Saturday, May 24, 2014

Nuclear False Flag Averted by Recently Fired Admirals and Generals?


Let's get something straight:

Obama is NOT the president. He is NOT the Commander in Chief. He has NOT been appointed by special session of Congress. Even if he was, it would only be for 45 days and he would have NO authority over troops movements, war plans and certainly not to declare wa. We, the people have the authority to remove from office anyone that violates the constitution. We also have the power to remove the government itself if it is not following the Constitution. We do NOT belong to the UN. An agreement does not supercede the constitution: NO treaty or law does. The UN is unconstitutional, and Obama as security head is direct violation of his office and the Constitution. It was not legally ratified or passed, it is null and void. We do NOT belong to the UN. It is unconstitutional for our soldiers to be under the command of the UN, or wear their uniform. They do not have to obey them, and they should all give them a hearty FU and come home. That goes for ALL our boys--and ladies in ALL these illegal conflicts and wars that are being fought for the profit of the oligarchs. They don't have to die for this corrupt, screwed up bunch of freaks.

These are commies, my friends. They passed "socialist" back when they started snooping through our e-mails and intimately fondling businessmen on their way to Chicago. We have been thoroughly scammed, conned and buffaloed not only by this Poseur, but since FDR, who was a rabid socialist and did more to damage the Constitution than Hitler ever did, or Stalin for that matter. No, it's hard to believe, but the worst enemies of our nation and our freedom were the ones that sat right in the Oval Office; the ones we thought we had duly elected and should have been able to trust to defend them. That's commies for you--they are liars, cheats, thieves and murderers. That's what their ideology is all about and demands from them.

It's mystifying how any rational person would ever seriously consider such a 'philosophy', if such a disastrous theory could be said to be any such thing. It is nothing more than a formula for complete and utter destruction. And, that is exactly what has happened to each and every nation that has tried to implement this vicious and flawed travesty. It is what wiser and more rational men have always known: Man is not capable of creating his own Utopia, or saving himself from his carnal nature. It is as Dostoyevsky said: "Without God, nothing is forbidden." And one of the major tenets of communism is athiesm, along with amorality. You have only to look at the horrors wrought upon the Christians and members of the Falun Dafa qigong practice to discover how truly depraved and vile communists can lower themselves to. These creatures do not qualify as human, and neither do those in our government who advocate the ruthless and illegal wars on nations that have not declared wars on us, without any declaration of war, act of Congress, or even in one memorable case, any knowledge on our part until it was well under way! This is not only reprehensible, it is the height of sheer arrogance and stupidity on a legendary scale. I agree with Mr. Jones--these people ARE absolutely insane!

The Constitution makes it very clear: The Executive Branch has very LIMITED powers; it only has what we the people and Congress grants it. IF A AUTHORITY IS NOT STATED DIRECTLY IN THE CONSTITUTION, IT ISN'T GRANTED!!! There have been at least a half dozen Supreme Court judgements that have verified this again and again. The Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!!! NOT the Supreme Court! And if and when THEY violate the Constitution, as that dumb-ass did when she married the homoseaxual couple, they should be removed from the bench. Immediately! Any powers or authority not specifically granted to the poseur--er, president, or Congress BELONGS TO THE STATES and cannot be taken away from them!! Therefore, Obama's "Executive Orders" are null and void. So is the various "Departments" that have taken away authority from the State and Local governments. Like Health, Education, EPA, etc.

NOTE: OBAMA HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER ANY MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES!!! Also, the National Guard cannot be conscripted to fight in foreign wars--they must go on a voluntary basis ONLY! Since the Constitution was first drafted, the Militia was not to be conscripted for foreign wars, period. It was later relaxed to serving on a voluntary basis. And another thing: Congress has the authority to overturn ANY Supreme Court decision by a simple vote, with only a majority. No 2/3rds majority has ever been required. They can overturn any PRESIDENTIAL order or declaration as well. They can sit there and nullify all of Obummer's Executive orders from the time he first took office. They call nullify Obamacrap. Hey! Could they nullify his Inauguration???

You saw the video, people. Did you hear what they said? Two nukes are still missing. Where are they planning to deploy them? New York? California? Iraq? Your Aunt Sally's pansy patch? That'd tick her off royally, wouldn't it? They caught a missing B-52 (I believe it was) On it's way to the Middle East full of Nukes a while back--Cheney and his buddies at PNAC were responsible for that; they didn't approve of the then-president's "wimpy" stand on the Middle East, and so decided to go bomb the hell out of it, anyway. What happened to Cheney? Nothing. No more than when it was found his company, Halliburton was responsible---directly for the Gulf Oil spill. In fact, they rewarded him by giving him that nice, big contract in Iraq so he loot and pillage the government even more. What a scum-dog. That tells me he was working on the orders of a higher-up. I do believe Cheney acted on the orders of Obama on the Gulf Oil thing, sabotaging their underwater pipes with the faulty seals. You may have noticed at the time Obama didn't actually rush over and lend a hand, now, did he? That was another thing that didn't gt all the investigation it should have.

We cannot vote this problem out, people. It has infiltrated our entire government and society; the best we can do is take our authority back from the Executive Branch, and form a new government of our own, isolating Washington DC completely. I do believe it can be done, if all the states or at least a majority of them work together, and we all start weaning ourselves now off any dependency on the government. Number one, to shut down the Fed, or at least secede, demanding your state removes itself from the Federal Reserve system, and issue your own currency. I don't think there is anything illegal about that, but there are more than likely people who would know. What is there is Washington DC that we would need, anyway? Nothing. This is the way we could have a completely peaceful and total transfer of power without any kind of violence; Obama has to be nullified; he has no real authority, as I have mentioned. But he's still dangerous, because HE thinks he does, and his fawning minions thinks he does.

I don't advocate building yourself a bunker up in the Smokies, complete with razorwire, Rottweilers and claymore mines strewn about the perimeter. I do think we all need to make some contingency plans, for the commies have been working diligently for years now to ruin the economy and destroy the dollar, bringing us into a state of hyperinflation--like they did with germany and a lot of other countries, the pukes--and we had best be prepared. That is why I would think we all need to cut loose from the Fed and the government and print our own currency. Therefore, we are not liable for those trillions. We are not liable anyway, because whatever debt was implicit, was forced upon us by misrepresentation--we were never told the Fed's real origin, or that it was a foreign back, or that the money is basically worthless. It was deceit by omission, and renders whatever implied 'contract' we might have had with the Fed null and void. I would think, also, it would be helpful to join up with as many friends or neighbors as you can, and together, built your own community group. You can all do together what it would be difficult to do alone. Build a community garden, build solar heaters, or other type of alternative energy source, put together a food storehouse, poool together your labor and resources to get together supplies and maybe even start some kind of business together. These are suggestions, of course, but something to consider. Your group can then contact another, and so on. Information can be passed quite quickly this way, and should be practiced, in case there is a successful EMP attack, so you all won't be stranded.

I learned the hard way that once something or someone has betrayed your trust, they cannot ever be trusted again. No matter how earnestly they plead and promise, how sincerely they vow to change, it never will happen. Once a liar, always a liar. A snake only sheds its skin; it still stays a snake. Evil begets evil, and it is a heady elixir, and it is almost impossible for those so corrupted to ever really be free of that evil influence ever again. One betrayal, one lie, one careless slap, and I'm out the door--or they are. (Usually with a size 6 1/2 bootprint on their arse.) This goes triple for these deceitful creatures in this administration of liars, gangsters and thieves. They ALL lie, the ones they allow to speak to the public, like Nacy and Reid. They are obviously trying to goad us, push our buttons. Bummer is dying to show off his new killer kops, I guess. He will have to do without, I am afraid. They are totally unconstitutional as well; police belong under the control of the states--they are not a federal authority. HE certainly has neither the power or authority to organize, command or fund them. Where was Congress when all of this was happening? Sheesh, get some cojones, boys and girls!!

Much of this information I took from the most knowledgeable book by Dr. John Coleman, "What You Should Know About the United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights". He is an emminent scholar and historian, and writes many books and papers on subjects relating to the "Shadow Government" and secret societies and other such timely subjects. He also has videos on YouTube; You can purchase a few of his books for your Kindle reader on Amazon, but the lion's share are found on his website at:

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