"Moral Insanity" Is an archaic term, first used in the dawn of psyciatry to describe humans who did not seem to function morally as the rest of humanity did. We call them "psychopaths" these days, and they flourish and prosper in today's no-rules everything-for-profits society. They themselves have planned it that way.
I decided a long time ago that there aren't very many humans left in the government; the first time I saw Bill Clinton he gave me the heeby-jeebies. Bush is just plan psychotic.
I think of Hillary Clinton as a Harpy, one of those creatures from Greek myths that fly screeching from the treetops to rip men to pieces. I kind of think she's be pleased at that vision, the way she grinned and chortled when Qaddafi got slaughtered.
These aren't the kind of people who should be in charge of anything, much less the lives and fortunes of other human beings; I sometimes semi-joke that we need to march into Congress with tanks frilled with holy water and start spraying; the ones that don't burst into flames or melt, we keep.
Rockefeller's father was an evil old bastard, and so is he. He's been responsible for more deaths than Stalin and Mao put together, I would suspect. It takes a special kind of sheer negative moral vacuity to congratulate Mao Tse Tung on how well he's running the country--and it only cost a mere 60 million superfluous Useless Esters or so. Who needs em? They were only chinks, I bet he was thinking.
I hate to tell Him and Obama and all the rest of them, Rothschild and his bunch of goatfuckers included, but there are people eating out of garbage cans in New York City worth more to the world than the whole damn bunch of them put together.
Just, exactly, what have they done that has made the world worth living in? Nothing. Have they really accomplished anything that's going to make humanity better or the world a better place to live in? No, they have degraded humanity by their very existence, and look at China's disastrous ecological wasteland if you want to see what they intend for the rest of the world they haven't gotten to yet.
Why, then, are we allowing these sacks of moral turpitude, these textbook cases of criminal insanity and classic psychopaths, these creatures so intellectually and emotionally bankrupt that Nancy Pelosi actually had the unbelievable arrogance to demand an Arch Bishop not march in a walk supporting marriage??? SHE tells HER spiritual counselors what their moral responsibilities are??? This creature who lies like a dog and has the moral convictions of a Los Angeles smack dealer???? And the IQ of a snail????
She ought to try that with some of those terrorist groups she raises funds for. She'd know what those border patrol agents feel like, dodging boulders the size of watermelons bouncing off her pointed, empty skull.
They are deliberately destroying our nation. They don't give a flying shit about us, our families or how we are going to feed them or ourselves. Rockefeller, a textbook case of psychopathy if there ever was one, and his whole damn crew have been slowly killing the world for years. These are sick fucks, people. Look at Kissinger--he's a war criminal. and has indictments out on him from at least three different countries. So does Soros. Why are they still here??
Because every damn one of these bastards are war criminals, too. And those that are infiltrated into every nook and cranny of every conceivable orifice of the government make sure that only their fellow morally deficient sociopaths achieve any kind of power within their fields. So, they have voided their oaths of office and every right they ever had to claim any allegiance or respect from us. They HAVE earned the necessity of being declared criminally and psychologically incompetent, and hauled away to a looney- bin.
I vote for one of those "special" ones Rockefeller's buddy, Mao, built over in China to declare all the people who disagreed with his peculiar brand of moral insanity, insane. He'd lock them up, hook them up to car batteries and give 'em lobotomies. The Chinese government that took its lessons from our CIA and the Soviets, not a frolicsome combination, are still torturing and murdering harmless citizens in these places.
I vote for one of those "special" ones Rockefeller's buddy, Mao, built over in China to declare all the people who disagreed with his peculiar brand of moral insanity, insane. He'd lock them up, hook them up to car batteries and give 'em lobotomies. The Chinese government that took its lessons from our CIA and the Soviets, not a frolicsome combination, are still torturing and murdering harmless citizens in these places.
Hell, they are so devoid of normal human feelings they are totally devoid of basic common sense. They simply cannot grasp the reality that normal, sanely functioning humans do that if they treated people well, if they fed the poor and took care of the sick and refused to screw over the widows and orphans, if they allowed business people to keep nearly all their profits and encouraged everyone to work and prosper and build, they would have a vigorous, thriving happy nation. They would be richer, and the world wouldn't be a shithole right now.
They can't understand that, however, because they lack something vital: a soul.
They seem to skip right over the fact that's exactly what the United States was before they started screwing around with it and crammed the Federal Reserve down our throats despite the decades-long fight to keep it out of the US. The United States, and its economy has gone to shit ever since.
"Moral Insanity" seems to be a vital qualification for president; Barry surely didn't have another damn thing to recommend him. He's shown repeatedly what he was really bought and paid to accomplish. After Sandy, Obama stood for 5 minutes and got his picture taken with Sandy victims, and the media went apeshit, and made out like he had parted the waters of the Atlantic ocean and rained down manna from heaven for these unfortunates. What I saw was he jumped on a plane to spend Christmas in Hawaii soon thereafter, a vacation that cost the taxpayers something like 5 million bucks, while those same refugees had their Christmas dinners in their ravaged homes with no power or water, with whatever food they could get from donations. Needless to say, the whore media did NOT report on that. They, too, have shown what they are bought and paid for to accomplish.
Crimes against Humanity are genoicide....
Now, after massacring millions more innocent Iraqi women and children than Bush ever thought of, he is once again allowing an invasion of that much-beleaguered nation?? Let's just call him "Joe Jr." from now on, shall we?
60 Trillion In Debt!!! You expect us all to believe that? "Hey Joe Jr.!!! Who farted on the keyboard again??? " This figure has no meaning. It doesn't really exist. Want to see it vanish real fast? Demand the banishment of the Federal Reserve as being what it is: Totally unconstitutional, illegal and a foreign corporation, a vast scam perpetuated by the Rothschild-corporate cabal. Dump the entire deficit on them, as their own fraud and illegal ponzi scheme to impoverish the American people and destroy and conquer the United States of America with the help and assistance of the CFR, the TC and the corporatocracy. Demand the Foundations non-tax status be voided immediately, because it is obvious they have all participated in this diabolical and treasonous scheme, and demand their back taxes--retroactively!!!!! Ha! They would know what it feels like when the IMF reams out your nation, now wouldn't they????
They are all insane, people, and any psychiatrist who was truly ethical and courageous could tell you so. Start with Obama, and work your way down. If you find one that isn't a sociopath, psychopath or otherwise certifiable, he's probably slated for retirement. Or pushing a broom.
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