Monday, July 7, 2014

The East India Committee of Drug Pushers

"Human law is only law in virtue of its accordance with right and reason and this is manifest that it flows from eternal law.  And in so far as it deviated from right reason it is called unjust laws in such cases it is not law at all, but rather a species of violence."

His words describe very well the mockery that has been made of justice in our nation, and passed onto the hapless world by the brutal hammer of our military by 'presidents' acting under the auspices of a law known only to themselves and their nebulous masters.

Who ordered Bush to attack Iraq without any declaration of war, totally without Congressional or Constitutional authority? By what dispensation has Obama been permitted to ascend to such incredible heights of effrontery, throwing executive orders about with abandon, casually announcing an invasion nine days after its occurrence, without even a hint to Congress? How has our rights, freedoms, jobs, even our children, been snatched away from us with bewildering speed, and the government decidedly blase about the entire matter?

It has finally been discovered that world events are governed by a select and highly secretive group, one that has come to be known as "The Committee of 300". Dr. John Coleman has written extensively about this group, and has researched and studied them intensively for forty years. His discoveries are intensely disturbing, but explains a great many events and otherwise bewildering disasters that have happened both n the United States and the world throughout these last decades that were mystifying otherwise.

He reveals in his book of the same name that its organization and structure were based on the 'London Staplers' who eventually evolved into the East India Company (which was intimately linked to the Black nobility of Venice and Genoa)  and then became the British East India Company.

This secret society has acted in accordance with its own laws--since it has decided it is superior to all human (mortal) laws-disregarding or circumventing all others in its quest to make the United States a Socialist State whether we like it or not. Through its conquest, it will use America to force civilized nations into its loathsome 'New World Order', which will be a feudal society worse than any the dark ages could ever have conjured up. Witness the barest beginnings of their madness already, it the destruction of the US steel and shipbuilding industries, the loss of our agriculture and farming. Nuclear power plants have been made into horror shows and science fiction monstrosities.  No cheap, abundant power as long as the oil-robber barons demand their blood money--and oil wars.

The Reverend John Frerich declared that "individualism in the sense of American frontier days is anachronism. Today, we exist in a corporate society." A "corporate society" is just another name for what Lenin called "State Capitalism" and a corporate society  merely Socialism. (some called is "Fascism"), a short step away from Communism. Ironic, considering how many lives were lost and money wasted defending the world against Communism and "Making The World Safe For Democracy."  Viet Nam, Korea, the Cold War, etc., etc.--They were just kidding, I guess?

Dr. Coleman believes that Communism didn't originate with the Bolsheviks, but with left wing of the Hussites and the Anabaptists, and is therefore not a recent philosophy that began with Marx, Lenin, trotsky and the Bolsheviks, as we have all been led to believe. I am inclined to agree, as another author wrote that the Communist Manifesto was actually commissioned by one of the Rothschilds, who supplied the main ideas to Marx and Engels. 

It was an extremely violent organization, and its membership came from many occult groups, although its English and American adherents pretended to follow Christianity--like George Bush pretended to be a "born-again" Christian, and still has some people fooled. They had a hatred of the U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions as well. 

The common denominator that ran through the East India Company connecting it to the Black Nobility and the Levant Traders: their adoption of the Indian merchant banking system based on the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system and run by the Saint Simonite Socialists, together with the Indian Mercantile Finance upper class; its transport to England, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars and the Rothschild connection, the Anglo Boer War, WWI and the Russian (Bolshevik) Revolution and onwards: A determination to seize the assets and raw materials of nations had started with India, China and South Africa falling victim to the BEIC. (I suspect their later theories on eugenics had to do with justifying their constant rapine and plunder of these nations. They HAD to have SOME reason, or they'd look like absolute pikers, now wouldn't they?) 

The leaders of the BEIC soon showed an absolute hatred of Christianity, the Muslim religion--in fact, of ALL other religions except those which they claimed a "higher knowledge". It is no surprise that they have worked assiduously to pervert and degrade both of these religions, to a point where some versions of these have become absolute blasphemies and heresies of their original intentions. 

Destroying Christianity? Good luck!

In Dr. Coleman's studies of what the Illuminati had to say on the subject, he came across what Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian order stated:

"Behold our secret: If in order to destroy Christianity, all religion, we have pretended to have the sole true religion remember that the end justifies the means, and the wise ought to takes all the means to do good that the wicked take to do evil. This can be done in no other way but by secret associations, which will by degrees, and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the States, and make use of these means for this purpose, which the wicked use for attaining bare ends. The express aim of this order was to abolish Christianity, and overthrow all civil governments."  (Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776)

It is always amusing that evil men think they can destroy God by destroying religion; as a matter of fact, God prophesied in the Bible a thousand years before Christ was born these very times, and exactly what was going to happen to these very schemers and defiers of God. And, the later prophecies have been so accurate, that Christians amuse themselves by seeing which ones are being fulfilled. Evil is so tediously predictable. 

Of course, that is why the Bible and God have been so denigrated, and why prayer has been taken out of the schools; assuredly why all the silly blather about the 'separation of church and state' which has absolutely no constitutional background at all. These creatures are deathly afraid that their victims will discover the truth--exactly what the Bible says: "He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world." and rise up and promptly throw them all in the abyss where they belong. 

It's the same reason why America has been so viciously attacked; one only attacks what they fear, especially so diabolically and dishonestly. There hasn't been anything this 'Committee' of secret backstabbers, liars and hypocrites have done that has been out in the open or honest--seldom has it even been legal and aboveboard. One cannot make illegal laws, Obama-the-poseur.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt had married into the Delano family line, possessors of a huge fortune that was derived from the East India opium trade with China. The Delano dynasty began with Captain Joseph Clement Delano Sr. around 1828. (The Delano Family Photo Album, 1899).

The Committee Kills Finks

Jacob de Haas mentioned three hundred men were in control of world events, even to selecting the American president such as Woodrow Wilson and delegates who accompanied him to the League of Nations conference in Paris. He was assassinated for his trouble. This was a fate also suffered by Walter Rathenau, despite his great social  prominence and political power. 

On June 22, 1922, a scant two months after returning from Rappallo where he had scored a great diplomatic victory, Rathenau was shot dead as he was leaving his home in Berlin. He had previously warned that the "300" were in control of word events---this very well may have contributed to his untimely end. There is no doubt, Dr. Coleman says, that the murder was committed by British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) Agents. I see no reason to doubt him, since Dr. Coleman does have experience in that area,  considerable research abilities and resources most writers dare not dream of. 

Rathenau was in a position to know the inner secrets of the Committee of 300; he had served as head of the KRA economic war management from 1914-1915, and was also head of the giant Algemeine-Elektrititzitaets Gellellschaft (AEG) founded by his father Emile, succeeding to the company's chairmanship in 1915. He played a leading role in formulating the Third Supreme Command Military Industrial Complex led by Hindenburg and Ludendorff. Perhaps he thought these affiliations with the rich and powerful would protect him when he wrote an article for the Wiener Press that was published on December 24, 1921 from which the following is extracted:

"Only three hundred men, each of whom known all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of the State, which they find unreasonable."

Some of the sources of reference for the information Dr. Coleman cites include German-British dispatches arranged by Halford Mackinder:

My Three Revolutions, Morgan Philips Price;

The German Exchange Act in the Quarterly Journal of Economics vol xi 1897;

Prelude to Modern Europe, Sir Llewellyn Woodward;

Deutsche Wirtschallseit 1870, Gustav Stolper and Kurt Hauser;

The German Slump Politics and Economics 1924-1936, by Harold James and the ockhart Papers relating to the August 1918 attempted assassination of Lenin;

The Reconstruction of the International Monetary System; The Attempts of 1922 and 1933, Franck C. Heighton.

The Ultimate 'Power Trip'

No policy is formulated without the "Committee's" consent, just as it was in the days of the East India Company and its offspring, the British East India Company. The "Committee of 300" is the ultimate power group, composed of kings and queens, patriarchs and princes of the church and of the realm, princes of banking and politics, the descendants of Bogomils, Catharists, Manicheans and Paulicians of Asia Minor. Of these, the Savoyards of London were well represented, having been the very founders of the East India Company.

Gresham College, established by Sir Thomas Gresham came from these early beginnings; he was the agent for the London Mercer Company, many of whose members were on the board of the East India Company, and the Levant Company, the Venetian Black Nobility's sister company.

In the British Museum (where Dr. Coleman does a great deal of his research) is fund their lineage going back then forward to the Rockefeller-Standard Oil Empire of modern times. 

There is always a lot of co-operation between these members of the various branches; without the co-operation of the governments of the United States, Great Britain and Germany in bringing the Bolsheviks to power in Russia, the revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky could not have succeeded. 

Beginnings of the BEIC

It all started in 1600, when the East India Company received a charter from Queen Elizabeth I, which was followed in 1622 by royal assent of King James I, authorizing it to become a joint stock company. Then followed a period of 25 years, where the company established good relations and friendships with the princes of India, their businessmen and their bankers, and by 1625 they had learned the secrets of the banks which they enthused over in reports to the king. Later, the exact same corrupt banking practices were adopted by Holland, Britain and the United States.

In England and the United States, the fractional reserve banking was used to finance the first world war and every war thereafter. In 1661, King Charles II (Stuart) granted the East India Company the power to add to its charter the right to make peace or war with sovereign nations, an incredible event to be sure!! Here was a private company given the power to make war with sovereign nations at will!! The charter also granted full control over the Benares and Ganges opium poppy growing industry in India, and all revenues derived from it. And, not to be outdone, it gave the company total access to the political princes of India and their banking system based on lending out more money than they actually had. (I wonder if they included lessons on how to pay it all back? Obviously not..) 

By 1830 all of India was under the control of the East India Company, an incredible achievement, and a forerunner of the British "Grab-Everything-You-Can-Get" Mode of diplomacy, which seems to be embedded in their descendants DNA. 

In 1702, the East India Company was refurbished and became the United East India Company, and then the British East India Company. The system of operations and banking learned in India was adopted almost exactly by the Bank of England under Norman Montague and later by the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Old Families Make Up The "Committee"

The oldest families in England, Josiah Child, Thomas Papillon, Montague, Marlborough (Churchill), Russell and their cousins in the U.S. (especially the Warren Delano family) grew immensely wealthy off the opium trade, and were in a position to take virtual control of the world through an entity that only a select few knew as "the Committee of 300".

The Bolshevik Revolution was engineered out of England and the United States by these vastly wealthy manipulators of world events; it was not an independent movement as it is portrayed in school textbooks today. Lenin even admitted this in 1922. 

At the Eleventh Party Congress of the Communist Party, he was foolish enough to admit the party was being directed by "a huge bureaucratic machine." He died a few months later from what was suspected as a poison that imitates syphilis. 

The entire Bolshevik "Revolution" was financed entirely with money from Lord Alfred Milner and Kuhn Loeb acting as intermediaries for the Rockefellers through their puppet president, Woodrow Wilson.

The Rockefellers' affiliates acted in turn on instructions from the "300", and as we all now know, all they did was to set the stage with the USSR, the first experiment with a New World Order inside a One World Government, which ended when Gorbachev was" transferred "to the United States.

Transition to a Feudal Society

Dr. Coleman's Book, "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Political, Moral, Economic, Social and Religious Decline of the United States" was published in 2006; since that time, many of the predictions he made have come to pass, such as the destruction of the U.S. steel industry, machine tool industry, shipbuilding and industrial manufacturing in terms of the Post-Industrial Zero-Growth for a Feudal Society Plan.This was an assignment handed to Count Etienne Davignon of the Committe of 300 that led to the betrayal of the American middle class, the NAFTA and GATT treaty piracies--er, "treaties", and the coming of the World Trade Organization. These were the chosen instruments for the degradation and humiliation of the unique and historic American institution--the American Middle Class work force. It supported the U.S. internal market structure, and also the major part of the substantial moral and political fiber that made America the strong, forceful advocate for decency, freedom and free market entrepreneurship that had hopefuls from all over the world flocking to our shores, eager to escape their own nation's restrictive or corrosive policies.

It takes an utter lack of whatever composes a civilized nation to be able to force countries to deal in a substance so addictive it turns their populace into a nation of mindless zombies  and destroys its economies within decades. It debases itself even further when it blatantly destroys nations and commits genocides for the express purpose of plundering and looting that population's natural resources.

I cannot think of a term low and despicable enough for what Britain, in the form of the Committee of 300 and the Tavistock Institute, the Club of Rome, the Federal Reserve, and all their other subversive machinations--even the Beatles, for cripe's sake!--have done to America. And I have to ask myself, why?

What purpose on God's Green Earth does it serve to take the most powerful and productive nation on the planet, a nation with the most vigorous, hardworking workforce and greatest industry--and turn it into a wasteland that is trillions in debt and full of unemployed workers and illegal invaders??  It isn't economically sound, ethically or morally justifiable, or even particularly smart. It's downright insane, as a matter-of-fact. 

What possible rationale could the Committee have--other than being absolute dirt-bags, that is? 

Count Davignon was rewarded for his fine work, depriving hundreds of thousands of workers who lost their jobs forever by becoming the head of the Bilderberg Group, a position he no doubt enjoyed immensely, as it is an "open conspiracy against God and man," to quote H.G. Wells. I rather think he would like that sort of thing, having totally screwed the American worker over so heinously. Their goals include enslaving the majority of humans left on the earth  after wars, plagues and mass murder have eliminated the required number of  Bertrand Russell's "Useless Eaters".  Said "U.E.'s" will be determined by the Committee, of course. 

It is a conspiracy, but an "Open Conspiracy", and the upper-level parallel secret government of the United States operates right out in the open, and makes no secret about what it is and what it is aiming for. George Bush, who was little more than a mindless mouthpiece for the Committee, spoke several times about the "New World Order" while making sure he profited handsomely from the murders of thousands of American citizens in a false-flag atrocity he passed off as a "terrorist:" attack, just  like any good Nazi.

Not only did Obama not really kill Osama, he betrayed and murdered the Seal Team 6 that performed the raid--you don't really think that 'slip-of-the-tongue' Biden oh-so-innocently blurted forth at that convenient press conference was an accident? There was another one not long ago concerning a station chief...they do have a lo of those, and if they were truly accidents, you would think they would start stapling the offenders' lips shut as a warning to others. They don't, though, do they? 

So has a lot of other mouthpieces for the NWO. These monsters wear business suits, and work in the White House, in Congress, in Number 10 Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament; they are on the front pages of the newspapers and work in limousines on Wall Street and Capitol Hill. They all have the same thing in common: They think money and power ae far more valuable than you or I, and can't wait to get rid of the pesky inconvenience of all these filthy humans and return the earth to its pristine perfection where they can rule over their slaves and bask on top of their piles an d piles of accumulated loot for the eternity their cyborg-type  science will devise for them.

Never mind that H.W. Bush ordered the brutal slaying of thousands of Iraqi troops in a convoy of military vehicles traveling under the protection  of the Geneva Convention White Flag, on their way back to Iraq under pre-arranged rules of disengagement and withdrawal, entered into between Yevgeni Primakov acting for Iraq and General Norman Schwarzkopf,acting under the authority of the United States of America. To the horror of the Iraqi troops, instead of honoring their white flags, they were mowed down by American aircraft. In another part of the column, 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were buried alive when they fled their vehicles and took refuge in trenches they had recently occupied. General Schwarzkopf ordered up the U.S. bulldozers himself.  Where did they get their orders for one thing, and why in the name of all that's holy would they or the American soldiers in their charge ever do such a hideous atrocity??? This atrocity made My Lai look like a church picnic!!

The Committee of 300, of course.

For twelve years, this barbarian "president" and his successor practiced the utmost cruelty and savagery toward the innocent Iraqi people, bombing them from the air, killing them with depleted uranium munitions, starving them with a cruel boycott that prevented the Iraqi government from importing enough food and medicines to treat their sick and starving populace. What could Saddam Hussein have done to them that would have been any worse? They hanged Saddam Hussein with what amounted to lies and betrayals; The so-called "Allies" created a living hell in Iraq that has rivaled any kind of previous age of barbarism on this planet--save the treatment of the Falun Gong practitioners by the CPC--and what has been done to these offenders??  Nothing. Not a thing. 

The crime of the Iraqi people? They would not let their oil be stolen by Kuwait and the major Western oil companies. The model for the "war" in Iraq was the barbaric Anglo-Boer War of Genocide.

It's no wonder women who are being raped are not supposed to defend themselves. We're being fucked over all the time. Remember that ladies. At the next gang-bang, just "close your eyes and think of England."

You now know something of the truth; there is so much more. I urge you to delve more into these things. Dr. John Coleman's site is: He has monographs, articles and plenty of books, including the one I referred to here, "The Committee of 300."  He has one on the ""The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations" which I urge you to read, to discover just how intensely you have been manipulated and brainwashed in myriads of different manners that you are not even aware of, again from the diabolical masters of the Committee.  He also has a superb book about the Constitution, which has a long name I can never remember. t begins with, "What You Need to Know About the Constitution..."  and he also will tell you bluntly why Obama couldn't possibly have been a "constitutional professor". 

Another author is Webster Tarpley; his "Synthetic Terror: 9/11" is great reading, and he also has a radio show and  several YouTube videos, so does Dr. Coleman as a matter of fact. 

James Perloff is another author, his book, "The Truth is a Lonely Warrior" is also quite edifying, and he has some very good videos too.  and Mark Dice has several good books about the Illuminati. 

The creatures of these secret societies and the "Committee of 300" are diabolical; they have pounded us with crisis after crisis, and used all kinds of media with conflicting reports and deliberate falsehoods to further confuse and bewilder us until we are all numbed and in a state of permanent shock. Its not that people don't care about what is happening, they are in a state of sensory overload, and its been deliberately induced.

Plenty of distractions have been poured down upon them; drugs, alcohol, pornography, sports--it's no coincidence the stupid World Cup was all but fed to us intravenously--insipid celebrities thrown in our faces every time we try to check the weather or what is happening on the news; what the hell do I care if Kardashian whoever breaks a toenail?? What the frick is she anyway? Miley Cyrus is a dick receptacle. She makes my skin crawl. Why should I want to look at these losers?  How can anyone do anything when their strength and reason is being sapped away by garbage like this? 

Despair and hopelessness is drilled into you, without you realizing it; they want you discouraged and depressed, to give up hope and make other people's lives miserable. They want you as rotten and hateful as they are, and that's how you CAN defeat them. They can't handle hope and resistance; Bullies can only pick on victims, not conquerors.

They can't fight against the human spirit, and they can't fight against God. The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."  Every human has the spirit of God within him; they have tried to destroy that with all these carnal temptations and drugs. It's what we have to develop within ourselves if we are to defeat these  evil S.O.B.'s and their diabolical tricks. They are playing psy-ops and mind games, and there's only one defense against that: A strong and powerful spirit. Don't knock it; the Chinese have known about these things for thousands of years. That's why their medicine is so much better than ours, and why their civilization was so advanced and lasted so long until it was sabotaged by traitors in our own government and handed over to the commies. They've managed to destroy the whole country in less than 80 years. They're still one of Britain's best opium customers, though so that's why we have to play kissy-face with them, the rotten as--never mind.

It's also why the commies and all pagan and tyrannical regimes try to stamp out their people's hope, joy and independence--and their own Gods. In the Bible, it often tells of some despoiler coming in and destroying all the household gods, or the righteous Kings of Israel tearing down the Asteroth poles and burning down the groves and shattering the altars on the high places...all pagan worship sites. And, Hezekiah was confronted by a scornful official who mocked the Lord God right in front of him and all his people, and claimed that their god was going to  beat up his God, basically. These are not "progressives' by any means, the ones who are trying so assiduously to commandeer everything we have, were, or are. They are "REgressives", who want the earth and everyone and everything in it lunged back into their heydays of pagan idols and blood sacrifices, of the end of all civilization mankind has struggled to build with the guidance and help of the Lord God and the spirit that dwells within us all. Thousands and thousands of slow, painful and hard-won human morality and civilized mores are to be scrapped like so much excess baggage, and we are to return to paganism and the dark, ugly days of pre-Chrisitianity, where human sacrifices and infanticide was commonplace. Of course, considering the numbers of satanic 'covens' that abound, many of whom practice devilish 'rites', and the infestation of pedophile rings, pagan cults, and myriad other pre-culture abominations that abound in our "society", it is quite possible we have already arrived at the regressive genes just before the apes fled back into the trees in sheer horror. 

People, Quit weakening yourself, and weakening your nation as well. Every time you buy heroin or coke, you are making these bastards richer, and destroying yourself a little more. DON'T legalize drugs...its what these turds want. Then they know people--especially kids--will be spending ALL their time getting fucked up and there will be even MORE addicts. That's their whole goal, to make us an entire nations of slobbering, mindless zombies. 

I was at the park yesterday with my grandson, watching him play, and listening to some young people chattering away, and a young girl was griping that she was not going to be hired at a job she applied for because she was going to flunk the drug test--she couldn't afford the forty-dollar shampoo that would allow her to pass the hair-follicle test. And I had to bite my tongue to keep from explaining to her that it was a rotten shame, because here the frigging CIA and government made sure they got rich off all the drugs they got imported to the country to sell to kids like her, made sure they had plenty of access to them and reason to take the damn things, yet also made sure they wouldn't be able to get a job because they used their stupid products. Now, what kind of crap was that?? 

Make this sht LEGAL?? To destroy yourselves more??? Ever see a heroin addict after 5 years or so??? You don't want to. Make yourself stronger, not weaker. 

Attack of the Holy Water Fountains!!

The infiltration of the U.S, government is so thorough and complete, I do believe its a lost cause to ever try to redeem it through political means. A large vacuum over DC, or better yet, a whole battalion of exorcists armed with tankers of holy water, silver bullets and wreaths of garlic might do the trick. (Whips and chairs wouldn't hurt, either.) 

I heard that Obama has had the audacity to forbid the practice of Catholicism in the United States? That's laughable. He actually thinks by declaring something is illegal, he is banishing it out of existence? Uh--Barry? How are you going to enforce such a stupid "law" that is not a law because it is so blatantly idiotic it's like declaring thinking about pink elephants illegal????

 I knew he was demented, but I didn't known he was THAT nuts!  Hey, I think we all should dress like nuns and monks and go and throw rosaries at city hall. Let's send communion wafers through the mail to our favorite congressman!! Would that be considered a terrorist act? I've got a better one--let's have priests bless all the water fountains in the white house...they'll all be drinking Holy Water! Maybe Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will burst into flames!! 

(Gee, we should have thought of that back in 2008--maybe we would have been rid of Obama a lot sooner!!!)

It's obscene:
 The CIA destroys nations and economies with their blatant drug dealing and vicious meddling in the affairs of nations along with the U.N,'s vicious attack apes in NATO and their "Peacekeeping Forces", who have repeatedly been cited for their rape brigades, the Queen of England doesn't allow anyone to diss her buddies in the CPC because they are some of her best opium customers, despite their inhuman treatment of political and religious dissidents and their 500 billion a year trafficking in their barbarically-acquired harvested organs; we have one 'president' who buried 12,000 Iraqi soldiers alive, another who starved and poisoned hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children to death with sanctions and bombed their country back to the stone age without ever bothering to declare a legal war and lying about every reason for destroying their nation to begin  with; this after destroying several thousand of his own citizens and profiting immensely by it; another president slaughters hundreds of thousands of more women and children  without declaring war, and pits a wholesale war against his own citizens, and murders and betrays thousands of our nations own troops; we have a super-secret bunch of satanic overlords who push drugs, sec]x, pornogrpahy, pedophilia, violence and mind control on us--yet what does the media focus on to condemn, and who does Obama call 'America's Taliban?' Christians. I have yet to see Billy Graham chop anyone's head off on live TV like those Muslims did to David Pearl. No Christian organization has ever taken 3 Muslim boys and murdered them like those Hamas bastards did to those Israelis--and by the way, Holder stopped the indictment of the Muslim organizations that were supplying these assholes with funds, so you can be proud of yourself, you shit for brains.

How many times has a Christian raped a baby or thrown acid in a woman's face or ripped open a pregnant woman? THOSE are who Obama defends and cherishes and sends money to so they can kill and destroy ancient civilizations that have done nothing but piss off a bunch of moral reprobates. No, these are YOUR kind of savages, you hypocrites and vipers. They are your buddy-boys.

 YOU worry about cigarettes and Christian kids bringing a Bible to school. YOU worry about Americans having a gun to defend themselves against the drug cartels and gang lords that have been so graciously dumped into the nation to overwhelm and subvert the last core of any resistance to your absolute and total devouring of every single bit of decency, morality, love, light,  hope, joy and life on this planet. YOU have your reward. I have one more thing to say to you:


Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc (Photo credit: dbking)

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