Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Is America Doomed?


by Chylene Ramsey

Alex Jones was on a very fine rant in one of his latest podcasts--one of his best. I could all but feel the froth flying through the podcast. There's ISIS terrorists lining up at the borders--Putin's getting ready to fling neutron bombs willy-nilly at anyone who approaches his line in the dirt he's marked on the Ukraine--Christians are being slaughtered and crucified in the Mideast by savages--Ebola!! Earthquakes! Mayhem and Madness!!!

There are times when I seriously consider sending him a few of my Zoloft. Then, I reason when he hits "Mach.Raving  and accelerating" only massive infusions of Thorazine would help. It is surely a wonder the top of his head hasn't blown off like my Aunt's pressure cooker did and sprayed liquefied bean goop all over the kitchen ceiling and walls and prompted her to emit the first and only naughty word I would ever hear her say in her entire life: "Oh, poop!!" 

"Poop" is about to hit the fan, my children. A whole big, fat mess of it. I do agree with Alex, how-some-ever.  This is the biggest and falsest of all false flags, methinks. ISIS is what Webster Tarpley said they were on his "World Crisis Radio" program weeks ago--paid mercenaries, bankrolled by the U.S., Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, France and who knows how many others of the global elite--or the "Fat Greedy Bastards" as I like to call them. 

This 'Ferguson' debacle was trumped up enormously, I think, a transparent attempt to drum up some serious civil action, akin to the 'Trayvon Martin' circus, or, better yet, the 'Rodney King' pageant. He was a fellow who was zonked out of his head on PCP, wildly careening down the highway at high speed (in his car), the police chasing him frantically before he killed somebody, when they finally pit him to a stop he roars out and tries to attack some civilians in another vehicle, a mother and some kids I believe it was, and it took several policemen  jumping on him and beating him with nightsticks to finally subdue him. Someone came up late on this, just saw the beating, didn't bother to find out what happened, I suppose and...next thing you know this whole entire LA neighborhood is rioting and burning. 

All this was documented, there were witnesses, but that was NOT what was shown on TV or what the media honked and ranted about. No, they all wanted to be media 'heroes', and that's why that LA neighborhood ended up in flames, and ultimately lost out because it never really recovered afterwards. The businesses that had been destroyed wouldn't rebuild, a lot more left and--you get the picture. 

They hurt themselves more than anyone else. Did the media who did all that lying to make themselves look good care? Nope. They got the money and the ratings for their false stories. Did the politicians care? Nope they gave big speeches and spoke pompously about 'public safety' and got their budgets hiked and their salaries raised. Everybody made out like bandits, but except for a few tokens tossed their way, the poor folks just rotted there for the next few generations. 

That's what 'Revolutions' are like, too. These "Fat Greedy Bastards" make them one of their favorite tricks also, when they want to overthrow a too-popular, democratic regime that won't let them come in an sell their dope and illicit merchandise there, or, when they want to take over a nation and steal everything that they can suck out of it.  They start a "Revolution". They rile up the people; they start dissension, disagreement. They stir up as much trouble as they can, divide the people. They convince certain  groups they are victimized, have had terrible wrongs to them and this group or that group is responsible and needs to pay--it is perfectly within 'the peoples'  rights to exact vengeance upon them! 

 They brand certain groups of people with derogatory labels, like 'oppressors'  'extremists', 'terrorists', 'right-wing fringe groups', 'racists', 'fundamentalists'.  They keep poking the proverbial sticks, until the entire nation is at the breaking point--and then there will be a call, and some kind of leader will emerge just when there is the greatest threat! VOILA!! Our hero! (Or, heroes). Grand slogans and songs will be invented and brave banners flown and all the weapons of destruction trotted out and they all go forth to commit destruction and decimation upon their foes!!! 

It doesn't matter whether they win or lose their "Revolution", they will have lost either way. The nation and much of the populace will be destroyed and devastated, and whatever the outcome, the nation will never be the same. The "Fat Greedy Bastards" will have won, however. They will have their own man in office, and either way, the populace and the entire nation will be firmly under their jackboots. Forever. There will never, ever be resistance again. Look at history--real history, not the horse manure they feed the general public, and you will see this is pretty much the way these so-called "people's" revolutions have ended up, and I have a suspicioning this is exactly what the "Fat Greedy Bastards" are planning for the U.S. They aren't very bright, you know, and they keep pulling the same tired old bullshit over and over again. They must have a S.O.P. they follow somewhere, all dog-eared and dirty, that they thumb through to find the proper scenario for all their little plots and false flags and other treacherous bullshit they pull. They probably have a section for "Major Clusterfucks" with sub-sections for "Goatfucks" and 2. "sub-section 2.a Major Sucks 2.b"  Minor Suckees". (That would be us.)

We are smarter than this, because if a broken-down old grandma with a penchant for crochet can figure this much out, I'm sure there's a lot of swinging di-er--fellows--with much more current and greater and far more extensive combat and strategy experience than I ever thought about  are probably way ahead of me. They are all probably thinking much the same thing. Only, they are all probably mad as hell and occupied at the present moment chewing holes in their floors and ripping rebar into little bitty pieces  just thinking about the BRASS MONKEY BALLS of these BASTARDS----I heartily concur. I simply lack sufficient testosterone to express my ire revved in adequate torque to accomplish such magnificent conniption-fits, regrettably. 

The time is definitely ripe for a Revolution, but arms would not be a good idea, I don't believe. Nor would pitchforks, torches, and copious amounts of tar and feathers, as frolicsome as that might be. "www.Freedomwatchusa.org" is a website by the man who started Judicial Watch; he is suing Obama for a number of things, mainly for funding Hamas and al-Qaeda. There are a lot of articles on his site detailing the outrages and omissions of justice this Poseur has committed, as well as his treasonous lackeys, McCain, Kerry, Hillary and cronies, and  includes the betrayal and murder of Seal Team 6. (No one will ever convince me otherwise). 

 There could be twitter blasts about any one of those articles, just to start the ball rolling, and plenty of e-mails, faxes and even irate phone calls to public officials replete with colorful military euphemisms when apropos. (Better yet, when not. It's more amusing.) If there is one thing your cowardly representatives in office fears, its losing his feed-bag by not being re-elected. We must let them know by deluging them with paper avalances of faxes, letters and even postcards of all the multitudinous failings of this administration that we are not happy about, and do it very quickly. E-mails and phone calls often don't get acknowledged; they can be ignored. Three hundred sacks of snail mail and postal workers shrieking and babbling for mercy cannot be. 

We will see many of our formerly complacent public servants shitting enough bricks to build thousands of those proverbial brick outhouses my Dad was always talking about. 

If you do not have the time to write, do not forget the greatest and most overlooked human resource in America: baby boomers. Many of us are retired, or on various disability pensions, and many of them languish with little they are able to do to pass the time. Very, very many of them are as furious as we are about this whole rotten situation, and are absolutely yearning to be able to do something--anything to stick it to those scoundrels and rapscallions. You might visit local assisted living facilities or nursing homes. Many of those folks are still quite spry and alert, even if they are wheelchair or confined to their beds.  That is exactly why the treatment of our elderly is such a national disgrace and yet another vast waste of human potential, by the way. They can call, write, and many of them have vast connections from their long and fruitful lives younger people haven't had near the time or opportunities to acquire. And, many, many have had extensive and very responsible careers with lifelong skills and  experience that will be of infinite value to any community or action group that wishes to organize some kind of 'citizen rights' action.  Their contacts alone would be invaluable. 

This is the kind of 'underground' revolution that the 'G.F.B.' cannot stop, root out or legislate against. How can they prevent anyone from writing letters to their representatives? They'd look like the morons they are. "Wise as serpents, gentle as doves" the Bible says. Think of it as making yourselves as difficult to pin down as a farmer trying to herd cats, perhaps. 

In the meantime, the word has to continue to get out that this government, its 'leaders and all its actions are illegal and totally unconstitutionl, and we must assert our rights and state dominions under the real and highest law of the land, the Constitution, not the ones a wannabee poseur keeps pulling out of his nether parts. I keep thinking of that story, I think it was by Rudyard Kipling? "The Man Who Would Be King." 

There is the Federal Reserve and the CFR--they are NOT Federal at all, indeed they are part of Great Britain, as a matter of fact, and from the studies I have done, and what a lot of people know, Great Britain, particularly the RIIA seem to have its nose in the middle of the stink of a lot of shit that goes on in the world. Not surprising to anyone who has read "The Anglo-American Establishment" by Carroll Quigly, or "Tragedy and Hope" by the same author. Or anything by Dr. John Coleman. They seem to be at the root of every foul tree that springs up, and I am wondering if we were to demand their arrest and trial for crimes against humanity, plus the auditing and repeal of the Federal Reserve, if that might bring all this pandemic pandemonium to a halt? Wiser heads than mine would have to mull that over, I do believe.

Alex surprised me, that he seemed to be trying to panic his audience, and I had to wonder what in the hell he was doing? This is the time for bravado and brave speeches--(though not the schmaltzy 'Hallmark Theatre' repertoire of Glenn Beck, mind you. I'm hypoglycemic as it is...) this is the time for calming fears and encouragement, not shrieking, "MY GOD MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEE!!!" 

Kind of reminds me of the last flight I took as a Reservist in the Air Force. We were in a C-130, which as a lot of you guys know are pretty tough old birds, but this one was having hydraulic problems, two of the engines were on fire, one had quit, and we had hit some real severe turbulence. The cargo hatch had already popped once and half our lunches had sucked out which pissed us off immensely, since they wouldn't feed us again because we were off-duty and heading home...the wings were flapping up and down, a lot more than what was normal, and I had just remarked to my husband that we'd better not both stay in. If this bird went down, our kids would be orphans and I'd be damned if I was going to leave my babies with his psycho-bitch mother....'That's not nice' he protested. 'Neither is she.' I retorted, shouting next to his ear. There was a newbie, who was looking REAL nervous in his web-seat, and after one particular LOOONG drop and jolt he said with a note of real panic in his voice, "Sgt Powers, don't we get a parachute? Where's the parachutes?" We all  stared at him. Sgt. Powers stared at him.  Sgt Power reached in his pocket and brought out a carefully folded snow-white hanky and handed it to him with a friendly smile. "There you go, son." He said, "You can have mine." 

There comes a time when even the best of preparations are a matter of too little, too late, and its time to trust in a Higher Power, and each other. This is when we "fish, or cut bait" as Attila-the-Dad used to say. We don't have time for petty differences, and we all must work together. It's obvious we've all gotten the Big Weenie; I wasn't being Cutsey-Poo when I named this site "Liars Unlimited".  There is simply no end of them in the world, or of their lies and deceptions, and we have yet to find out how many of them they have  to spring on us. 

 "Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord, "I will repay."  

Anyone who can cooperate or defend Obama or his corrupt and inept administration has to be looney-tunes, and needs my meds a lot more than I do.  Even I have enough sense to see total and complete evil coupled with rank incompetence, greed, and utter stupidity when I see it. It isn't that difficult to  spot, really. You just scrape away the black stuff and look at the rot inside. No, I was speaking of Hillary. Why?  

We are not beaten, nor will we ever be. Alex Jones spoke of   the Revelation; the world is in God's hands, and He will prevail. Recall  the scriptures :I've never known Him not to keep his word. Every prophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled, except for the ones concerning these very days we are living in, and they are being fulfilled before our very eyes. Don't worry, those of you who came in after the intermission--everything ends well, for those who know the Lord. We win, they don't, the world gets a new hairdo and makeover and everybody lives happily ever after. In between there, the blood from the winepress reaches the horses' bridles and they beat their swords into plowshares and learn war no more.

 I'm a speed reader, and that's all you get.

The Lord says, "You will find me when you seek me with all your heart."  I'd get busy if I were you. 

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