New York Is The "City Of Humans"
I was entering the Port Jervis Library this afternoon, intending to go downstairs to the cellar computer rooms; a nice well-dressed elderly lady and her husband smiled sympathetically at my four-pronged cane---I'm having to walk home in the snow--and held open the doors to the library proper for me. I like to encourage compassion amongst the bourgeois, so I thanked them politely, and went in.
I headed towards the elevators for the basement, and lingered here and there, checking out interesting titles, and picked up one called, "The Humans of New York." I am not a city person by any means. Indeed, living 'Down South" for much of my life, particularly in Florida where a mortal insult is being called a "Damn NEW YORK Yankee" , I wasn't aware any resided there. New Yorkers seem to have similar feelings about us. At a friends's wake, one of his relatives intitmated I should "Get my ass back to Florida." I grinned and retorted "Hell, no, I ain't pissed off all th' dayum Yankees yit." Hopefully, it was all in Good Fun.
This book, however, a photographic essay from a photographer, Brandon Stanton, that has a blog called the "Humans of New York Project" also, was overwhelming, to say the least. I finally understood why Dick-the-Dick Cheney wants to land a nuke there, and NYC has been a major globalist target since Day One of its existence. It's why the towers fell, and why the idol-worshippers thought they could stick their gloating monument of triumph right there in our faces not two blocks from Ground Zero. It could even be why the liberal ditzoids, Cloward-Piven, made New York the first target of their ethnic extortion.
New York is a monument to the triumph of the human spirit over any effort to subjugate, mold, conquer, or control it. It is all about the individual, about true freedom and its expression. No matter what the morons, idiots, stupids, rich dickwads and functionally insane throw at New Yorkers, they simply roll with the punches and throw it right back.
It's no wonder they came down South and tried to tell us how to do everything. We probably drove them all nuts, and they couldn't understand the " Secret Linquistic Code of the Confederacy" either. You-all think we speak like a bunch of dumb-asses, but that's just to confuse the uninitiated. At home, every red-neck has the diction and vocabulary of an Oxford scholar. (Yep. Jest ask my Grandpa, the one who roped buffalos with Geronimo.)
The New World FAIL Lost New York Completely
New York City is a living, breathing affront to the "New World Fail". It belies all their plans and schemes, their Tavistock Institutes insidious programmings of our media and indoctrination of our children in the increasingly-useless public "education" propaganda factories. New York City is living proof they are dead-dog wrong about Everything, and all their confident schemes will come to nothing. New Yorkers have inadvertently stumbled upon the truth that the globalists never wanted humanity to know--that there is nothing stronger and more powerful than the human spirit, because it comes directly from God within us. Everything they are peddling is nothing more than the same old shit satanists have been trying to lure humanity with since time began, and pagans have eaten up like sausage biscuits at breakfast.
I HATE New York!!!!
I still hate New York, and wouldn't live there if somebody gave me a penthouse over that one scrap of decent lawn in the whole durn place. I just ain't no city person, and prefer having trees and rivers close by, the more the better. That's a personal choice, and now I have glimpsed something of the real heart and soul of New Yorkers, I think it's better that way. There are those born for forests, and those born for canyons of enormous glass-and-steel constructions from which pianos may fall at any minute and no beam of light ever penetrates onto the cold slabs of concrete below.
Those that can survive--and thrive--in such a place, are such indomitable and unquenchable monuments of human individuality and plain "cussedness" will outsurvive the cockroach. When New Yorkers are awakened to the true nefariousness of the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, and the rest of the vipers and hypocrites dwelling in their midst, and how much they have truly been responsible for the evils than have fallen upon them and the rest of this nation---never mind God. His vengence will have to settle for the scraps left over. No telling what a seven-foot tree-man, or a black Gandalf, complete with a money-eating dragon can accomplish once they "git thar back-hair riled up", folks.
Best yet, NEW York is like a microcosm (I hope that's the word, a distillation, a essence so to speak) opf America. All nationalities, all religions, all ideologies reside together under one humongous roof, in more or less perfect harmony--I understand why. In a very infrequent trips there, I note that New Yorkers run on sonar, like bats. they never look at each other or speak unless they absolutely have to. No one they don't care if you are wearing a business suit or a Bulgarian dwarf on your head. It's doubtful if anyone even notices. Yet, stop one, ask for help, and they are rivited with concern and profuse with advice. For the most part, with an occasional, "Get fucked" thrown in.
Best yet, NEW York is like a microcosm (I hope that's the word, a distillation, a essence so to speak) opf America. All nationalities, all religions, all ideologies reside together under one humongous roof, in more or less perfect harmony--I understand why. In a very infrequent trips there, I note that New Yorkers run on sonar, like bats. they never look at each other or speak unless they absolutely have to. No one they don't care if you are wearing a business suit or a Bulgarian dwarf on your head. It's doubtful if anyone even notices. Yet, stop one, ask for help, and they are rivited with concern and profuse with advice. For the most part, with an occasional, "Get fucked" thrown in.
This will give you a hint about the lies and deceits of the great fakers that are even now trying to ignore the fact they are way overdue for a good ass-kicking: