad, who himself declared he was a liar, "possessed by demons and not to be believed" but none-the-less, gathered together the most gullible and deluded horde  of murderous maniacs that countless extinguished civilizations briefly glimpsed before they were  jihaded out of existence by the "Religion of Peace and Tolerance"  as the Great Liar and Poseur manages to say, somehow,  without his tongue bursting into flames.

This has been a incestuous marraige of villainy since before WWI, when Britain first screwed the first Persian Shiek out of his oil revenues, and his sovereignty. But--that is a different story, though an interesting one.

The absolute insanity of the Poseur Queen and his Dick-Wife ought to clue anyone these are not real human beings with all their Oars in the Water. The entire Corrupt-Crazy has been unraveling under the burden of its own inbred insanity for generations: if Kerry, Bush, Clinton and the dregs that have seeped like raw sewage into the bowels of DC is the best our nation can offer in the so-called "elite" of the "First Families" then they are a sorry bunch of Mother-Boffers indeed. I am sure I have scraped better dog-doodie than these losers off my shoes after a traipse through the local humane shelter.

What is MOST worrisome about this entire bunch of morons is that they were not elected by the American people: don't think for a  minute that any citizen who had half a brain in their head would ever have voted for such an obvious gaggle of vacuous nitwits and an unknown who dropped out of nowhere with no visible means of import like Barack Obama, and, as many a genteel southern lady would say, "But, Bless His Heart, but--who are his people?" No background whatsoever. No family, no ties. We knew nothing about him, and you had to wonder why?

It was deliberate, and they have played all of you liberals and bunny-huggers for the fools you are. You got sucked into a fuzzy-cotton-candy fantasy, and you deserved what you got. Flabby over-aged balding faggots in tutus shrieking in fury every time a Christian politely refuses to compromise their religious convictions; yet, the same flaming fairies will shriek outrage against the criminal conspiracy of the Zionist genocidists when Israel retaliates against Hamas suicide bombers who blow up a  school bus full of children.

Suck on this, mudpackers: From "Vultures' Picnic, Greg Palast," : March 12, 2010: "The CNN guys are saying that the huge earthquake and tsunami from the night before knocked out the plant's generators, the engines that pump water to keep the fuel from melting, but don't worry. They're lying, and what's sick is, they don't even know they're lying. First, the earthquake didn't take out those diesels. Second, the tsunami didn't take out those diesels. Third, you should worry. You should worry because every nuclear power plant in operation today, and the ones they want to build, all depend on this same emergency diesel emergency set-up to save your behind from a nuclear meltdown. Good luck."

"Here was the handwritten log kept by a senior official at the nuclear plant:
'Wiesel was very upset. He seemed very nervous. Very agitated. fact, the plant was riddled with problems that, that no way on earth could stand an earthquake. The team of engineers sent in to inspect found that most of these components could "completely and utterly fail" in an earthquake.'

Then there were the 'SQ' tests...'Seismic Qualifications". A nuclear plant that is seismically qualified won't melt down if it's shaken up, whether it's a force of nature or a few tokens of affection from the local goat-fuckers contingent. You can't operate a nuclear reactor in the USA or Europe without certified SQ. Supposedly.

This is what Greg Palast's investigation learned, however:

 Robert Weisel conducted the the standard seismic review, and flunked his company. Dick, his superior then ordered him to change it to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, so it would pass and they would not have to make expensive changes.  Dick didn't want to make him do this, but he was under the gun himself, acting on direct command from corporate chiefs. From the notebook:

Weisel was very upset. He seemed very nervous, very agitated. [He said] "I believe these are bad results and I believe it's reportable", and then he took the  volume of federal regulations from the shelf and went to section 50.55 (e) which describes reportable deficiencies at a nuclear plant, and [they] read the section together, with Weisel pointing to the appropriate paragraphs that federal law clearly required [them and the company] to report, the Category II, Seismic I deficiencies.

The company he worked for, Stone & Webster, built or designed about a third of the nuclear plants in the United States. Covered up with new names and re-designs, it now operates--as some other entity, no doubt.

The Fukishema quake, by the way, was no where near 9.0 when it struck the plant. The center was way out in the ocean. By the time the waves hit Tokyo Plant #2, they struck at 550 gals--galileos, a measurement of ground movements. The trouble was, the reactor was only designed to withstand 436 galileos. According to the company--and the NewYork Times, flagship of the Whore Media-- the earthquake exceeded the safety requirements by 20%.  The reactor was NOT supposed to be designed for 436 gals. Tokyo Electric KNEW 436 gals was NOT sufficient, and in buried old technical papers, had promised to bring the plant up to 600 gals--5 years previously!

TEPCO had played and flimflammed the regulators, and as a result, we have nuclear tunafish.

Considering that these same corporate asswipes are allowed to run around loose and play with money and peoples lives, perhaps copies of Greg's book might be strategically placed in mosques, goat yards and gay strip clubs near these radical camps. I do believe they would disband very quickly and haul their butts out of there, for fear their greatly-prized man-balls would begin glowing in the dark and give away their position to whatever hapless ovine they were creeping upon.

Not to belabour the point overtly, but this is precisely why there are such things as "Freedom of Speech" and "Other Points of View" and why they should be tolerated and Facebook and Twitter should not censor conservative viewpoints just because they might get negative feedback from the nitpickers union,

The Moron Contingent is what has allowed these predators and criminals to propagate and devour so much of humanity and earth;s resources, you dingbats. You have released the Kraken by muzzling the voices who warned you of their duplicies. YOU DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR US!!

You had best listen now; We spoke the truth, you see that all we have warned you about has come to pass, and all that Obama and your teachers promised you were lies and deceptions. Do yourself a favor: Forsake the Stupid and Heed the Real.